
Dawncast: The House & Charlotte

The following edition of The Dawncast was not the usual show cooped up in the standard studio with Dawn Cassidy. Instead the camera opened up to a reserved bar within the Hard Rock Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Seated for the interview were two big men and one fiery redhead who were each looking for their respective shots at redemption. They were The House – Derrick Huber and Adam Roebuck along with their valet and Derrick wife, the former Starlets Champion Charlotte Huber.
Derrick and Adam had on matching “Don’t Bet Against The House” casino-themed shirts. Adam was rocking a baseball cap while Derrick was sporting brown cargo shorts. Charlotte was dressed a little nicer in khakis and a white tube top. Adam and Derrick were knocking a couple pitchers of beer while Dawn Cassidy sat across from the threesome dressed a little more appropriately for business.
Dawn: First off, a big thank you for joining us on a special edition of The Dawncast. For this edition of Countdown we’re on location at Mikey’s Tavern by the Hard Rock Hotel here in Orlando. With me are two of the men going to wrestle in jOlt’s first ever War Games match for the Tag Team Titles. Derrick Huber and Adam Roebuck!
Derrick: Thanks for having us, Dawn.
Adam: Hey.
Derrick took a sip of beer while Adam was knocking back a few peanuts.
Dawn: And of course, they are here with Derrick Huber’s wife, the woman who will challenge Sarah Winterton for the Starlets Title in the first-ever Last Starlet Standing match!
Charlotte: Thanks, hon. Glad to be here!
Dawn: Thanks for joining us, all three of you. You three have some very important matches at Rise Of The Legends coming up, but my first question is why did you wish to conduct this interview here?
Adam: Needed a drink.
Derrick: Training regiment.
Dawn and Charlotte each responded with laughs and Derrick did as well. Adam Roebuck was far less emotional than any of them, choosing to nurse his beer mug.
Dawn: We’ll get to the questions about the matches, but I understand that congratulations are in order to Adam Roebuck, am I correct? I understand that earlier this week, your son was accepted on The Hype.
Adam: That’s right. My boy, Zane, has been in training for the last four years doing things the right way – traveling abroad. Boy could’ve played football and even got a full ride to Oklahoma offered to him, but wanted to follow in my footsteps so I got him set up with some old contacts in Japan. He went through the hard way, sleeping in dojos, cleaning up the place, putting the ring together. He got himself set up on the card and eventually made something of himself. He finished some tours and even won his first tag team title over there, too. I’m real proud of him. He has a great work ethic, doesn’t quit, and he’s a damn gym nut.
Derrick: He’s rocking a sick six-pack, too. Just like his old man.
He gesture to the massive body of his even larger tag team partner.
Derrick: Actually … Adam is rocking different type of six-pack. Like, on the daily.
Adam: Fuck you. I like beer, okay?
Another laugh from Dawn, Charlotte, and Derrick as Adam tucked the bill of his hat to hide his angry face.
Dawn: So let’s get to it, then. The War Games match is the first of its kind. You guys actually are in something of a unique situation in that you appeared to be a last minute addition into the match. Was that by design from Damien Lee, you think or was that some sort of big spectacle he wanted to make?
Derrick: Damien Lee wanted to shake things up so a couple of weeks ago, he told us that our tickets were punched and that the announcement would be made by us, but we deliberately waited until the last moment to let the other teams know what was coming. Look at us, Dawn … we’re big fucking guys. But along with that, we’ve got experience on our side. We have thirteen years as a team under our belt, so we thought it would be in our best interest to let the other teams have their fun before we unleashed what we knew to really throw a monkey wrench into other team’s plans. We’ve had just one goal in mind when we came back at Breakdown and now we can go after it …
Adam: The jOlt Tag Team Titles.
Adam and Derrick looked at each other and agreed with a nod. Huber tapped the table in front of him as Dawn asked a new question.
Dawn: Now you guys have been known for your stellar runs with the tag team titles. You have main evented Intense, the defunct Warriors show, and even pay per views and about to do so again with the Tag Team Titles up for grabs. Can I get your thoughts on what this event means to you?
Derrick scratched his chin before he answered the question.
Derrick: Rise Of The Legends has been good to us. If you remember last year, The House and The Heirs of Wrestling traded the Tag Titles back and forth for much of the summer and the fall. We had them, the Heirs stole them form us in the middle of that whole Team EGO fiasco, but Rise Of The Legends is where we won them back. We defeated The Heirs of Wrestling and those fucking bitches, Red and Ted…
Roebuck had a smile on his face as he recalled attacking the former tag team champions and putting them out of action after they lost the belts to Red and Ted back in December of last year.
Derrick: So this is special to us. The odds that somebody can repeat that feat in back to back years? I’d say that’s a bit out there, but … well, I’ve been told that were a couple of world-beaters, so defying the odds? That’s another day at the office for the both of us. The Heirs have been trying for months to become the first ever three-time tag team champions in this company’s history, but I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for you, kiddos … don’t bet against The House. Not for a goddamned second.
Dawn: And what do you think of some of your potential challengers? And with something of a youth movement blowing through jOlt right now, do you think stamina is going to play a factor in this match?
Derrick: All these teams deserve to be here although I may be biased and say that Them Mf’n Goons are a couple of bitches with their head lodged far enough Diamond Jewelz’s ass to taste his grill.
Adam: Yep.
Derrick: But yeah, there’s so many different elements to this. Everybody knows about the feud with us and The Heirs of Wrestling so enough said and our recent history with The Goons. I’ll give them this, their formidable. We’ve tangled with the Crimson Order and those big fuckers are hungry. The ReVolt are smaller than most competition, but this match plays to their strength – their cunning. They can blend in and wait to strike. Cross The Hood are perhaps The Hype’s best team, Eli and Ezra Conway are sneaky bastards who have learned to cheat, whine, and bitch just like their mentor, Landon Stevens. Mike Extreme and Reno Davis, they’re veterans who have been challenged by this Rebellion so they’re looking to prove everybody else wrong. They all have something to bring to the table. And you may be right … we’re older. Roebuck’s just a little over forty and while I’m in the best shape of my career, we’re both big guys, but I’ll tell you right now what we have that the other teams don’t.
Dawn: What’s that?
Derrick gestures to his tag team partner.
Derrick: We have this big fucker here! Have they SEEN him? He’ll be in that ring, tossing bodies left and right! I’ll be right behind, being the Sin City Strongman that I am, giant swinging people into an early retirement. This is as good a shot as we’ve had at those belts in 2014 and we are not going to let this pass us by!
Roebuck and Huber clinked their beer mugs together and allowed for Cassidy to continue her questions with Charlotte now.
Dawn: And now we go to you, Charlotte.
Charlotte: Sorry, hon, my hubby likes to just talk and talk and talk and talk …
Derrick: Well, it’s not like you’re putting something in my mouth right now …
Dawn cleared her throat while Derrick and Charlotte shared a giggle.
Dawn: Your road to getting back the Starlets Championship has been a long one. By now, we all know the history. You and Winterton have also been rivals going back to last year when you won the eight-women tournament to become the first new champion after Aria Murphy. A lot of people actually credit you and Winterton for the rise of the Starlets division with this feud that has been going on between you, but it’s gone beyond personal at this point. She broke your arm in a car door and since then, it has been nothing but physical. What are your thoughts going into this match?
Charlotte: Sometimes, I wish that Sarah and I could have that mutual respect, hon, but at the end of the day and pardon my French for a just a second … she’s a no-good cunt! She acts like she does, but she doesn’t give a single shit about this division or any of the hard-workin’ women in it. She has degraded me, she’s humiliated me, she has come up with schemes to assault me, she screwed Amber Ryann out of this belt at both WrestleCade and Breakdown along with countless other Starlets. As we speak, there are great Starlets on Intense, on PPV and on The Hype who are all workin’ hard night in and night out. But with all due respect … This match isn’t about setting some standard for the Starlets … this is about me knockin’ that bitch the hell out and taking back the Starlets Championship once and for all!
Dawn: As we’ve all witnessed the history there, I understand why you’re frustrated but you know that I have to ask about the stipulations. Last Starlet Standing. You have to knock your opponent down for the count of ten. Most importantly is the second stipulation. If you lose, this is your final shot at the title for good. Does that factor into how you’re approaching this match.
Charlotte: I’ll give that schemin’ bitch this, hon … she knows what she’s doin’. I admit that stipulation caught me off guard and I didn’t know what to think at first. But then I realized that if this is the way it has to be, then it is what it is. I have one last chance to take back my belt from her no-good grubby hands once and for all and I will do EVERYTHING I can possibly do to make sure that she not only loses that title … that prissy little twat won’t be able to stand ever again! Like I’ve said before, she cost me three months of my career by slammin’ my arm into a rental car and I’m not goin’ to take that lyin’ down, hon. I’ve got one last chance to win this title … and I’m goin’ to make it count.
Cassidy leaned back in her seat and stood up.
Dawn: Well I would like to wish the three of you the best of luck in your matches coming up. The House could walk out of Rise Of The Legends with both the Tag Team and Starlets Championships. Good luck and thanks for joining us on the Dawncast.
Adam: Thanks.
Charlotte: Thank you, sweetie.
Derrick: Wish those other guys luck … they’re all gonna need it.
