
Gabriel Gold vs Jack Dawn
The Hype stars were receiving more and more opportunities with the coming of jOlt’s biggest show, Wrestlecade, just mere days away. With rumors swirling about that several more members of The Hype set to be promoted to the main roster, two of The Hype’s top stars were in action right now. It would be the flashy and fun-loving “Mister Magic” Jack Dawn renewing an old grudge with a man that he had many battles with – the talented and outspoken Gabriel Gold.
“The following contest is a Countdown: Wrestecade Exclusive match and this is scheduled for one fall!”
“Golden Dawn” by Gospel.
The music played and the majority of the crowd that followed The Hype outright booed the wrestling purist known as Gabriel Gold. He stepped out from the back and took a kneeling stance on the stage to survey both the crowd and the ring.
“First, making his way to the ring from Tampa, Florida, weighing in at 212 pounds… this is GABRIEL GOLD!”
A golden hue washed over the crowd in waves, swirling about as he walked towards the ring. He headed towards the ring and leaped to the second turnbuckle and sneered at the crowd before simply stepping over the ropes to climb inside. Gold waved a hand and had a microphone with him as his music quietly faded and the house lights in the jOlt Arena returned to normal.
“An opportunity… no, a… yeah, I’m going to say it so deal with it because you idiots only deserve bad puns… A GOLDEN opportunity to showcase my talents here now!”
The crowd groaned and then booed at his stupid pun, but he didn’t care what the fans thought.
“There have been many rumors of people being promoted from The Hype to the main roster after Wrestlecade and I’m here to address those rumors now… with me, you don’t NEED anybody else. All jOlt Wrestling needs is one true Golden Boy to carry this brand; not some blonde, muscle-bound prima donna like Mack Brody calling himself gold, but a REAL star! An actual WRESTLER at the top of a WRESTING promotion! I’ve been involved in this business for well over a decade and I’m tired of a festering stinkhole like The Hype trying to hold me down! You don’t bench your best players, you don’t keep Babe Ruth from hitting home runs, you don’t tell Manny Pacquiao how hard he can knock someone’s lights out and most importantly, you don’t keep ME… a former LoC Flyweight Champion… down at the bottom.”
More booing filled the arena, but that didn’t stop Gold from continuing his diatribe.
“My opponent tonight is somebody that I allied with once when that idiot, Shayne Anderson, tried to drive me out of The Hype with his stupid little X Age experiment. You know him as quote-unquote “Picture Perfect” Jack Dawn; a simpleton that’s too busy flashing stupid pictures and fixing his hair instead of doing what counts… WRESTLING. Get out here, Dawn, so I can show these people first-hand that I BELONG at the top! You may not know it now, but you will know it soon… NONE of you are as Good… as… Gold!”
Gold stood back and waited for his opponent…
“Magic” by B.o.B. feat. Rivers Cuomo.
The lights started to flash again, but this was a brand new theme… not the usual one that he was sporting on The Hype. Instead, the arena flashed with several bright shining lights of various colors and smoke began to fill the stage…
And out from the back came two lovely twin ladies, each with blonde hair, blue eyes, and sparkling blue sequined skirts. The lights continued to shine brightly and flashed again and as a box appeared on stage. Both ladies opened either side of the door…
“And his opponent, making his way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, being accompanied by Bobbi and Breezy… weighing in at 244 pounds… this is “MISTER MAGIC” JACK DAWN!”
The handsome and chiseled man called Jack Dawn stepped out and the crowd cheered for the showy antics. Dawn took a kiss from both of the girls and smirked proudly, wearing a top hat and a cape along with golden and black-themed attire! Like Gold did, Dawn also had a microphone in hand and motioned for his music to cut as he stood on top of the stage! He was about to talk, but the crowd was pretty enamored with the entrance.
“Thank you, thank you!” Dawn said to the crowd before turning to Gold. “Hey, hey, hey, playboy, let me stop you from talking these people into an early grave, m’kay?” Dawn spoke. “You’re gonna come out here, drop some horrible puns and with the word “gold” in them and say *I* deserved to have my ass kicked? Well, allow me a retort my friend…”
Dawn approached the ring with a big smirk on his face.
“Kicking YOUR ass tonight is going to provide me the… wait for it…. Wait for it…” He stopped and pointed to the crowd. “FOR MY FIRST TRICK… I’m gonna come down to that ring and beat your little gold hair dye #5 ass!”
The crowd had a laugh while Gold didn’t look amused.
“Dance, puppets, dance,” Gold quipped, dryly. “And… and you’re a MAGICIAN now? SERIOUSLY?”
“Hey… magic touch… oh, I guess I had another pun in me!”
And more laughs from the fans as Bobbi and Breezy clapped. Gabriel Gold shook his head in disgust.
“Look, whatever… Selfie-taker, magician, you can come out here and be the wrestling Pope for all I care… I’ve beaten you so many times now, Dawn, I’m starting to lose count. Now let’s get this over with, shall we?”
“An encore performance from me kicking YOUR ass the last time we fought? I can grant that! Ladies…”
Dawn walked arm-in-arm with Bobbi and Breezy before heading towards the ring. The ladies took his hat and cape before Dawn stepped up to the ropes and jumped over the ropes.
The fighting words were said as junior official “Double R” Rick Robertson called for the bell…
The two locked up at the bell and the bigger Dawn had the advantage when he moved Gold into the corner with a lock-up. Mister Magic had the Golden Boy of jOlt in his grip when referee Double R told him to back away out of the corner.
“Get him of! Get him off!” Gold shouted.
Dawn reluctantly let go; he and Gold had been constant rivals on The Hype and with rumors abound that a few more would be promoted to the main roster, a big win tonight would go a long way towards that. Dawn backed off out of the corner when Gabriel rushed at to try for a cheap shot. Jack Dawn caught him and THREW him over with a Hip Toss!
The Golden Boy tried to jump him, but this wasn’t Dawn’s first day on the job and he wasn’t going to fall for any shit. When the Wrestling Elitist tried to get back to his feet, Dawn grabbed him and dropped him with a hard Back Elbow to the face before running off the ropes to deliver an Elbow Drop to the chest! When Gold was on the ground hurting, Jack ran off the ropes and came back with a Leaping Knee Drop to the chest! Dawn rolled over to the corner and hooked the leg.
Mister Magic almost got Gold right there, but he was a tenacious one all right. Dawn had the crowd behind him as he pulled Gabriel up to his feet to deliver a hard pair of Open-handed Chops to the chest! The crowd let out a couple of “WHOO!” sounds as Dawn pushed him back and launched him across the ring. He was ready to launch another attack when Gold hooked the ropes and slinked away to the floor!
The Golden Boy wasn’t looking so golden right now as he stomped around on the floor, looking pissed off that Dawn had his number for the moment. Gold was stumbling around the outside freaking out for a second when Dawn crawled outside the ring and went underneath it.
Gold returned to the ring and looked around, trying to find Dawn, but the sneaky magician climbed out and hushed the crowd. He headed back inside the ring right behind Gold and when he turned…
He caught Gold with a surprise Dropkick to the jaw and went for the cover again!
His shoulder went up, but Bobbi and Breezy continued to cheer on their charge as he got back up. He tried to pull Gold up by the head, but Gold stopped him with a quick kick to the head followed by a hard Swinging Neckbreaker! It was a great counter-maneuver by the technical specialist as he drove him down hard. After grabbing his chest and making sure his heart was in his place, Gold got back up and delivered kicks to the head.
“This is MY ring! Not yours!” Gold shouted.
The Golden Boy of jOlt continued to drill him in the head with a series of boots as he tried to get a hand up to defend himself, but Gold wasn’t letting him go anywhere. The Golden Boy of jOlt continued putting the boots to him before pulling the scrambled Dawn back to his feet. He shoved him to the ropes and tried to whip him, but Jack put the brakes on and put a boot to his chest. Dawn was back up and ran off the ropes, but Gold caught him with a Drop Toe Hold that dropped the bigger man neck-first on the top rope. Gabriel ran off the ropes and came back, connecting with a STIFF Running Dropkick to the back of his head! The crowd gasped from the impact of the blow as Dawn sunk to the mat while Gold stood back up.
Gold continued to scream in Dawn’s ear before he rolled over and went for a cover.
Dawn’s shoulder went up, but Gabriel wasn’t through delivering punishment to his long-time rival on The Hype. He grabbed Jack by the head as he tried to sit up and tried to go for some sort of a Bulldog, but Dawn had enough strength to push him into the corner, sending him crashing hard. Gold recovered just as Dawn ran off the ropes and caught him with a hard Clothesline that nearly turned him inside out!
Mister Magic took a second to cradle the back of his head in pain after having it nearly kicked out by Gabriel before he turned his attention towards Gabriel. He charged back up and took him down with a second Clothesline that knocked him for a loop! The crowd was getting behind Dawn picked him up and launched him to one side of the ropes. Dawn ran to the opposite side and came back with a Jumping Shoulder Tackle with tremendous force behind it!
Mister Magic had some fancy moves of his own and Dawn was back in control of the match again as the crowd cheered. He scrambled over to the fallen Gold and rolled him over onto his back to try for a cover.
Gabriel kicked out and tried to crawl away from Dawn again, but Mr. Mister Magic wasn’t about to let him go so easily. Dawn elbowed him twice and Irish Whipped Gabriel across the ring as the fans rallied behind the up-and-comer that DIDN’T act like a douchenozzle to them before the match. Dawn charged and had a Stinger Splash in mind when Gabriel side-stepped it! Dawn caught himself on the second rope, but Gold had the chance to leap off the second rope adjacent and catch him with an Inside Springboard Dropkick that sent him crashing all the way the floor!
Gold landed back in the ring and held up his hands, soaking in jeers from the crowd as Dawn tried to recover from his vicious crash landing. The Golden Boy rolled out of the ring and grabbed Dawn by his arm before dragging him over and SLAMMING it down right into the steel steps! The Lovely Assistants were both gasping in shock while Gold shot them both a look.
"I give you both four out of ten..." Gold quipped.
The girls both looked offended while Gold went back on the attack. He now zeroed in on the arm and delivered a succession of shots to the arm and elbow joint specifically; Gold had a submission finisher that he arrogantly called “Gabriel Gold Wins!” that he perhaps was trying to set him up for. He rolled Dawn back into the ring before following him back inside. As Dawn was on his knees, Gold grabbed him by the arm and DRILLED him hard with a Divorce Court/Single Arm DDT! And with it, the cover again!
Dawn’s shoulder was up again, which was making Gold awfully irate. The Master of Dropkicks ran off the ropes and aimed a harsh Dropkick at him, targeting the arm again! Dawn was in pain now and Gold had perhaps negated any chance he could to mount a comeback. Gold stood up and was trying to go for a Seated Armbar variation, but Dawn valiantly fought back. He shoved Gold into the ropes and when he came back…
In one fell swoop, he caught the oncoming Gold with an innovative Running STO that he called the Perfect Moment! He was down now when Dawn crawled over into the cover!
These two knew each other well and were fighting back and forth, tooth and nail for what would be a huge win tonight on the Countdown: Wrestlecade show! Dawn held up three fingers with his good arm, but Double R only had two up, telling him this wasn’t over yet. He scooped up Gold by the arm and tried to set him up for his finishing move – the Photo Finish – but Gabriel elbowed his way out and now slinked behind him, setting him up for a Reverse DDT…
A Reverse DDT-style Backbreaker led into Hangman’s Neckbreaker, dropping Dawn right across his shoulder! Gold had him down now and he rolled over, putting pressure on the bad arm as he covered.
Dawn’s shoulder went up again at the last second, but he wasn’t finished yet. He still favored his right arm when Gold was about to slash his throat to tell the crowd this was over. When Jack tried to stand, Gold grabbed him by the arm and went for a Tornado DDT with the arm that set up his Tornado into the Armbar finisher, but Dawn shoved him away. Gold went running, but Dawn was already on top of him as he jumped up in the top turnbuckle in one fell swoop and came back…
An incredible aerial move pulled off by the bigger man! Gold was flattened like a pancake after the force of the move, but Dawn couldn’t follow up right away due to his arm! After taking a few seconds to stop him, he then crawled over and used his good hand to catch Gabriel again.
The wasted seconds gave Gold an opportunity, but Dawn had STILL kicked out! Two of The Hype’s best were on display tonight and both of these men wanted to be on the main roster after Wrestlecade had come and gone!
Dawn just started to get back up first when Gold got back up and caught him flush in the face with a Forearm Smash. He then SLAPPED Dawn across the face.
The neat hair of Jack Dawn had become a mess and Gabriel was making it worse by embarrassing him, paintbrushing him in the back of his head. He looked on and tried to go for the arm again. He was close to locking in the Flying Armbar when Jack held onto the ropes, sending Gold flying away from him. Gold landed on his feet when Dawn charged, only to give him a back elbow to stun Mr. Magic in his tracks. Gold then leaped to the ropes and came back…
The crowd cheered when Dawn just managed to catch Gold across his shoulders and dropped him right into the Sit-out Fireman’s Carry Facebuster! Gabriel crashed hard when Dawn rolled him over and hooked the leg with his good arm!
He did it! Despite everything that Gabriel had said about him prior to match time, Jack Dawn shut Gabriel Gold the hell up tonight and earned a HUGE victory tonight right here on Countdown!
“Here is your winner of the match… ”MR. MAGIC” JACK DAWN!
The Lovely Assistants jumped into the ring and celebrated with Dawn as Double R went to raise his hand. Dawn pulled the bad arm away from him and Dawn presented him with the one that hadn’t been mangled by Gold. He raised it and Dawn was proud of this victory tonight! Bobbi and Breezy celebrated with Dawn by each planting a kiss on either cheek!
With this new persona of his and a brand new focus in the ring, Dawn had finally succeeded. The rest of jOlt Wrestling would have to take notice.
Winner: Jack Dawn via Pinfall
