
Last Man Standing

The scene faded in on a simple set, the Wrestlecade backdrop in the background, two wooden chairs at the center of the room and a small end table separating the two. Seated in one of the chairs was the man who had grown to become the voice of Jolt Wrestling, Donny Layne, seated across from him was none other than the Jolt Champion, “The Anti-Star” Jesse Ramey.
A calming jazz music played in the background as the cameras adjusted properly to bring both men into the view of the camera.
“Jesse, thank you for being here with us this evening,” Layne began, “I know things haven’t been easy for you here in Jolt since winning the Heavyweight Championship, but you seem to be keeping busy.”
“Idle hands are the play thing of the devil.” Jesse smirked, “Maybe the spotlight being cast on me as the champion now is the biggest reason it looks like I’m doing so much though Donny. I haven’t really stepped up my game, the popularity has stepped up, I’m still doing the same thing I’ve always done, and just the lines are a little longer now than they used to be.”
“I will have to admit that during the time that we worked together I would have to say that you are probably one of the hardest and most passionate workers I’ve seen in this industry.” Donny acknowledged.
“I appreciate that,” Jesse said as he leaned forward, “but I’ve never done any of it for the glory or the rewards that it could possibly bring. I’m happy with the rewards the work I’ve put in has finally produced and I think the past five years are probably the highlight of my career thus far, and we’re not stopping yet.”
“No, and I believe every word of that as well, but I didn’t ask you here this evening to really sit down and shoot the breeze asking you questions about your career.” Donny paused, “Earlier today we received a letter from the man known as Citizen, with a few demands and a prize, if you will.”
Donny pulled the letter from the inside of his vest, unfolded it, and looked it over.
“And I quote,” Donny began, “Wrestlecade. Last Man Standing. Your Wife.”
The entire room fell into silence, until finally the champion broke through, “I think those are pretty simple demands and it doesn’t matter what the stipulations are walking into Wrestlecade, I’m going to put a beating on Citizen, so I accept.”
“You don’t want to think about the ramifications that going into that kind of match with Citizen could bring first?” Donny questioned.
“Quite frankly, I don’t give a damn.” Jesse quipped, “I think the only person who should be thinking about the outcome of all of this is Citizen. He thinks he is getting the upper hand on me by asking that this match be a Last Man Standing match, but he’s not thinking about what kind of hell he’s going to have to endure in that kind of match to try and pry the Jolt Heavyweight Championship from around my cold dead fingers.”
“Honestly, he’s just helped me secure the fact that now I can beat him within an inch of his life and not risk losing the championship in the process.” Ramey paused, “As long as my wife is delivered to me before the end of the night without a hair being misplaced on her head, then he’s got his match. Are we done here?”
“Yes,” Donny started, “that’s all we had to offer, but just think about what you’re doing.”
The Anti-Star stood from his seat, “Sometimes thinking is what gets us in the most trouble, Donny. Sometimes we just have to dive head long first into that black abyss and hope for the best.”
Ramey unlatched the microphone from his button down shirt, and exited the scene. Donny Layne continued to sit in his chair thinking about the words the champion had just left him with as the smooth jazz sounds filled the stage once more and the scene faded out.
