
Fast Layne: Jon Le Bon

Donny Layne was in a director’s chair on one side, Jon Le Bon was in a director’s chair on the opposite side. The Fast Layne logo was draped in the background behind them. Layne folded his hands and rested them in his lap as he looked Jon Le Bon in the eyes.
Donny Layne: Next Sunday… here in Tokyo, Japan. You and The Rebellion face the Kugasari Clan in what many people are calling a meeting of destiny. It was one year ago here at Wrestlecade when you attacked Eiji Kugasari after he lost the World Championship to Landon Stevens. Now, one year later, you face Kugasari and the rest of the Inogami Clan in an elimination match where if you lose, The Rebellion will be no more… you will be disbanded forever. What is your mindset going into this match next Sunday?
Le Bon cracked a smirk as he adjusted himself in the chair.
Jon Le Bon: Layne… at first this is going to seem like I’m not answering your question, but I assure you.. you will get your answer, but if I can be afforded a healthy chunk of your time, I would like to take you on a bit of a journey.
Donny Layne: By all means.. go ahead.
Jon Le Bon: “It was late 2013. I made my debut on The Hype. I was full of dreams and aspirations of making it here in jOlt. I felt that I was too good for the farm leagues and wanted off The Hype. I wanted to be here on the main roster where I felt I belonged, but Shayne Anderson denied me every time I asked him… so I put a plan into action. I developed this persona that started to grow on people. I pulled off the facade of the century and every single person watching bought it hook, line, and sinker. I used this to my advantage and got my contract renegotiated and before you knew it, I was on the main roster, but I wasn’t satisfied when I got here.
I was nowhere near satisfied because, you see… I wanted more than just a roster spot… I wanted something more than a championship. I wanted to strike back against the company that didn’t put their faith in me. I wanted to show jOlt that I truly belonged, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do it alone. I reached out to Raevynn and I revealed my true self to her. I talked to her.. I coaxed her into trusting me. I did something no other man on this planet could do for her… and that was to help her overcome her androphobia. The more we talked, the more comfortable she got around me.. the more she trusted me… and the more she began to realized she had beaten the one thing that had plagued her for her entire life. She owed a great debt to me so I gave her a task. I tasked her with scouting The Hype for people who wanted to break the mold.. people who were sick and tired of being held down.. people who wanted to shatter their shackles and prove to the world that they belonged in the limelight alongside the so-called main eventers.
And she did just that.
Cross the Hood… they were being oppressed by Shayne Anderson. Anderson tried to push them out the door so he could make way for tag teams like The Natural Athletes and The X Movement.. his personal lackies.
Seraph… After having his manhood nearly stripped away by Anderson, I gave him a platform where he could be the one true monster he was destined to be.. he… bit the hand that fed him, but nevertheless, he wouldn’t be in the Underground Championship match on the biggest stage of the world without me.
Sayber… heh… the same could be said for that turncoat. He used us. He had his own agenda. He wanted revenge against Derecho for costing him the ability to defend his title proudly as the first ever Hype Champion.. He didn’t care about The Rebellion and our cause at all. He finally got his revenge and good for him, but he still needed to pay the price for walking away from everything I have given him and now he spits in my face by joining the Kugasari Clan and standing opposite of us in that ring come next Sunday. A decision that will ultimately be his downfall.
Since we’re on the subjects of turncoats… Nate Quartermaine. Also was treated unfairly by Shayne Anderson and then he has the gall to compare me to Shayne? I pulled him out of that sewer and gave him the world and he squandered it. He failed himself and when I told him the truth, he couldn’t handle it and he whined and pissed and moaned until he finally got his freedom. Now where has that gotten him? Fighting some freakshow in a curtain jerking match. Mission accomplished, right Donny?
Michael Donavan… many people don’t know this but I’m the one who told him to lose to Sebastian Saje on The Hype. I pulled him off The Hype early and I had him by my side. He helped Raevynn behind the scenes with the scouting. He talked to people when Raevynn couldn’t. Michael Donavan truly is the second in command of The Rebellion and he remains loyal to us to this very day. He has been an intricate part of our development and, dare I say, the architect of our group.
And that leaves us with Sebastian Saje… one of the greatest Hype Champions there ever was. The mouthpiece.. the propaganda machine. When people saw The Hype Champion on board, it was easy to get the others. They needed a symbol… that one recognizable icon to get behind and help make their decision. Sebastian Saje was that symbol and when he told them that he was joining The Rebellion, everyone naturally flocked to him.
Then… as you’ve already stated, Donny, last year… when the pieces were in place, we struck. Eiji Kugasari was our target, indeed. We wanted to make a statement and I think you and I would agree that at Wrestlecade, we made that statement. Then the Backbone decided to reform and get in our way because they wanted to stop us from taking all of the top spots in jOlt. Perhaps it was just jealousy because wasn’t it a year before hand they wanted to do the same thing only to get destroyed by Sylo? Maybe they didn’t like seeing someone else succeed where they failed? I don’t really know the true reason why, but it didn’t matter because we destroyed The Backbone.. we destroyed reVolt.. and we were victorious.
Then Damien Lee started to realize what we were truly capable of. He was a man who always liked to be seen in a positive light whether by the talent or the public eye… so he began to protect his roster will trying to remain at the proxy leader of The Rebellion. After all, I knew Damien Lee’s secret of Black Tom Williams being the one who owned jOlt Wrestling. Anyone who knows Black Tom Williams knows what that name means in our industry. It means death… it means negativity… it means the end of jOlt Wrestling if people truly learned who was running the show. So I held that over Lee’s head like the Sword of Damocles, but that’s where my miscalculation happened. I realized that I couldn’t control Damien Lee so I took matters into my own hands and I showed myself as the true mastermind behind The Rebellion. Granted it was a lot sooner than I wanted… I had grand plans for that revealing, but I had to stop Damien Lee from ruining everything I worked so hard for.
But I have to hand it to Damien… selling off Legacy of Champions and buying jOlt out right from Black Tom and assuming 100% control… I didn’t think Lee would do it. I didn’t think he had it in him and I guess I underestimated him. Now Lee thinks he has backed us into a corner, but Donny… that’s where Damien Lee is wrong.
You see… next Sunday at Wrestlecade II… everything I just told you… I am responsible for. The planning.. the sleepless nights.. the conversations.. the convincing.. all the hard work I put into creating The Rebellion.. if you think for one damn second I am going to let all of that slip away and fade into nothingness.. you’re dead wrong. I don’t care if I have to rip the hearts out of every single member of the Kugasari Clan with my own bare hands.. if it comes to that.. I will do it. I will not let The Rebellion die.. not here… not now.. not EVER.
WHEN we beat the Kugasari Clan… WHEN we eliminate every single one of them.. this world shall know true fear because The Rebellion will take everything for ourselves. Nobody can stop us… nobody will stop.. and nobody can ever dream of stopping us. We are going to prevail… and when we do.. not just the Kugasari Clan.. but ALL OF JOLT … WILL… FALL! “
Jon Le Bon got up out of his chair, picked it up and threw it against the background. The Fast Layne sign fell as Donny got out of his chair and darted away for safety. Le Bon simply stood there and grinned before walking off.
The scene faded to black.
