
Wrestlecade Flasback - 2003
'Impulse' Brian James(c) -vs- Ninja K
The song dies down as the buzz escalates. The arena instantly darkens and the buzz reaches a climax as on top of the stage opposite of the challenger movement is seen. An eruption equal to Ninja K’s explodes as the red strobe lights flash and Hoobastank performs Pieces from right in front of the X Vision. One side of the arena audibly chants “Impulse” repeatedly adding a harmony to Doug Robb’s vocals.
A wall of flame shoots up from behind the ramp and pulsates as suddenly the champion emerges from the pyre. A very different Brian Spaes from the recent past walks down the ramp, eyes locked with The Ronin. His dark black and red hair is in braids, terminating right before the red hair dye for the tips. Impulse’s typical black t-shirt is replaced by a sleeveless black leather ankle length trench coat. His World Championship is looped around his right shoulder and the usual theatrics and playing to the crowd are nonexistent. The gaze is unnerving as the flashbulbs continue to light up the crowd as Impulse Brian James enters the ring and walks over to the corner and simply stands on the second turnbuckle and raises his hands. Pieces concludes as IBJ finishes and walks center ring, eye to eye with his old friend.
The “Impulse” chants seemingly echo now with the other half of the arena chanting “Ninja K” and the two stare at each other as the opening introductions begin with William Bell standing in between the two.
Bell: “Ladies and Gentlemen, spectators here in Miami and spanning the globe, this is the marquee bout of the evening. This match is sanctioned under the X Wrestling charter and the stipulations are as followed. This match has no time limit and is for the X Wrestling Championship of the World! The decision will be rendered by pinfall, submission, knockout, referee’s decision, and disqualification or via count out. The World Championship may only change hands, however, by pinfall, submission, knockout or referee’s decision. Now the competitors tonight…”
Ninja K and Impulse take their respective corners and await introduction.
Bell: “First, standing at the corner to my left. The challenger and number one contender to the World Championship….twice holder of the Cruiserweight Championship, once holder of the Intercontinental Championship, four times the holder of the Hardcore Championship, twice holder of the United States Championship, thrice holder of the Tag Team Championship and the 2001 King of the Cage…Hailing from Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan…Standing at 6 foot 3 inches and weighing at 236 pounds…A living legend in X Wrestling and a member of the Hall of Fame…The Midnight Assassin…The Athletic Freak of Nature … The Ronin… NINJA K, KENSHIRO INOGAMI!”
The crowd explodes and the “Ninja K” chants get even larger. Kenshiro stares deeper into Brian’s eyes.
Bell: “And standing at the corner to my right. The champion….previous holder of the Cruiserweight Championship, Winner of Xtreme Violence 2002 and twice and current holder of the Championship of the World…Hailing from Fort Worth, Texas, USA …Also standing at 6 foot 3 inches and weighing in at 230 pounds…. He is a member of the X Wrestling Hall of Fame and is a paragon of the future of wrestling…The Insane Acrobat….The Cowtown Conquistador…The Vindicator…The Sexiest Biatch Alive…The Firestarter….Ladies and Gentlemen, The Champion…IMPULSE BRIAN JAMES!”
The crowd explodes again as the “Impulse” side chants. Brian nods as William Bell leaves the ring. Senior official Jon Massie stands between the two and IBJ hands Massie his World Championship.
Massie: “The rules are the same as stated in the locker room. Do you understand, Kenshiro?
Kenshiro nods.
Massie: “Do you understand Brian?”
IBJ: “Yes.”
Massie: “Then go to your corners and let’s fight!”
Ninja K walks over to his corner and tests the ropes while IBJ takes off his trench coat and hands it to a ring attendant. The bell is rung thrice and the match is underway.
Wallace: “After all the months, matches and turmoil, the road to Wrestlecade IV ends here with Ninja K versus Impulse Brian James in a match that had been in a year in the making.”
Hartman: “Yeah, wasn’t this supposed to happen at like, Wired?”
Wallace: “Yes. Their series stands at a stale mate, 3 all, going into this match.”
The two circle each other, intently looking for a flinch, a spasm, a break, just something that they could exploit. Ninja K circles in a Ninjitsu stance while Impulse hunkers down in an untypical shoot wrestling stance. The intensity builds as the roar of the crowd amplifies the nerves, the courage and the brashness of the two. IBJ eventually gets tired of the child’s play and moves and Inogami does the same, and the two lock up in a neck and collar lock and muscle each other across the ring. Ninja K shoves Impulse Brian James into the ropes and in turn, James turns Ninja and pushes him into the turnbuckle. Massie sees this and tries to pull IBJ off of Ninja K and then starts his count.
No need for anymore, Impulse breaks the hold and jumps back into a Tae Kwon Do stance and smirks, beckoning his nemesis to fight. Ninja K nods and steps forward into a similar stance. Ninja K throws a left body blow which Impulse sidesteps and attempts a high snap kick that Ninja K blocks. As Kenshiro blocks, he spins around and sidekicks James hard in the stomach, knocking the air out of him and putting him to the mat. Massie looks at the prone champion and starts counting.
Brian stands back up and gives Ninja K a look of early anger. Ninja K anticipates a charge and monkey flips IBJ to the mat. Standing, “The Ronin” moonsaults and upon impact hooks a leg.
One…Impulse shifts his weight and reverses the pin.
One…Ninja K kicks out and both men get up.
Wallace: “I think it was much too early for Impulse to use martial arts, as Ninja K has more of a mastery of this than James.”
Hartman: “Yeah, though I bet I could take ‘em down in a martial arts match.”
Wallace: “You are truly ignorant, are you?”
Hartman: “Yes my aunt Inga is doing quite well…”
IBJ ties up Ninja K and places him in an arm lock, wrenching the wrist of the challenger. Inogami is struggling, attempting to reach for the head of “The Cowtown Conquistador.” He grabs the head and jumps up for a snap mare and executes. In midair, IBJ flips over and hits an Ace Crusher instead! The Impulse side of the crowd jumps onto their feet and hit the roof with cheers. Brian James now drags Ninja K to the ropes and goes to the apron. Standing to the crowd, IBJ grabs the ropes and then moonsaults over the ropes, but Ninja K gets the legs up! Both sides of the arena are now up, one side cheers for IBJ to get back onto his feet and the other trying to build momentum for Ninja K. Both men climb to their feet and start to circle each other again. They tie up and Kenshiro snakes around and hits the Gemini Suplex! After the release, Ninja K seeing the prone Impulse near the corner and goes for the win.
The Firestarter’s fans breathe a sigh of relief as Impulse Brian James grabs the bottom rope with his left arm. Seizing the opportunity, James hooks Ninja K’s head in a scissors and takes both arms to wrench the right arm of his opponent. The stretch takes its toll on Ninja K as each time he tries to hit IBJ with his other arm, IBJ tightens the grip. Coming to his senses, Ninja K stops punching and reaches for the rope. He gets closer with each reach; however, Brian James tightens the vise grip with each waking moment. With one final lunge, Ninja K gets the bottom rope! Massie starts to count to break up IBJ’s hold.
Brian lets go right before five. The two men climb to their feet and the first signs of fatigue set in as both IBJ and Ninja K start to breathe heavily. The crowd starts to cheer as a sign of respect for the two competitors. Seizing the moment, Ninja K runs right at Impulse Brian James, leaps into the air and turns a shooting star press and kicks the champion in the jaw as he is full inverted. The Ronin lands and The Vindicator hits the mat hard and starts to bleed from the mouth.
Jeff Hartman: Check that man for guide wires!
Jack Wallace: I am sorry, but this isn’t an action movie. I believe Ninja K just took a page out of IBJ’s playbook with that Shooting Star Kick.
Jeff Hartman: …well it could be a movie…
“NINJA K! NINJA K! NINJA K!” The Ninja K contingent erupts as he seizes the opportunity and goes for the pinfall.
Kick out. Inogami pulls up James and hits a knife edge chop. IBJ regains his bearings and returns with a chop. The two start to alternate chops and stalemate until Impulse kicks Ninja K in the stomach and goes for it.
The Firestarter.
Or so he thinks, as in mid-air, Ninja K hits Impulse in the face, throwing him off balance. The Firestarter drops down as Ninja K tilts backwards and hits a devastating high angle neck breaker!
Brian James stumbles to his feet and wipes off the blood onto his wrist and smudges it onto his pants. James grabs the Midnight Assassin and tosses him to the nearby corner and sets his adversary up for a move that has not been seen in a while.
Without the usually pumping of the fists or the pageantry, Impulse Brian James leaps onto the top rope and springboards off with the picture perfect reverse spinning heel kick to the lower skull of Ninja K. IBJ hits the floor mats hard, though his victim flies into the ring and hits the mat with a worse thud. Jon Massie peers over the top rope and begins the ten count.
“..ninja k..”
“…Ninja K…”
“…NINJA K!...”
And the champion slides in right before he loses the match while the challenger remains prone. Rather inflect more damage; Impulse goes for a simple one leg pin.
Crowd: “ONE!...TWO!...AH!”
Hartman: “Geez, you’d think that you saw your first pair of boobs or something.”
Wallace: “At least I’ve seen female genitals.”
Hartman: “Oh so mean!”
The now bloodied Ninja K is first to his feet and pulls his opponent to his feet and ties him up. IBJ, in desperation, Irish whips Kenshiro Inogami into the turnbuckle. Impulse sets the prone Ronin on the turnbuckle, facing the crowd. IBJ mounts the turnbuckles and calls his move.
Brian James now hooks Kenshiro Inogami in a full nelson and takes a breath, preparing for this maneuver. In one fluid motion, Brian James jumps off the turnbuckle and throws Ninja K over his shoulders for the German suplex and the two shake the ring in impact. The arena explodes then suddenly goes quiet in anticipation. Summoning all his strength, the champion crawls over to the challenger and drapes his arm over his shoulder for the certain win.
Ninja K someway, somehow, got his shoulder up!
IBJ sits up, slowly and brushes his hand through the tangled mass of blood and braids in disbelief.
I can’t believe this…everything I throw at him, he kicks out…
Ninja K looks at the lights and pulls it together.
…must…gain strength for one last fight….
Unexpectedly, Ninja K kips up and Impulse Brian James stands as well. Panting and clearly exhausted, the two stand, staring at each other.
The whole arena acknowledges the spectacle put before them as the two warriors stare at each other, looking for the next move, when Ninja K seizes the moment and pulls a move from the play book of one Brian Spaes.
La Mariposa
Impulse is stumbling while from the back flip, Ninja lands on the top rope and leaps off with a tornado DDT and lays out the champion. Ninja K goes for the win!
Massie shakes his head as before the hand hit the mat for a final time, Impulse’s leg was on the bottom rope. Kenshiro Inogami crawls to his feet and takes the nearly knocked out Brian Spaes with him. Kenshiro whips Impulse into the turnbuckle, and Impulse lands hard and doesn’t move. Ninja moves over and seats The Firestarter on the top turnbuckle. Ninja steps out, climbs and butterflies James' arms from behind before rolling off his back, completing a Super Vertabreaker from the top rope, completely the Osaka Driver! Impulse Brian James is unconscious as slowly Ninja K crawls over to IBJ and falls over his body in fatigue.
The whole arena, Ninja K fans and Impulse Brian James fans alike jump to their feet and cheer.
For the match
For the organization
For the competitors
For the new champion
Jon Massie pulls up Ninja K and raises his arm and the world title. Kenshiro Inogami lets go and helps his friend, Brian Spaes to his feet and the two hug and James, in an act of respect, sportsmanship and friendship, lifts up Kenshiro’s arm and points to him.
After nearly 3 years, Kenshiro Inogami has done it.
Ninja K is champion.
Jack Wallace - Ladies and gentlemen.... this was it.. .this was Wrestlecade and from all of us here in X Wrestling... we thank you... and good night.
