
Sipping Tea on the Streets of Seattle
We open up to the streets of Seattle, Washington. There's a nice small streetside cafe where "Dragonfly" Amber Ryann and Donny Layne sat, enjoying a cup of Earl Grey. As the busy streets continued to flourish with people going about their daily lives, Donny Layne took a sip of his tea and placed the cup back on its saucer.
Donny: "First off.. thank you for taking me up on my invitation to conduct this interview... off the record, why did you choose this place over any other place?"
Ryann: "I like tea."
Donny: "That's it? I guess that's a simple straight-forward question with a simple straight-forward answer. So I guess while we're enjoying our tea, can I get your thoughts on your match at Wrestlecade where you will take on Sarah Winterton for the jOlt Starlet Championship?"
Ryann: "Well, it'll be a tough match, but I think I have the edge."
Donny: "Would you care to elaborate on that?"
Ryann: "It's pretty simple. I don't like her. I don't like what she did to Charlotte.. so I'm going to fix that problem at Wrestlecade."
Ryann, hiding behind her sunglasses shook her foot as her legs were crossed. She then reached for her cup and took another sip of tea. Her short, yet brief, answers and her mannerisms shows that she's not really experienced with these kind of interviews.
Donny: "Well then.. do you have a gameplan going into Wrestlecade?"
Ryann: "Mine is the same as any other's. To win."
Donny: "Well, we know you have the tools to do so. You've been one of the more impressive starlets on the roster in quite some time. You have highly unorthodox moves that really take the opposition off their game, but I have to wonder... where do you come up with the names of these moves you do?"
Ryann: "I pull them from interests in my life."
Donny: "Like the Mega Man X Wall Jump, for example... how did you come up with that?"
At that point, Ryann cracked a smile. She pulled off her sunglasses and laid them on the table. She then leaned on the table with her elbows, grinning the entire time. Her voice became a bit raspy with excitement as she was about to give Donny an answer he didn't expect.
Ryann: "Well you see, in 1993, Capcom developed this game called Mega Man X... it wasn't a sequel to the classic series, but a completely different storyline and series all together. The main character is this android named X who could think and make his own decisions like a human who was buried by Dr. Light and then discovered by Dr. Cain. He unearthed the capsule he was sealed in and activated him... studied him and started producing replicated androids.. or Reploids, of X. One day a virus broke out which was from Zero, which we find out is the final creation of Dr. Wily...and these robots start turning Maverick, right? So like.. X has to go hunt down the mavericks which is really sad when you think about it because it's like a father hunting down and murdering his own children. But by the by... X has these super cool abilities and one of them is to jump off of walls by simply kicking off of them.. the original Mega Man couldn't do that because he's a retard, but X.. he's WAY more cooler than classic Mega Man so he can totally do all that.. so when I saw X kick off of walls it completely blew my fragile mind back then.. so when I started wrestling I knew I wanted to be Mega Man X in some way so I just started jumping off of ropes the same way that Mega Man X jumps off of walls and it totally worked and it kicked all kinds of ass!"
Donny just sat there wide-eyed. He took a moment to determine what just happened and decided to test the waters again with another question.
Donny: "Interesting.. so.. what about the Hadoken?"
Ryann: "Mega Man X does that too!! You have to like.. beat all 8 mavericks.. get all 4 sub tanks, get all 4 armor pieces and then see the life capsule at the very end of Armored Armadillo's stage a total of five times and on the fifth time if your life is full, a hidden capsule appears with Dr. Light in a Ryu costume and he gives you the Hadoken which can kill every single thing in the game in one hit except for final Sigma because final Sigma is just too much of a BAMF to even bother with Hadokens... but Capcom put that in there as an easter egg to their other game Street Fighter II where this guy named Ryu who is a shodo just like Ken and Gen and Dan and Sakura.. and well like a BILLION other friggin clones and he did the Hadoken which is quarter circle forward and any punch button.. of course if you play online you always runing to QFC Fags who just sit and spam 'Dokens all day 'erry day and you just want to leap up and scream like a 10 year old playing Halo on Xbox Live... but essentially it's just a double palm thrust and even though I don't shoot a fireball.. and if I totally could that would be the coolest thing EVER.. but it stings like you were hit by one! It's just so amazing to do."
Donny: "I see.. but what about your finisher.. which video game did that come from?"
Ryann: "Game? GAME!? Oh no no no... that didn't come from no Video Game.. that came from an Anime... you see there's like this show that's getting remade later this year called Fate/stay night and it's all about this quest to obtain the Holy Grail so like these spirits of famous warriors like King Arthur and Lancelot and Alexander the Great and whatever all come back, but they're not called by their names.. they're just like Rider, Archer, Lancer, etc.. and you have to figure out who they are and such... but anyway.. they all get into this war over the grail.. but they have human masters with command seals on their body.. three seals to be exact and they can use them to force them into doing stuff but when they run out, they lose the contract with the sacred spirit so they need to find a way to keep at least one seal, win the war, and claim the grail which can grant any wish they want so I thought it would be cool to do a little play on words and name my finisher after the show!"
Donny: "I see.. well.. will any of this play a factor into your match with Sarah Winterton at Wrestlecade?"
Ryann noticed that Layne was done talking about things that interested her so she kind of frowned and sat back in her chair. She grabbed the sunglasses off the table and put them back on.
Ryann: "Yeah, I guess.. I mean, I'm going to hit her with these moves and stuff.. so yeah."
Donny just sat there for a moment.
Donny: "Well then.. thanks for the tea and the interview.. I'm just going to .. uhm... yeah.. bye."
Ryann: "BYE-CHI~"
Donny walked away a bit wide-eyed as Ryann took another sip of her tea in the background. The scene faded to black.
