
Fast Layne w/ The Heirs of Wrestling

The scene opens of Donny Layne, Reporter Extraordinaire, interviewing a plethora of jOlt Superstars with a montage of vehicles racing and passing by one another as a mixed down version of "Fast Lane" by Eminem & Royce Da 5'9 played.
I'm livin' life in the fast lane
Movin' at the speed of life and I can't slow down
Only got a gallon in the gas tank
But I'm almost at the finish line, so I can't stop now
I don't really know where I'm headed, just enjoyin' the ride
Just gon' roll 'til I drop and ride 'til I die
I'm livin' life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)
I'm livin' life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)
The fades in to a War Report styled room with four black leather chairs resting atop the apex of a circular stage as Donny Layne stood in front of the camera in a fine custom tailored suit and an eager expression on his face.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome! Welcome to the latest edition of Fast Layne! with me, your host, Donny Layne!"
Donny paused for a moment to take in the experience as he was proud to have his very own show on the network. Good on you, Donny, earn that paycheck.
“For tonight’s edition of The Fast Layne, we’ve got not one, but THREE guests for the show. You’ll recognize these men as three men I have… shall we say an interesting past with. Please welcome to the show – two of these men will be among the NINE teams in the War Games match for the jOlt Tag Team Titles looking for . The third man will be looking for the biggest win of his singles career when he takes on Kenshiro Inogami in a highly anticipated rematch of their encounter at Breakdown… please welcome Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway along with Mack Brody… they are THE HEIRS OF WRESTLING!”
Because they were feeling possibly retro, “Forever (Travis Barker remix)” by Drake played in the studio and the techies and producers gave a round of applause to the three-man tandem as Frank, Ryan, and Mack appeared on the stage one at a time. Frank Silver was dressed in a nice Hugo Boss suit and tie. Mack was a little less formal, but still wearing a blue sportcoat and black dress jeans. Ryan Gallway still didn’t know what actual fashion was, so he came out it a bright yellow 80’s suit with the sleeves rolled back and a blue cowboy hat with a pink feather.
Someday, he’ll learn… but today is not that day.
They each shook hands with Donny Layne before they all had a seat at the table before the music cut. The group of former two-time jOlt Tag Team Champions each sat down as Donny got his questions ready.
“Guys, welcome to the show and…”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Frank said, cutting him off. “Donny, you got this show because we CARRIED you to some great performances here in the last year. You are welcome, sir.”
“YEAH!” Gallway shot.
Donny and the Heirs shared a somewhat chummy laugh before the host carried on.
“Okay, so we got to do one of these with Mister Relentless himself last month, Aran Thompson. Now, we’re going to be doing this… we’ve got some questions from some of the loyal fans from jOlt and we’ve already got some picked out for you guys and they could pertain to just about anything.”
“Good to know,” Frank said. “Hey, Ry… remember that one question we… er, Frank Green and Bryan Gallway asked Aran a question about Landon Stevens sucking a fat one? Those guys sounded awesome.”
“What? What the fuck are you talking about?” Ryan asked incredulously. “That was us submitting a question! I don’t know who the fuck these people are, but WE did that! I’ll kill the bastards that take the credit from us!”
Brody sighed.
“Ryan… that WAS you. You JUST ruined the bit.”
Ryan blinked.
Moving right along before things got any more awkward, Donny Layne pulled out his list of cue cards and cut right to the meat of the matter.
“Okay, Doug Ansen of Lake Havasu City, Arizona asks two questions… First, where did you guys get the idea to become a Freebirds-style team?”
“I’ll field that one,” Frank started. “As you may already know, Ry-no and I cut our teeth in Japan back in 2008, my Godfather and trainer, Sonny Silver, sent me over there after my initial training. We started out in All-Star Championship Wrestling in 2009 where we met Big Mack over here.”
Brody raised two fingers and peace-up A-towned down that shit. “Yo.”
“So, anyway, Mack was also there in ACW, but in a team with his brother, Butch. After a knee injury took Butch out of the business, Brody was kind of left on his own. We knew the big guy had talent and was a lot like us... the product of Hall of Famer training, not to mention a second-generation star in his own right. We decided that we didn’t want to be just another tag team out there, so we all joined forces and did our own take on the three-man formula. And I have to say… we’ve been damn successful at it.”
“Can’t disagree there,” Donny said.
“Indeed. We moved onto other organizations for Sin City Championship Wrestling, Empire Pro Wrestling, The Squared Circle, Alpha, Kyoto PRO, and here to jOlt. We’ve won tag team gold in all of those organizations and our resume reads ten different tag team reigns – two of those here in jOlt and we have no signs of stopping anytime soon!”
“No doubt, no doubt,” Donny commented as the read the next question. “Part two is for Mack Brody… what made you decide to try your hand at a singles career, given all the success that you have had along with Frank and Ryan?”
The man called SuperMack smiled.
“Well, in this business, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from… the one thing that EVERYBODY wants is to be the absolute damn best, BAR NONE. My particular focus in this business had been on making this thing with Frank and Ryan be the absolute best thing that anybody has ever seen and we’ve heard the feedback… people may not have liked how we’ve gone about our business and we’re not going to pretend we aren’t cocky or arrogant. I’m kind of a sexy piece of ass, wouldn’t you ladies say?”
A few whistles from some of the female fans in the studio come out as Brody took off his jacket and flexed his massive bicep. Once the atmosphere tones down a little, Mack continued.
“But in spite of all that, all three of us grew up and have a respect for this business that I think very few people have. We’ve made this thing called the Heirs of Wrestling the talk of whatever organization we’ve been in, but with as much as we’ve done as a unit, I felt it was time that I try and find some success in the upper echelon. As a group, we’ve main-evented countless shows including several shows here in jOlt, but now we need a Goddamn Heir at the top! I’m ready for this now and my eyes are on both the jOlt Championship and the Underground Championship. It’s time for some hard-working, sex-ass talent to stand at the top. No more of these stiff, uptight, joyless cutthroat assholes using their power like Landon Stevens and The Faction, guys like Jeremy Ryan, The Rebellion and our esteemed outed asshole CEO, Damien Lee.”
“Whoa, hey,” Donny interjected, “Probably should be careful of what you say about the boss. He’s got eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Pfft,” Ryan scoffed as he waved his hand. “Let that sawed-off asshole try and shut us up and we’ll fuck him up with some TRUTH! We’ve kicked the asses of more critics than he’s had Rebellion dicks in his mouth… BARELY.”
Some tense laughter from members in the studio as Donny Layne moved on, not wanting to be a part of the criticizing of the CEO of the company.
“Well, my next question comes from Mark Hendrickson from San Jose, California, asks Brody what your strategy is heading into your match with Kenshiro Inogami, knowing he has beaten you before. Also, what are your feelings on what he had to say about you on iNtense?”
Brody nodded. He knew this was truth and had to confront the topic.
“I’ve heard everything that he had to say about me on iNtense. First off, the name is MACK BRODY, asshole, not Brody Mack. There’s a respect there and this has never been an issue about hate, but one about me EARNING the respect of my peers by taking on one of the best this sport has to offer. He put me in a class with guys like Sylo, SVJ and Derecho and while I think I’m that good, it’s time to wake this company up and make them realize I can compete on the same level as guys like that. ”
Mack continued to recall the happenings with he and Ninja K with a much more serious tone.
“He once said that I had placed a noose around my own neck by making boastful claims and then having to subsequently eat my words when I didn’t get the job done at Breakdown. He took everything I threw at him, he lasted longer and I passed out in his submission just moments before the referee was about to call for time running out. Thirty minutes we pushed each other and I was SO CLOSE, but the referee rightly awarded him the victory. He was the better man on that night, but I proved on iNtense 100 in our six-man tag against he and the Crimson Order… I proved that I CAN win. But now I’m going to do it on my own! To answer Mr. Hendrickson’s question… yes, I have a strategy for this, but if you want to know it, you’ll have to find out along with Kenshiro what that is. You’ll have to buy the Pay-Per-View, bud. See? I answered a question and helped get another fan. See? I’m SuperMack, I can multi-task!”
“That you did…” Donny said. “Next question… Chinese correspondent Dang Ling Wang asks, "What is going on with the possible bromance between Mack and Pietro Geist? Is there a possible new team in the works? How many nightmares did Lorelei give Ryan? And is that name actually their name?”
Ryan winced at the fact his balls were almost crushed into dust by Lorelei Albrecht, but then suddenly shrugged off the feeling.
“Hey,” Ryan said with a sly smirk. “She touched my intergalactic nines, boys. That’s more action than Donny Layne has ever seen in his lifetime! That Geist dude is a scary mofo, though.”
“Whatever, dude” Brody added. “As for the Hype Champion, that’s the first time I’ve ever met Geist personally, but I’ve heard he’s killing it on The Hype. I can see why. I’d rather have him as a friend than as an enemy personally and hey, if he’s looking for allies, homeboy has a fellow big man willing to throw down with him.”
“All right, time for the next question.”
Donny switched up his cards and moved onto the next question.
“Alex Klein, Albuquerque, New Mexico, asks "Is it true that the Heirs of Wrestling used to do a 1980's hair metal gimmick and called yourself The Hairs of Wrestling?"
Silver shook his head.
“Fucking FUCK, why didn’t we think of that, you guys? Well, when we stop getting tired of our regular schtick of winning titles, being awesome, making life hell for Layne Bryant here and… well, more of us being collectively awesome, then we can go right to that. I think I could fucking rock the drums.”
Donny couldn’t help but laugh at the Heirs as he moved to the next question.
“Our next question comes from Jack Corvus from Echo Ridge. He asks, "What happened to Jon Le Bon joining the Heirs of Wrestling? I thought you guys were going to be HOWL!?"
All three members of the Heirs of Wrestling grin at each other sheepishly.
“I hit the unfollow button,” Ryan said. “Shit, this Twitter thing is all crazy. Too many hashtags and at symbols and pokes and likes and tweets and shit… sorry, Jonny, maybe we can dolunchokayletsgettothenextquestionDINGDINGDINGDIN G…”
Donny looked at his timer.
“Still have time for the que…”
Shaking his head, jOlt’s interviewer adjusted the timer until it made the DING! sound so he could continue on.
“We’ve got time for one last question… Sam Hunter from Chicago asks "Really? Do we have to see The House and The Heirs of Wrestling at another Pay Per View? I know there are seven other teams but you guys have wrestled a million times."
Frank and Ryan each shook their heads at the question.
“Oh, the House,” Frank said. “SOOOO much history in a short amount of time. It’s only been a year since we’ve interacted with those gorilla, but we have torn each other apart something fierce, huh, Ryan?”
“Something like that, Frankie…” he shuddered. “So many nights getting squashed by Roebuck’s big fat ass.”
“I mean, yes, ‘TECHNICALLY…’” Frank said with air quotes. “We’re on the fan favorite side of the fence like them nowadays, but they’re not gonna forget what we did to them and vice-versa. And on top of them… we’ve got The Faction… Cross The Hood, The Backbone and ReVolt all trying to kill each other… The Crimson Order, we’ve still got lot of shit going down with… It’s gonna be a clusterfuck, no doubt, and no way to really plan for a match neither of us have ever been in, but we’re HUNGRY for this. ME and Ryan have been winning matches left and right lately and we’ve got MOMENTUM on our side. We’re not gonna stop until reign number three comes our way!”
“And that’s all the time we’ve got for this edition of the Fast Layne. Guys, thanks for being part of the show. And to you, the fans, for watching. For Frank Silver, Ryan Gallway, and Mack Brody, I’m Donny Layne. Thanks for joining us on the Fast Layne and stay tuned for more Countdown: Rise of the Legends!”
