
Dawncast with the Contenders

The set of DawnCast was in full illumination as Dawn Cassidy sat in between a trio of strategically placed chairs that were occupied by the three men that will compete for the chance to become number one contender to current reigning jOlt Champion Eiji Kugasari in the main event of Wrestlecade. Dawn greeted each of her guests.
"Landon Stevens, Waymoth Turnbull, and Aran Thompson...I'm so glad to see the three of you tonight and thank you for taking the time to sit here with me and talk about your triple threat, anything goes match at Wrestlecade."
Aran, with his retired Relentless Championship drapped over his shoulder nodded as Waymoth Turnbull gruphed and Landon snarled as he took a drink of water from a glass that was resting near him.
"There isn't anything to discuss. Aran Thompson betrayed my trust and I simply want to take everything he has ever desired from him. First I made sure he wouldn't win the jOlt Championship back, then I took his precious Black Faction and now I get in his way once again and plan to stop him from even getting close to the jOlt Championship." Landon said matter-of-factly to Dawn who looked impressed by Landons courage to speak up to quickly.
Dawn turned her attention to Waymoth Turnbull whose massive frame could barely fit in his chair.
"Waymoth, you've wanted revenge on Aran and Landon for the better part of a year. You finally have a chance to exact that revenge and get a chance to become World Champion. Your thoughts on the matter?" Dawn asked Waymoth in a very professional and charming manner.
"It nah fi matta.."
Waymoth was cut off by Aran Thompson.
"I betrayed you?" Aran asked Landon sarcastically.
"I'm sure Dawn, Waymoth, and all the fans can plainly see that you betrayed me. I gave you everything and when you didn't get the gold you've been chasing you turned. I fought Eiji Kugasari for almost an hour and sure I lost. But Eiji is a man that deserved to be at that level, you shouldn't even be in here taping Waymoth’s wrists! ...Let alone getting a shot at the title."
Aran blurted out and Waymoth snarled at Aran, clearly not happy with his interrupting.
Landon smiled at Aran, brushing him off with a look of arrogance.
Dawn cast her gaze at both Landon and Aran and shook her head.
"Gentlemen, I think the floor was Waymoth’s. Waymoth...please continue."
Waymoth nodded at Dawn Cassidy and began again.
"It nah fi matta what prize yuh wan' offah!" Waymoth began but was quickly cut off by Landon.
Landon shouted out interrupting the West Indian Obsidian once again.
Landon stood up and stepped toward Aran who was now on the opposite side of the spectrum with a smile on his face staring a hole into Landon.
"You were a loser the moment I spoke to you. I've had you beat for months! Hell, I should of just sat back and watched as Omega eventually snapped your spine so I wouldn't have to be reminded of the scum that waltzed around this industry touting the fact that I was the one tha trained him."
Landon snarled, his eyes filled with rage, and Dawn stood up between him and Aran with her hands out. Landon, looked down at her and shook his head telling her without words to get out of his way.
Waymoth stood up and got in the face of Landon who stared back into Waymoths eyes, the two wouldn't budge and Aran started to slowly clap.
"You see Dawn. These two have other agendas. They have different motives for getting involved in my business. Landon is a greedy little child, who threw a tantrum because the big boys were getting all the attention. Hell, at least Waymoth took his beating and kept on coming. I have more respect for Waymoths drive to want to hurt me and cause me pain than I do for Landon who thinks that he deserves the world."
Aran stood up after finishing his small rant.
"A world that I made possible! FOR BOTH OF THEM! I'm the reason they are in this position, and they just want to continue to hate me. Fine! Let them hate me, but they're just going to hate me even more when I put one of them down with a kick to the skull and pin the other one and GET BACK MY TITLE!"
Aran shouted as Dawn quickly interrupted what began as a scuffle amongst the three men.
"WAIT!" Dawn shouted.
"You guys haven't heard? Damien added a stipulation. It's Anything Goes...Elimination Style."
Aran looked dumbfounded for a moment and took his eyes off his two opponents. Landon smiled as Waymoth turned his head and looked down at Dawn, and Landon took the chance to try and cheap shot Waymoth who blocked him and leveled Landon with a fist of his own. Landon slammed into his chair and fell backwards as Aran jumped backwards away from Waymoth who turned his head at Aran quickly and Aran had his hands in the air as if to say he wasn't doing anything.
Waymoth, the man who managed to keep his calm the best up until this point, turned his head and looked down at Dawn Cassidy as Aran stepped out of frame and Waymoth spoke.
"It nah fi matta what prize yuh wan' offah! As long as Ah finally geh mi chance to destroy Aran and Landon inna de process!"
The scene faded away as security came to check on Landon who clearly did not want them to even be near him and the massive Waymoth Turnbull staring him down as Aran stood in the background with a sly grin on his face.
