
Championship Contract Signing
The scene slowly opened with Camera 1 leading with a perfect view of the entire ringside area. An Obsidian finished table was set horizontally across the middle of the ring, accompanied by a trinity of opposing chairs with Damien Lee standing firm behind his. Casually readjusting his tie, the proud jOlt Wrestling Chief Executive Officer allowed the iNtense opening theme to play itself out before publically addressing the attentive legions.
“Ladies & Gentlemen; on the behalf of this illustrious promotion, we welcome you all to jOlt Wrestling Countdown!”
Lee opened and gave pause to the cheering legions before continuing.
“This is our esteemed broadcast that highlights the many roads leading to one of our anticipated pay per view venues and our upcoming event in question is Rise of the Legends and without question, this venue’s name is a grand understatement. A new legion of prominent stars for the future personally etched their names via this event last year; the current and reigning jOlt Underground Wrestling Champion...Omega!”
The crowd opened up with a volatile mixed reaction behind the enigmatic monstrosity’s name announced.
“The reigning yet undeterred Leader of The Softcore Saints Movement; Kayden Paulton! ....sigh...Diamond Jewelz...”
A rousing chorus of heat was heard upon command.
“...And just as last year, we expect, in traditional fashion, for many more wrestling elite to make their respective bids for ascension as well. Every champion set to enter this venue is well aware as to how much higher the stakes are to be raised on this event for like no other, every championship belt, will be on the line. However, this year, the main event shall be a jOlt Wrestling 1st as the jOlt Wrestling Tag Team Championships shall be defended in War Games!”
The entire Arena of Champions welcomed the announcement with immense fervor.
“However, I respectfully digress as we are all gathered here to get the official signing of one of the sub Main Events that will determine the fate of the jOlt Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship so without further adieu; let’s bring out both champion and challenger to get things officially underway...”
’Lift Me Up’ by Five Finger Death Punch
An angry chorus of massive heel heat swelled throughout the arena as the jOltvision screens vividly flickered to life with a barrage of edited vignettes. The amassed rage built up louder as The Faction casually sauntered out from the backstage area and arrogantly scanned the arena for several moments. A smug expression radiated across the face of the reigning jOlt Heavyweight Champion as he slung the weighty belt atop his right shoulder before leading his devoted court onward to the ringside area. The Twins proudly raised their respecting Tag Team Belts overhead and silently praised themselves before holding the belts out to their sides. Highly disgruntled fans were but pawns of amusement to the trio as they reached the end of the rampway, whispered amongst themselves breifly before walking their way up the ring steps, long the ring apron and enter the ring. Dressed in civilian attire, The Faction continued to milk the crowd of their pure venom. However, the musical interlude long elapsed yet the legions continued booing the championship trio out of the building.
Eli & Ezra remained perched atop the adjacent ring posts to further rub proverbial ‘salt’ into the crowd’s wounds. Showboating and full of hubris, Landon Stevens, led the display from atop the middle ropes with the promotion’s elite prize, raised overhead with both hands before the terrible trio recollected themselves and motioned for another set of chairs as Landon nestled himself into plush leather reclining office chair. Draping the belt atop the table, The Rising Star would smooth out his jaw with his right hand while staring back at Damien Lee.
’Dawn Awaits (Extended Version) by Cliff Lin
The majority of the cheering legions openly expressed their bias as the arena lighting facilitated the arrival of the No. 1 Contender for the jOlt Championship. Dressed in civilian B-style attire, the Blood Raven made his way out from the back and held his position atop the rampway apex. A pair of abrupt flashes produce a set of plumes of smoke where both Heido & Takeshi slowly ascend to their feet and look out into the turbulent sea of humanity before setting their sights on their enemies. Led forward by their fellow clan officer, The Crimson Order sauntered down the ramp closer to the squared circle. The enthusiastic musical theme soon evaporated, giving way to the rallying masses as the ninjas held firm to their position as their opposition on the opposing side of the ring’s interior. Inaudibly, Damien Lee was seeking to retain order...
Crowd: “...jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! jOlt!!! ...”
The ninjas casually remained along the ring apron motionless for several moments before Eiji passed through the ropes first before his brethren followed suit. The trinity of heelish champions closed ranks with Landon resting his forearms atop the table, burning a mutual hole through his challenger who cautiously took his seat as both Heido & Takeshi assumed the position of seiza a few paces in front of the ring ropes. Damien Lee brushed the bottom of his suit jacket before seating himself and commandeering the microphone.
“Gentlemen...” Lee opened. “Thank you both for coming out in order to make this match official. Now, unbeknownst to the public, it was mutually agreed upon to publically iron out the major wrinkles in the championship contract. Now, it has been agreed upon that the format of the match has been granted at the challenger’s digression by way of the champion’s permission. Are you certain about this decision, as the reigning champion, Landon?”
“At Wrestlecade, I was ordered by the medical staff to not compete.” Stevens opened without relenting his stare at Eiji. “And as intended, as it was meant to happen, the Rising Star rose to the occasion and proved that I was meant to take my rightful place as Undisputed Champion.”
Kugasari was seen with his taunt jaw shifting slightly while gripping the microphone.
“I kept hearing all of this noise. All of this chatter from bitter bitches who were couldn’t handle the pressure of being the ‘man’ of this company. I had enough of this bullshit claiming that ‘I am running from real competition or dealing with all of the pent up hate from wanna be’s who need to stop menstruating amongst themselves. Especially this little bitch right here...”
The audience was heard egging on the animosity brewing within the arena.
“Contrary to unpopular belief, I am the absolute best in this company. I am the Big Ticket. The Main Event. The reason why you are actually relevant because in spite as how good you claim to be or as much as I will openly yet am reluctant to admit, you know...these people know...the boys in the back know that I am simply...just...better.”
The jeers were deafening for several moments as Landon gave pause.
“So to answer your question, Lee; you have my permission to let this botch choose how he wants to get beat so all of you can share a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up when I beat you. Again. No more excuses. No more pissing and moaning or posturing to get my attention. I beat you and you can carry your bitch ass to the back of the championship bus. Long after I run you the fuck over. And over and over. Again. At Rise of the Legends, the Blood Raven is gonna get his wings torn off and literally chucked off my mountain of greatness. Deal with it.”
Lee nodded to himself before setting his attention toward the challenger who continued staring back at his rival.
“Eiji” Damien opened. “You have the floor.”
“Amusing.” The Blood Raven replied. “After all this time of you running scared...tucking tail behind either Mr/ Lee’s desk or underneath the pair of skirts of your esteemed pair of eunuchs, I will be among the most vocal to call your ‘championship legacy’ one of the biggest shit stains in this company’s history...”
The crowd volume rose notably as Landon scowled at the ninja’s notions.
“You see, like many, you too, suffer from Selective Memory...because as I firmly remember, you needed a great deal of help to rob me of what was and still is rightfully mine. That little bandage over your head? That was ‘cute’. A sympathy ploy to make yourself ‘appear’ tough. To tell yourself that you are a complete ‘bad ass’ but let the world pay heed to exactly as to what many of us, myself especially, see; Landon Stevens is a bonafide bitch...”
Crowd: “TAMPON STEVENS!!! (clap 5x) TAMPON STEVENS!!! (clap 5x) TAMPON STEVENS!!! (clap 5x) TAMPON STEVENS!!! (clap 5x) TAMPON STEVENS!!! (clap 5x)”
“That’s right.” Eiji continued. “Forever cramping and complaining to the higher ups or pandering for political favor in order to extend your time as ‘champion’. All of your effeminate courses of actions. All of your means of ducking and refuting my bid for a championship rematch has been successful...until now. You see, at Wrestlecade; you did manage to beat me...albeit a great deal of ‘timely assistance’ to carry you over to the ‘promise land’...and for the past few months, you have done everything in your capacity to avoid me yet now it was and has always been you that has literally wedged himself into a corner. You do know, without question, that I am faster than you. Far more agile and a stronger striker than you. Athletically? I am your virtual superior. You of all people know how unforgiving my offense feels firsthand. I was trained by the best. You sternly remember that I have made you bleed profusely in our last encounter and this time, you know I can and will beat you.”
The Arena of Champions offered a lulling roar of approval before the ninja continued.
You see, unlike you, I don’t need any help to take back what is rightfully mine. I haven’t then and this time is no different because the match I propose to decide the fate of the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship will be a Tables to Fall Match...”
The legions opened up with a bloodthirsty frenzy as both Eli & Ezra slowly looked about the stands, at each other before leaning over to consult their leader. Damien Lee raised his eyebrow as he leaned back. This is proving to be interesting indeed....
Crowd: “WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) WE WANT TABLES!!! (clap x5) ...”
“Tables To Fall; a match where you literally have to put your opponent through a table. By any means necessary in order to make any pinfall attempt or submission valid. Now granted, if neither of us are unsuccessful in an attempt to secure a pinfall or submission, we have to put your opponent through another table. Or another...or as many fucking tables made available in this building in order to determine an undisputed winner.”
The Twins offered a mutual smirk at the ninja while chuckling amongst themselves as Landon nodded with mounting desire for violence.
“Now lest I be remised, as far as your little ‘girlfriends’, those 2 bitches are banned from ringside.” Kugasari bellowed with noted crowd approval. “I am quite sure they already have more than enough problems to deal with in the defense of their belts at War Games. Especially with my brethren all the more eager to participate.”
Landon quietly nullified the rumblings of his esteemed Twins before popping the bones in his neck and knuckles before seething at Eiji once more.
“At Rise of the Legends, all of the running ends. All of the Internet Gangster antics and posturing won’t matter as you and I go toe to toe one more time for the right to remain...or become jOlt World Heavyweight Champion. Now unlike Diamond Jewelz, I won’t need to go the extra mile to garner your attention but rest assured, I am going to personally use as many tables as humanly possible to erect my own personal mountain of greatness atop your battered and broken dreams & body while holding my jOlt Heavyweight championship overhead. Again...”
Eiji snatched the contract binder, opened it up, scribbled his signature across its rightful place before slamming the pen against it and sliding it over to Stevens. Landon slowly leaned forward, shifting his jaw before taking the pen and signing the document and gently casting it aside toward Damien Lee. The audience cheered happily at the motion as Landon stood to his feet, jettisoning the roll away chair backwards, leading Eiji to follow suit to promote a definitive air of mutual resentment yet The Crimson Order & the West Texas Terrorists backed up their respective comrades by casually assuming defensive postures on opposing sides of the table.
“Ladies & Gentlemen, this championship match is hereby official...” Lee paused briefly as the crowd welcomed the announcement. “..between the No. 1 Contender himself, Eiji Kugasari and the reigning jOlt World Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Rising Star’ Landon Stevens in a Tables To Fall Match! Congratulations, Gentlemen and the best of luck to the both of you.”
A subtle chuckle sifted through the Blood Raven’s lips as the trinity of clan officers raised their hands in unison before dispensing smoke bombs to make their dramatic egress from the ringside area. Amidst the lofting trails of smoke, The Faction remained in the ring staring upward for several moments before quietly conversing amongst themselves as the scene faded to black...
