
Wrestlecade Flashback 2002: Xtreme vs Disciplinarian
William Bell - Ladies and Gentlemen...the following contest is the title versus title match.. winner takes all!
"Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi cranks up on the PA system as Xtreme walks out from the back, title around waist.
William Bell - Introducing first. From San Diego, California, weighing in at 224 pounds. He is the current reigning and defending XWF Intercontinental Champion... This..... Is....... XTREME!!
(Xtreme enters the ring, taking off his title, and holding it high for people see as they cheer. He hands the title over to the referee when, "Fucking in the Bushes" by Oasis hits and the people erupt as Disciplinarian steps out from the back.. title around waist as well.)
William Bell - And his opponent. From Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Weighing in at 215 pounds. the current reigning and also defending XWF World Heavyweight Champion........ Disciplinarian!!!
(Disciplinarian enters the ring, handing the belt to the referee.. not showboating, more or less very concentrated on his opponent. The much anticipated bell sounds.)
Jack Wallace - This is it. The final match... After all that has gone down here tonight... this will be the ending to it all. Let the match begin.
Jeff Hartman - Yeah, so I can go get laid at the celebration party afterwards.. just get to the ending and do the pin.
(Disciplinarian and Xtreme come face to face in the center of the ring, staring each other down. They grin and nod at each other before taking a few steps backwards. They begin to circle and then finally lock up. Xtreme applies a side head lock to Disciplinarian. Disciplinarian backs Xtreme into the ropes and whips him across the ring. Xtreme comes back with a shoulder block, knocking Disciplinarian down. Xtreme heads to the ropes and steps over. Disciplinarian kips up and tries for a hip toss, but Xtreme floats over and tries for one of his own, but Disciplinarian blocks it and knees Xtreme in the stomach. Disciplinarian hooks the leg over the back of Xtreme's head and backflips out, landing on his feet. Xtreme goes for a clothesline, but Disciplinarian ducks and goes into a waist lock. German suplex by Disciplinarian, but Xtreme flips out and lands on his feet. Disciplinarian gets up and is met with a front kick into the mid section. Xtreme then whips him into the corner. Xtreme charges in after Disciplinarian, but Disciplinarian tips up and over Xtreme. Xtreme then hops onto the second turnbuckle pad and flies off with a twisting cross body, but Disciplinarian rolls on the canvas, underneath Xtreme, avoiding it. Disciplinarian hops onto the middle turnbuckle and goes for a second turnbuckle moonsault, but Xtreme moves, but Disciplinarian lands on his feet. Xtreme gets up and kicks Disciplinarian in the stomach. He sends him off to the ropes. Xtreme telegraphs a back body drop. Disciplinarian flies over with a sunset flip. One............................... Two........................... Xtreme kicks away, stands, holds Disciplinarian's leg's and front flips into a bridge. One.......................... Two............................ Xtreme bridges up and twists Disciplinarian, setting him up between his legs. Xtreme lifts him up for a powerbomb, but Disciplinarian counters with a huracanrana, but Xtreme counters by pulling Disciplinarian back up, but Disciplinarian slips off the shoulders and falls into an arm drag takeover! Xtreme gets up as Disciplinarian charges in. Xtreme counters with an arm drag of his own, taking him over. Both men kip up and stare down in the middle of the ring. The people give them a standing ovation.)
Jack Wallace - Ah man.. you can feel it.. this one's going to be a classic!
Jeff Hartman - yeah yeah.. whatever... remember... time? clock ticking? sex? HURRY!
(Xtreme and Disicplinarian lock up once again, but Xtreme uses a knee to the midsection. He then rocks Disciplinarian's head back with a few forearm shots. Xtreme sends Disciplinarian off to the ropes, but Disciplinarian reverses it and sends Xtreme into the ropes instead. Disciplinarian goes for a clothesline, but Xtreme ducks and comes off the opposite side. Xtreme leaps up and goes for a huracanrana, but Disicplinarian plants him with a short powerbomb. One........................ Two......................... Xtreme shoves his weight forward, rolling Disciplinarian into a pin. One........................... Two........................ back the other way. One............................ Two........................ Xtreme kicks away from it. Disciplinarian and Xtreme stand back up to their feet with Disciplinarian going for a short arm clothesline, but Xtreme ducks, reaches back for a hangman's noose neck breaker, but Disciplinarian spins, as Xtreme turns around, catching Xtreme by the head and spiking him with a DDT onto the canvas. Disciplinarian makes another cover. One................................ Two.............................. Xtreme kicks out. Disciplinarian pulls him back up to his feet and then sends him off into the corner. Disciplinarian charges in, but Xtreme gets the boot up in time. Disciplinarian staggers back and then charges in once again, but Xtreme gets the boot up a second time. Xtreme then charges in and turns Disciplinarian inside out with a running clothesline. Xtreme then quickly heads back over to the corner and hops up top. The people erupt as Xtreme jumps off with the Xtreme Measures, but Disciplinarian rolls towards the corner. Xtreme hits back first pretty hard. Disciplinarian then heads to the top rather quickly and jumps off with a Senton Bomb, but Xtreme also rolls towards the corner. Disciplinarian hits hard on his back as well. Xtreme then hops up and goes for second turnbuckle moonsault, but Disciplinarian puts his knees up and Xtreme comes landing down across them! Xtreme is on his knees, holding his stomach as Disciplinarian runs to the ropes and front flips, grabbing Xtreme's head, bending him in half backwards with a variation of a snapmare! Disciplinarian crawls back over and makes the cover. One............................... Two............................. Xtreme kicks out.)
Jack Wallace - Wow.. that move could have broken Xtreme's spine! Although it was pretty amazing to see!
Jeff Hartman - Yeah.. I guess so.
(Disciplinarian pulls Xtreme back up to his feet, but Xtreme counters with a sit out jawbreaker, stunning Disciplinarian. Xtreme stands up and front kicks Disciplinarian in the stomach. He then hooks him by the head and nails a DDT. Xtreme rolls over, stands up and nails another DDT on the canvas. Xtreme stands up and backs into the corner, hopping up to the middle turnbuckle pad and spins off, finishing the trifecta with a Tornado DDT! Xtreme quickly makes a cover, hooking the leg. One.............................. Two............................ Disciplinarian pops the shoulder up. Xtreme then runs to the ropes and springs off the middle rope with an Asai Moonsault, but Disciplianrian moves out of the way and Xtreme sees this, landing on his feet, but Disciplinarian nails a front kick to the stomach and sets Xtreme up between his legs. He butterflies the arms, but then Xtreme lifts Disciplinarian up, hooking his arms. Xtreme drops down with a reverse underhook piledriver, almost similar to a vertebreaker! Xtreme turns around and makes the cover. One............................ Two............................. Disciplinarian kicks out once again. Xtreme then pulls Disciplinarian up to his feet and then whips him to the ropes, but Disciplinarian reverses it, sending Xtreme into the ropes instead. Disciplinarian lifts Xtreme up onto his shoulders with a fireman's carry, but Xtreme slips off and lands behind him. Xtreme with a waist lock, but Disciplinarian with a standing switch, another standing switch by Xtreme and another by Disciplinarian, placing the two of them by the ropes. Disicplinarian goes for a German Suplex over the top rope, but Xtreme grabs the top rope on the way over, and he lands on the ring apron. Xtreme pulls himself back up and then slingshots over with a shoulder tackle, but Disciplinarian grabs Xtreme by the shoulder and hits a modified single arm DDT! Disciplianrian then quickly grabs Xtreme's legs and locks in the Damnation!!)
Jack Wallace - Damnation on Xtreme! That Boston Crab! It could be over right now!! We're going to have a double champion!
Jeff Hartman - Oh God.. his reign goes on.. NO!!
(Xtreme is in immense pain as he looks around at his ring positioning.. all the while, the referee asking him if he wants to give up, in which Xtreme yells out "NO!!". Xtreme tries to turn to the left to crawl towards the ropes, but Disciplinarian is sitting too much on Xtreme's lower back for that to happen. Sadly.. Xtreme's only options are to tap or to crawl the entire length of the ring to the ropes. Since Xtreme came this far.. we know the answer to that as Xtreme is now crawling inch by inch. The people are clapping and cheering Xtreme on as he's making his way across the ring. He's slowly approaching the half way point, but Disciplinarian grabs Xtreme's legs tighter and in a sudden, blinding jerk, yanks his legs back completely to the point of absolute flexibility. Xtreme's face lights up with pain like a Christmas tree. Xtreme tries to crawl, but any movement causes more pain than he wants to experience. Xtreme made it half way and he's far from the ropes in every direction. Xtreme has come this far and will not let pain stop him as he screams at the top of his lungs as he crawls. His movement is slower than before as the pain in his legs zaps his strength, but he presses on.. He's about three-quarters of the way there. He reaches out, his fingertips so close to the ropes. These fans are really showing their respect for him as he reaches out, but can barely make it. Xtreme uses his last ounce of strength to dive for the ropes, but he collapses down. The referee checks on Xtreme and tells the time keeper to get the bell ready as he may be out. The referee lifts the arm once... it falls. The referee lifts the arm a second time... it falls. The referee tells the time keeper to get ready as he lifts the arm a third time, but Xtreme extends his arm at the last moment, draping it across the bottom rope. The referee calls for the break as Xtreme took that time to rest and let the referee do the work for him.)
Jack Wallace - Wow!! Xtreme crawled from one side of the ring to the other just to break the hold! Amazing will by Xtreme!
Jeff Hartman - Kid either has no lack of guts or a lack of brains
(Xtreme tries to stand, but his legs are in too much pain. Disciplinarian brings Xtreme back up to his feet and then hooks a leg, snapping off with a dragon screw leg whip. Xtreme holds his leg while on his back. Disciplinarian then flips Xtreme over, taking the leg he just softened up and applies an ankle lock to it, but Xtreme gains some elevation and front flips, rolling through and flipping Disciplinarian over with him. Xtreme stands up, hobbling around the ring, his legs really giving him pain. Disciplinarian stands up and Xtreme grabs him, placing him against the ropes and letting loose with a knife edge chop. Disciplinarian, holds his chest as the air is driven out of his lungs. Xtreme brings his hand back and wails away with another knife edge chop, breaking the blood vessels in Disciplinarian's chest. Xtreme then whips Disciplinarian across the ring, but Disciplinarian counters, sending Xtreme into the ropes. Xtreme comes back as Disciplinarian lifts him up onto his shoulders for a snap powerbomb, but Xtreme counters by front flipping over into a sunset flip, but Disciplinarian kneels down onto Xtreme's shoulders. One............................... Two................................ Xtreme brings his legs up underneath Disciplinarian's arms and pulls him over. One............................... Two............................... Disciplinarian kicks away. The two of them stand up. Xtreme goes for a clothesline, but Disciplinarian ducks and places Xtreme into a full nelson, but Xtreme front flips, pushing off of Disciplinarian's chest with both feet, knocking him backwards a few steps. Xtreme gets back up, turns around as Disciplinarian is charging in. Xtreme grabs him and hits a tilt-o-whirl back breaker. Xtreme makes the cover. One................................. Two............................. Disciplinarian kicks out again.)
Jack Wallace - Xtreme is getting some feeling back in his legs as he executed a nice back breaker.
Jeff Hartman - Too bad... I was one tap out away from some poontang.
(Xtreme stands up, stilling hobbling from the his legs. He pulls Disciplinarian back up to his feet. He sets him up for the ride, sending him into the ropes, but Disciplinarian holds onto them. Xtreme charges in, but Disciplinarian lifts him up with a back body drop. Xtreme lands on the ring apron, but Disciplinarian turns around, hooking Xtreme by the head and nailing a hot shot across the top rope. Xtreme falls, hitting back first on the ring apron and then plopping down onto the floor. Xtreme staggers up as Disciplinarian has already perched himself up onto the top turnbuckle pad. He leaps off with a missile drop kick and connects, knocking Xtreme down to the floor mats. The referee is starting the official ten count. One........ Two......... Three........ Disciplinarian is standing back up. Four......... Five.......... He walks over to Xtreme and pulls him back up to his feet. He nails Xtreme with a knife edge chop.... payback from earlier. Six........... Seven......... Eight.......... Disciplinarian hits another knife edge chop, knocking Xtreme to the ground. Nine............ Disciplinarian then wraps television cable around Xtreme's neck. The referee stops the count and exits the ring, trying to pry Disciplinarian off of Xtreme. Xtreme gasps for air as Disciplinarian tightens the cable. The referee is threatening with a disqualification is Disciplinarian doesn't let him go. Disciplinarian does let go as Xtreme collapses to the floor. The referee helps unwind the cable from around Xtreme's neck as Disciplinarian then snatches up a steel chair from the time keeper's table.)
Jack Wallace - Disciplinarian is really not thinking straight. If he gets disqualified.. all this build up.. all this we just saw will be for nothing!
Jeff Hartman - Shut up! I'm about to use my cell phone to call up Ruth and Pamela..
(The referee sees Disciplinarian with the chair in hand and gives him a very stern warning about the rules. Disciplinarian shoves the referee aside and lifts the chair to hit Xtreme. The referee snags the chair away from Disciplinarian. Disciplinarian turns around, wondering why he did that, when Xtreme gets up, turns around, sees an opportunity and spears Disciplinarian, but he also nails the referee as well and the two of them go down. Xtreme picks up the steel chair from the floor and taunts Disciplinarian to stand. The champion is slowly rising to his feet as Xtreme readies the chair and slams it over Disciplinarian's skull. Disciplinarian goes down in a heap as Xtreme then rolls him into the ring. Xtreme slides in and makes a cover, but referee Dan Lafond is out cold. Senior referee Brian Dietter runs down from the back, slides in and makes the count. One................................ Two................................. Thre......NO!!!!!!! Disciplinarian gets the shoulder up in time and these people come alive! Xtreme pulls Disciplinarian up to his feet, sending him off to the ropes. Xtreme then hits a spinning heel kick, knocking him down. Xtreme then runs to the ropes, trying, for the second time tonight, his Asai Moonsault, but Disciplinarian puts the knees up and Xtreme lands down across them. Disciplinarian pulls Xtreme up to his feet and kicks him in the stomach. He sets him up and nails the Grounding!!!!!! He hit it dead on!!!!! COVER!!!!!!!!!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Xtreme kicks out!!!!!!! Xtreme kicks out of the Grounding and the people are going nuts! Disciplinarian is in complete shock!)
Jack Wallace - My God!!! Xtreme broke out of the Damnation AND kicked out of The Grounding so far in this match!!
Jeff Hartman - Damn girls.. have to call you back.. this match is still going on... yeah yeah I know... I'm getting antsy too..
(Disciplinarian then heads over to the corner and ascends the turnbuckle pads to the top. The people are cheering him on, but Xtreme gets up and staggers into the ropes, with the springing action crotching Disciplinarian up top. Xtreme then staggers over to the corner, climbing up to the top rope. Disciplinarian and Xtreme battle back and forth with punches to the head. Xtreme misses a punch as Disciplinarian ducks it. Disciplinarian hooks Xtreme and jumps off the top rope with him nailing a super short powerbomb! Disciplinarian has nothing left to cover him and falls to his back. The referee checks on both men and begins the ten count. One........... Two............... Three......... Four............. Five.............. Six.............. Seven............ Eight...............Nine............ Disciplinarian sits up and grabs Xtreme's legs to pin. One............................... Two............................... Xtreme kicks out of it!! Disciplinarian and Xtreme slowly stagger back to their feet. Xtreme hits a punch to Disciplinarian. Disciplinarian fires back with a punch of his own. Xtreme throws all his weight into Disciplinarian with a knee lift to the stomach. Xtreme then hooks Disciplinarian and lifts him up, dropping him with a brain buster suplex! Xtreme then gets up, staggering to the corner. He climbs up and turns around, the people on their feet, taking pictures of this big moment. Xtreme jumps off and nails Disciplinarian with the Xtreme Measures!!!!! This is it! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THRE!!!!!!!!!!!NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Disciplinarian kicks out of Xtreme Measures!!! He got the shoulder up at the last possible moment, and like his opponent earlier, Xtreme is in complete shock, but more or less frustrated, wondering what he has to do to put him away!)
Jack Wallace - Disciplinarian kicked out of Xtreme's finisher! That's a slap right into Xtreme's face, returning the favor that was given to him earlier when he kicked out of The Grounding!
Jeff Hartman - Man... Ruth and Pamela are waiting.. just stay down. Seriously... it's been like twenty minutes already.
(Xtreme grabs Disciplinarian and he brings him back up to a vertical base. Xtreme then sends him off to the ropes. Xtreme charges in and clothesline's Disciplinarian up and over the top rope and out to the floor. Xtreme then takes a deep breath, a moment to relax as he grabs the top rope and leaps onto it, flying to the outside with a springboard shooting star press, slamming down on top of Disciplinarian!! Xtreme picks up the champion and then walks Disciplinarian over to the entrance way where he scoop slams him down onto the floor mats. The referee exits the ring, showing some leniency here as he wants to see a clear cut winner. Xtreme then gets a running start, hopping up onto the barricades and running along the tops of them. Disciplinarian gets up as Xtreme jumps off. Disciplinarian quickly leaps into the air and drop kicks Xtreme, knocking him out of mid-flight and down to the floor mats! Disciplinarian then hops onto the barricades and moonsaults off of them, landing down on Xtreme! Disciplinarian then pulls Xtreme up to his feet and uses an irish whip to swing him back first into the barricades. Disciplinarian charges in and clotheslines Xtreme up and over, landing in front row of the crowd. Disciplinrian hops up onto the barriacades and jumps into the crowd with a guillotine leg drop and connects with it! Disciplinarian stands as the people pat him on the back. The world champion takes some time to pose with the fans. Xtreme is using the barricades to pull himseld up. Disciplinarian steps in and rocks Xtreme with a stiff punch. Xtreme fires one back. The two of them begin to trade punches back and forth with each other. They begin to fight their way into the crowd.)
Jack Wallace - This has turned into a wrestling clinic to an all out brawl! I guess they're giving the fans their money's worth.
Jeff Hartman - Yeah and at 10000 bucks a seat I don't doubt it.
Jack Wallace - 10000 yen you idiot.. it's like 100 bucks for front row.
(Disciplinarian is getting rocked back with punches by Xtreme to the face. Xtreme then hits a harsh knee lift and he starts bringing Disciplinarian up the stairs with him as security tries to hold the crowd back. They are now into the lower mid levels as Disciplinarian lifts Xtreme up and back drop suplexes him on the concrete floor right by someone's feet! Disciplinarian stands up and grabs Xtreme, pulling him back up. He then walks him up the steps, climbing higher into the mid levels. The two of them begin to battle through a row of people, walking right into their seats! They stumble and trip over people's feet, while punching and kicking each other until they make it through a row and out the otherside. Xtreme then headbutt's Disciplinarian and he stumbles backwards falling onto the concrete and then starts to fall down the stairs, but he grabs onto the safety railing and breaks his fall. Disciplinarian then tries to get up, but Xtreme comes down the steps and kicks him in the hand, causing Disciplinarian to lose his grip falling down the steps to the lower mid levels. Xtreme gives chase as Disciplinarian tries to pull himself up, but Xtreme jumps off the third step and nails a seated drop kick into the side of Disciplinarian's ribs, knocking him down the next set of stairs. Disciplinarian tumbles and rolls down to the floor level. Xtreme gets up, rubbing his rear from the landing. Xtreme starts to head down the stairs in pursuit. Xtreme pulls Disciplinarian back up and walks him over to the barricades, tossing him over back to the floor mats, near the announce position, or where the tables used to be from the previous wars of the night. Xtreme hops back over as Disciplinarian is crawling back up to his feet.)
Jack Wallace - They finally made it back here to ringside where Xtreme is still giving chase.
Jeff Hartman - Man... Xtreme really wants that title.. and I thought roof toss attempt #2 was the worst of this man's craze.
(Xtreme pulls Disciplinarian back up and he rolls him back into the ring. Xtreme slides in and taunts Disciplinarian to get up. He gets up and is met with a front kick to the stomach! Xtreme then shoves Disciplinarian between his legs and then butterflies the arms! Xtreme then drops Disciplinarian with his own finisher.. The Grounding!!! Xtreme makes the cover!!!!! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!????? NO!!!!!!!! Disciplinarian kicked out! He kicked out of his own finisher!! Xtreme is almost pulling the hair out from his head! He stands up, pulling Disciplinarian back up. Xtreme hooks him for his brain buster set up, but when he lifts him, Disciplinarian slips out and falls behind Xtreme. Disciplinarian places Xtreme in a waist lock, but Xtreme uses a pair of back elbows to knock himself free from Disciplinarian's grip. Xtreme then runs away from Disciplinarian to the ropes. He comes back, but then quickly grabs the ropes, hanging on as Disciplinarian jumps up and tries for a seated drop kick, but since Xtreme stopped his forward momentum, that didn't happen and Disciplinarian hits the canvas. Xtreme walks over and grabs Disciplinarian by the legs. He jumps up and nails a double leg drop to the lower abdomen. Xtreme then stands up and hooks the legs again, nailing another double leg drop, back into Disciplinarian's stomach. Xtreme stands and grabs the legs a third time, this time, catching Disciplinarian off guard and turning him over into his own Damnation!!)
Jack Wallace - This is the second finisher of Disciplinarian's that Xtreme is using against him! He not only wants to beat him, but do it with a slap in the face!
Jeff Hartman - Nice touch. I like it.. now if Xtreme was like this all the time, I might actually have a little more respect for him.
(Disciplinarian now knows what Xtreme was feeling earlier.. too bad Disciplinarian is close enough to the ropes where he just reaches out and grabs them. The referee tells Xtreme to break the hold, but Xtreme refuses to. The referee tells him to break or be disqualified. One.............. Two.............. Three............. Four.............. Five.......... Xtreme finally breaks the hold over the world champion. Xtreme stands, turning around, flipping Disciplinarian onto his back. Xtreme then grabs him by the legs and falls back with a catapult, but it brings Disciplinarian's neck up underneath the bottom rope. Disciplinarian holds his neck, gapsing for air, which is crucial at this stage in the match since they've been going at it for a little over a half an hour. Xtreme then drags Disciplinarian back to the center of the ring and pins him. One............................. Two............................. Thre....... Disciplinarian kicks out taking as much of that count as he can to relax. Xtreme, however, brings Disciplinrian back up, forging on, despite pain and fatigue. Xtreme hits another knife edge chop to the already sensitive chest of Disciplinarian, taking his breath away again. Xtreme then switches to an open palm slap, really causing his chest to sting. Disciplinarian battles back with a chop of his own. It stuns Xtreme and allows Disciplinarian to hit another chop and another and another. Disciplinarian then grabs Xtreme and sends him into the corner. Disciplinarian charges in, but Xtreme moves and Disciplinarian hits chest first. Xtreme then quickly hooks him from behind and places Disciplinarian up on top. Xtreme then climbs up after stepping out onto the ring apron. Disciplinarian and Xtreme begin to punch each other.)
Jack Wallace - This is getting dangerous... one of them could fall off and seriously get injured.. we've already had enough of that tonight.
Jeff Hartman - Yeah.. no kidding.....
(Xtreme headbutts Disciplinarian in the head, after back and forth action. Xtreme hooks Disciplinarian, lifting him and then letting him go, nailing a front suplex from the top turnbuckle pad. Xtreme then stands up as the people come alive!! Xtreme jumps off and nails the Xtreme Measures!!!!! Xtreme then makes the cover!! He hooks the leg!! COULD THIS BE IT!?? ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS!! IT IS!!! WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!!!!!! THE PEOPLE ERUPT IN A STANDING OVATION!!!!!)
Willam Bell - Ladies and gentlemen...... the winner of the match and STILL XWF Intercontinental Champion........ and the NEW XWF World Heavyweight Champion......... XTREME!!!
Xtreme helps Disciplinarian up. The referee hands both World and Intercontinental Titles to Xtreme, but Disciplinarian snags away with world title. Xtreme looks at him odd as he places the Intercontinental Title over his shoulder. Disciplinarian asks for a microphone.)
Disciplinarian - Man... what can I say.... you and I..... we went...... to the limit...... and beyond..... I'm not letting some...... low paid official.....
(The referee gives Disciplinarian a dirty look.)
Disciplinarian - hand over...... the world title...... I feel it's my duty to say........ you've earned it....... thank you for the best match........ of my life....... and I wish you a lengthy reign........ Mr. Xtreme..... XWF World Champion.......
(Disciplinarian hands the world title over to Xtreme. He accepts it and places it over his other shoulder. Xtreme and Disciplinarian embrace in a hug in the middle of the ring. Disciplinarian then walks by, patting Xtreme on the back as he makes his exit to the backstage area. Pyro goes off above the ring as Xtreme celebrates, raising both world and intercontinental titles into the air. After a few minutes of posing. Xtreme exits the ring and heads to the back.)
Jeff Hartman - AND NOW I CAN GO GET LAID!!!!
Jack Wallace - WHAT A NIGHT!!
