
Wrestlecade Press Conference
A gathering of wrestling journalistic pundits were on hand before the elaborate staging area. A set of tables were set together and covered with a Wrestlecade laden Gold, Black & Silver tarp to unify them. The lulling murmur of the reporting assembly soon cranked up as event security were seen entering the sectioned off press area from the right. Peeling off to their assigned sentry areas, the sleek reflective Obsidian biker helmets identified the Crimson Elite following suit. Eight of them assumed their assigned posts before the vast promotional backdrop as Mamoru was the first member of the Inogami Clan to climb the podium stairs. Heido & Takeshi trailed him and were soon seated in order. Kenshiro Inogami and jOlt Heavyweight Champion, Eiji Kugasari were the last of the clan hierarchy to enter the room before being seated. An infrequent collage of camera flashes were seen as the lead security coordinator was whispering a few things into the elder statesman’s ear that warranted a subtle nod before conveying the message inaudibly to his fellow clan officers. A set of female ninja twins were captured as a part of the crimson & onyx parade before being followed by an unfamiliar ninja with more size & musculature definition. The 3 additions assumed their place upright before the suspended backdrop.
Takeshi donned a predominantly Obsidian Men’s kimono with Inogami Clan colors while ingesting a healthy swig of water as Heido’s kimono beared the hues of Onyx, Crimson & Pearl. Slowly, he removed his tattered coolie hat and entrusted it to the care of the passing event security before readjusting his seat. Mamoru was wearing a Onyx custom made suit with a complementary Pearl tie. An unmasked Kenshiro was smoothing out his Blood Red Tie that complimented his custom made Onyx Suit as Eiji was wearing a Black & Red WiziKorea Printed Long Sleeve shirt with matching Washed Black Pants & a pair of Yeswalkers. Sweeping the Blood Red tinted bangs from his brow, Eiji looked to his left as Kenshiro was heard clearing his throat. From the right, more noise was cued up by the assembly as Greg Davis was seen entering the room. Dressed in a Black Suit & Golden Tie, the Golden One was openly acknowledging the public for several moments before taking his seat. The well traveled veteran took his seat before nodding to himself after ingesting a long sip of water. Wringing both hands, Mamoru was seen scanning the crowd before Donny Layne approached the podium to formally address the press.
Layne: Good Afternoon, everyone. I say welcome to all of our numerous wrestling journal news affiliates. Thank you all for your attendance here especially from our Internet news & overseas journalists on hand here from Ocean 1. Our international comrades from different sections of the world are most appreciated here with your amassed contributions to this industry and abroad. On the behaves of our COO Damien Lee and jOlt Wrestling Entertainment, we proudly present the Wrestlecade Xperience Press conference. Actually, one of many that commemorate this epic event for both the fans and workers alike so without further adieu, we currently have reserved the time for members of the Inogami Clan to engage the public with a Q & A session. The 3 men are eager to engage you all and given Takeshi’s condition, we have a sign language translator to properly address all inquiries so if you gentlemen are ready, let’s get this underway.”
Hands went up. All hungry with inquiries with all 3 clan officers casually scanning the crowd before Mamoru pointed toward a member of the Wrestling Grizzy press staff.
Cam Haley: Good Morning. I’m Cam Haley reporting from the Wrestling Grizzy and my 1st question will be addressed to both members of the Crimson Order. Why is it that neither one of you are slated to compete at Wrestlecade? I have been given the final schedule, as have most have been this morning and none of your names are on it.”
Heido nodded to himself as Takeshi’s shoulders raised & lowered in short order before the question was addressed.
“We are not able to participate in this year’s epic event due to a mutual agreement among ourselves and clan peers.” Heido opened. “Takeshi & I unfortunately have not lived up to our high standards that we have mutually set for ourselves so that is why we are not allowed to participate in an active capacity. Granted, we are displeased in many ways. However, this adds even more incentive to train twice as hard in all that we do as both teammates and individually. The Tag Team division is among the most competitive in our limited time in this industry and we can ill afford to take the competition lightly as he had in this past year. We allowed our combined arrogance & prime time inexperience to place us in this position. We have accepted our punishment and aspire to earn our places as not only credible contenders in this division yet quite possibly, this promotion’s champions. However, this is one of many goals that we must work together to accomplish as both representatives of our clan and for ourselves.”
Cam Haley: “And my 2nd question is to address Takeshi. Given you are among the few wrestlers in history who are practically mute like fWo superstar Deacon, what difficulties to you encounter with your condition and what adjustments must be made in order to function fluidly as both a singles & tag team competitor? In your own words?”
The Mute Mountain Splitter cleared his throat before motioning the assigned sign translator over before opting to communicate via signing.
Translator: “He says it is never without its share of challenges. In tag team competition, body language & being active listeners are very important yet there is a deep chemistry that is greater than both that they share. A sense of higher symmetry and awareness that makes all things possible as a pairing. The superstar you mentioned gave me the motivation to pursue this calling. By his example, what we often set as limitations for ourselves are virtually meaningless.”
“Thank you.” Cam replied while taking his seat. Another parade of hands petitioned to be addressed yet Mamoru trained his focus on a nubile female who was beaming at the opportunity to speak. A respectful hush was granted.
Female: “Good Morning.”
Assembly: “Good Morning.”
Female: “My name is Carla Davison from West Seattle High School; reporting for The Chinook...”
A growing applause would resonate throughout the assembly with the Inogami Clan nodding respectfully with notable smiles before she was allotted time to continue.
Carla Davison: “Thank you. I want address my question to both Greg Davis & Kenshiro Inogami.”
“Lay it on me, kid.” Davis replied to the sheepish youth.
“The public wishes to get your honest thoughts on both your opponent and the match itself.” Carla left open for Davis to respond.
Davis: Well this is an important match for myself. Wrestlecade is an important event and when you put those to elements together, you end up with something special. That something special is Greg Davis vs Ninja K. I could sit here and talk about my accolades and talk about Ninja K's, but the fact of the matter is we are two very accomplished veterans and this clash is going to be something the fans are going to remember for years to come.
Kenshiro was overheard clearing his throat in preparation of his rebuttal.
“Given my years in this business, I have had the pleasure and opportunity to participate in a number of illustrious events similar to this one. fWo’s CyberSlam. 21st Century Wrestling Titania. Immortals. However, it is here. At this event, Wrestlecade where I have firmly cemented my place in this industry.” Kenshiro continued. “As for my opponent, this was inevitable. I pride myself as a very intuitive individual and upon receiving word upon the discussion, my intuition gave me all the confirmation that I would ever need.”
“As for my opponent, I expect for him to arrive into this event. Inside that ring. Expecting objectives that mirror mine. An unrelenting will to win. High expectations for ourselves and each other. Contributing to a performance of our very lives. No championships. No interference. Nothing to stand between us but space and opportunity. Each of us expect to etch out our own legacies with a victory.” Kenshiro continued. “However, I shall reserve all further comments and reservations to be conveyed and answered within and beyond our anticipated encounter.”
“Thank you.” The young reporter as she properly reclaimed her seat. Another parade of hands rose yet one was singled out by Layne. An African American writer was seen standing erect in being addressed.
Man: “Good Morning. Damien Thomas. Suplex Illustrated.” The man opened. “My Question is for the champ.”
The Blood Raven set his focus onto the inquiring reporter as both Kenshiro and Heido were ingesting water before resetting their respective caps. Damien rubbed his index finger across the bridge of his nose briefly before speaking.
“With you being the youngest world champion and defending the championship at this promotion’s biggest pay-per-view, can you describe the pressure and expectations of this being both first for you?” Thomas concluded as the camera adjusted its focus onto the ninja lieutenant who draped the championship across the table before him. A muffled sigh is heard welling in his throat briefly before speaking.
“There isn’t much that I don’t think about.” The Blood Raven replied. “The exceeding demands of the schedule. Public appearances. The numerous responsibilities and demands of this promotion’s champion are great in number and with its share of challenges yet this is what I have been groomed for. Thanks are due in part of my clan, its leadership and others outside of our ranks. The groupies are ’very nice distractions’ for the most part...”
A lingering volley of laughter resonated as Eiji recollected himself.
“However, it is all too easy to become enamored by the pomp and stance offered by this grand event.” Eiji continued. “Lord Kenshiro often teaches many lessons learned from this event with hours of footage and stories. It is expressions and experiences he and others share that make this event all the more motivating. Respectfully, there has always been a sense of envy. Even now yet it will be a matter of days before I earn the right to submit my personal contribution into wrestling history. Both diamonds and coals are created by one commonality: Pressure. Granted, I am my harshest critic, I must remain mindful as to how I push myself as both a proud representative of my clan and this promotion’s champion. Millions of eyes will be watching. Both supporters and detractors alike yet I know that I am ready. I am ready.”
Thomas: “Thanks, Champ.”
Eiji nodded in kind as another hand was singled out with a female of Latin descent dressed in Blue and White.
Lady: “Good Morning, Gentlemen.”
All: “Good Morning.”
Lady: “Isabella Almeda. Shooting Star Press News.” She continued. “My question is reserved for Mr. Greg Davis.”
Davis: “Yes, ma’am.”
Isabella: “With all due respect, it has been several years since we have last seen you actively in a wrestling ring and given the magnitude of both this event and opponent; what has led to the absence and sudden return into the spotlight?”
Davis: The itch. Everyone gets it and once it's there it will not be scratched until you return to active competition. Wrestlecade is something apart of my history and when I heard it was coming back and that jOlt was looking to reach out to talent to help bolster this card, I couldn't say no. So here I am back in action and against an opponent that I've never hard the pleasure of facing, but always wanted to. It's one of those moments where the stars aligned and everything fell into place.
Alameda: “Thank you, Mr. Davis.”
Hands were back up for several moments until another one was singled out, leaving a man of Japanese descent to offer an inquiry.
Man: “Konnichiwa” The man opened with those of his native tongue responded in kind. “Asato Kimaru of EWZine News. My question is for the Kenshiro Inogami.”
Kenshiro lowered his eyes as a seemingly reluctant display of readiness for the inquiry.
“My question is in regards of the recent request for answers from the Internet Community. A particular sect of the Internet Wrestling Community have brought interests in regards of the proposed match up between Xin Xin Xiong. Aptly renown as ’X3 of fans Wrestling Organization fame in this year’s ’Dream Match’.”
The clambering rose before several press officials urged the republic to simmer down for the press representative to continue.
Kimaru: “With all due respect to Mr. Greg Davis and his earned credentials ans accolades withstanding, the inquiry has been addressed to Mr. Inogami as in years past, during and long after your stint and departure of the fWo, there have been numerous rumblings concerning the reasons as to why that match has been cancelled?”
Greg was seen readjusting the lapels of his suit jacket while briefly leaning back before setting his focus on the stoic expression radiating from the Athletic Freak of Nature. Unmoved while opening his eyes sternly toward the Japanese pundit.
“I remember such rumblings.” Kenshiro opened. “There are many questions that shall be formally addressed long after the Xtreme Wrestling Dream Match in this year’s Wrestlecade. In respects of my opponent, I shall not allow neither you nor the fringe dissidents of the social media to tarnish this historic moment in any way.”
“Now, as much as a notoriously tenuous relationship that remains between myself and noted affiliates of the press, I am no stranger to such inquires. Especially throughout the road here to this grand venue. Emails and numerous forms of correspondence have been read and set aside in order to formally and publically address such an encounter, my focus remains solely on this esteemed moment in this promotion’s history.” The ninja continued. “However, I whole heartily overstand your aims and ambitions in presenting such inquiries in such a fashion. You are the same individual that I was court ordered to pay a substantial fine in order to compensate your pain & suffering, not to mention medical expense.”
The journalist’s visage drew tight.
“If you don’t mind me asking.” The ninja continued. “How is your collarbone? It would appear that your ribs have healed nicely but I digress.”
The ongoing murmurs ascended gradually as the spiteful journalist was eased by an aid into his seat. Donny Layne and other press mediators urged the masses to enhance their calm.
“Now. In regards of that individual in question, that match was and still remains anticipated.” The Inogami Clan general continued. “Outside of a number of promotional contractual disparagements & miscellaneous differences, the challenge, long after Wrestlecade, remains open. In spite of your irreprehensible misrepresentation of your esteemed publication, you owe both my opponent. This promotion and its champion. Every media affiliate present and myself a formal apology for your inept brand of journalism.”
The Japanaese native shot to his feet only to be abruptly surrounded and escorted out by the event security. 2 members of the Crimson Elite hovered nearby while the adamant journalist was forcibly escorted out. The entire assembly continued clambering for several moments before Donny Layne tapped the mic several times to regain order. Mamoru & Kenshiro were inaudibly exchanging words as Greg Davis stroked his chin, snorted and inaudibly conversed with the nearby press mediation staff.
Layne: “Ladies & Gentlemen....Wow...that was a pretty spirited moment, huh?”
A subtle round of amusement was had as Layne continued.
“Alright, due to time constraints, we have time for one more question and that individual will be Miss Tangela Walker of Efed Guerilla Radio. Tangela. Go ahead.”
The sculpted African American press representative was heard clearing her throat before addressing the panel.
“Yes. Yes. Good morning, gentlemen.” The young woman opened with a respectful response. “My question is opened for every individual competing at Wrestlecade; on Day 1, in the aftermath of the pay-per-view...what will everyone not just be talking about but will remember in your own respective ways. Starting with the World Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Eiji Kugasari.”
Every man took a moment to fully ingest the question before Eiji calmly leaned in forward to respond.
“I see a proud representative, of both clan affiliation and Japanese decent, entering one of the brightest stages in this industry’s history, both determined and destined to make it, walk into the unknown as champion. Regardless of the identity of my opponent, that will challenge me r this glorious prize, we will all see The Blood Raven walk out...as still your jOlt World Heavyweight Champion.” The ninja lieutenant replied while leaning back and running his hand along the belt’s pewter surface.
A few hands would applause along with the supportive nods from his clan brethen, the young champion casually looked out into the audience.
“The Main Event will host an expedition of 2 of this promotion’s finest.” Eiji continued. “No disrespect to neither man here for in earning this belt, I anticipated the possibility of defending this belt against either one of them or even those whom are not at this table. However, I am nowhere near ready to see this belt leave my grasp. I worked too hard and learned a great deal in order to both contend for and wear this belt. Whoever my opponent may be in the wake of the No. 1 Contender’s Match, I expect a fight. I literally pray for a war to be waged for this as this is the top spot. Anyone seeking admission into this nor any promotion’s ranks must aspire to contend for this spot. Otherwise, I question your existence here, much less, anywhere in this industry or affiliation. Period.”
Eiji leaned back away from the mic in order to allow both his senior officer and the opposition to further contemplate their final words.
“Day 1.” Kenshiro began. “I see a great deal of anticipation in the dawning of a new year in this promotion. I foresee 2 legends, having left everything inside that ring before a sea of both the loyal and renewed believers in this company and those amongst its talented ranks. I envision the proper passing of a torch and hand of one generation’s finest being raised in victory...bearing the hues of Crimson. Pearl & Onyx.”
A subtle chuckle & smirk broadened across the visage of Greg Davis as Kenshiro trained his eyes toward his direction while lurching forward slightly against the table. Fingers interlocked calmly.
“I am honored and humbled that I have been selected as the opponent of fellow X Wrestling alum and cruiserweight legend. His merits are without question. His contributions command respect and adulation. However, I believe that in the end of an epic encounter, there can only be one. There will only be one and I expect victory to not just be earned but mine for the ages. Wrestlecade is my time to apply another piece of wrestling lore to my mantle. I see nothing less.”
The clambering returned briefly before Greg Davis was heard ingesting some air before clearing his throat and prepping to say his piece.
Davis: I thank you for your praise, Kenshiro, but I didn't step out of retirement to be a one trick pony that is here to bolster your career. I'm here to win as well and if you think that just because I have a bit of ring rust on me that I'm going to walk into a match where you're guaranteed victory, then you have another thing coming. I see this as a chance to respark my career and if you don't think I won't stop at nothing to bring the golden days back to professional wrestling, I'm sorry to say that you've already lost. Come next Sunday... at Wrestlecade... I will not only participate in my personal dream match.. I will also win it.. THAT is a promise that's as good as gold!
The audience was ready, amidst the air of wavering professionalism as Jolt CEO Damien Lee was seen commandeering the lead podium.
“Thank you Ladies & Gentlemen.” Lee opened warmly. "As you can see, spirits are already starting to soar high as we get closer to Wrestlecade. I hope it's a testament to the things that are to come in just seven days.. live on Pay-Per-View. We thank you for your time, your attendance, and your questions. There will be a private question and answer session for reporters in fifteen minutes in the backstage lounge. Please feel free to join us as we will answer any addition public relations questions, strictly for media purposes, there."
The assembly was alive with pictures flashing as both Greg Davis and Kenshiro Inogami stood to their feet and set themselves nose to nose for several photo ops for the press’s leisure. Both men respectfully shook hands before stepping aside to allow Eiji Kugasari to assume some commanding photos before the media with the championship. Jolt brass and affiliates slowly swarmed the stage as Eiji was seen clasping forearms of Greg Davis before the entire Inogami Clan was seen paying their humble respects to the returning legend. Damien Lee stood before the Inogami Clan elder statesman before shaking hands and inaudibly conversing as the fleeting moments of the press conference concluded.
