
The Round Table
The scene slowly faded in on a setting that had never before been seen on the Countdown before. A giant round table was located inside of a well lit room, around that table were Jeremy Ryan, Jesse Ramey and Jimmy B. Martinez with the hottest interviewer jOlt had; Dawn Cassidy! The three men continued to stare at one another, before Dawn began to speak breaking the silence.
Dawn Cassidy: Hello, and welcome to a brand new inside look into the thoughts of competitors leading into their big matches at upcoming pay-per-views, aptly titled the round table. Tonight I have three men, who have all been at each others throats over the past months or so. Jeremy Ryan, Jesse Ramey, and Jimmy B. Martinez. Welcome, I am glad you all could put your differences aside and sit down here tonight with me.
JBM: No problem Dawn, It is always a pleasure to be in your presence. I just wish I could have said the same for these two fools.
Dawn Cassidy: Okay Jimmy, let’s not start any drama. Let’s save that for when you all meet in the ring.
Jeremy Ryan laughed underneath his breath.
JBM: You find something funny? Beating you last week was pretty hilarious, wasn’t it?
Ryan: There’s gonna be no drama tonight… it’s going to end just like the last edition of iNtense did… it’s going to end with me standing over both of your unconscious bodies just like a REAL MAN does.
Ramey: That’s all well and good Jeremy, but Martinez has a point. You’re the one going into this triple threat match at a disadvantage. We’ve both beat you, this is nut up or shut up time for you. You either win, or you have no business even being in this equation. You can do all that you want to attack people when matches are done and over with, sneak attack them in the backstage area, but you’ve lost all credibility as a competitor inside of that ring if you lose at Rise of the Legends, plain and simple.
Dawn: Now, before we begin letting this whole thing turn into something that it was totally not supposed to. Let’s calm the waters and get a little more into the meat of what exactly has caused this match to happen at Rise of the Legends. Now, in the beginning this obviously started out as a problem merely between Jeremy Ryan and Jesse Ramey. So, my first question is to Jimmy, why did you initially get involved in the match between Ramey and Ryan? Do you regret coming out to help Jesse Ramey now that he has obviously didn’t welcome the help?
JBM: Honestly, yes I do regret it. He has to remember one thing, if I had not come to his rescue he wouldn't be here right now. There would be no more wrestling career for Mr. Ramey. He would most likely be in a hospital bed, eating threw a straw. I saved him, I saved his wrestling career. This is the thanks I get. It's all good because we learn from our mistakes, and I plan on teaching him a lesson come Rise of the legends.
Ryan: What he MEANS to say is “he’s a little bitch that bit off more than he could chew so that’s why I laid him out.
Dawn: And what about you, Ryan? You have been citing disrespect for a month after not being initially included in the Relentless Title tournament. Do you think that your own lack of respect for anybody else may been the reason for your exclusion?
Ryan: Wow, took a degree in journalism for you to put together that hypothesis, huh? Since I graduated from The Hype, I’ve received exactly ZERO opportunities despite me holding victories over others in that tournament including fucking hacks like Le Bon and Paulton. But that’s all going to change at Rise of the Legends. People are going to take notice of me and I will be gunning straight for the top.
He turns towards both Ramey and JBM.
Ryan: Let me remind you that JBM only beat me because YOU interfered, Ramey. And aside from our first confrontation, I’ve STILL left you laying every time we’ve been in a fight. You two preening little homos can fight each other about your own credibility - or lack thereof -- over Twitter, but I’m going to do EXACTLY what I’ve been saying I’m going to do… I’m going to go out to that ring, I’m going to stand over the both of you in victory and this issue will be DONE.
Ramey: Let me put this in the words of your own people, the cowards of this world, it doesn’t matter how one picks up a victory inside of that ring. It’s the fact that they did pick up the win that matters the most. It may have been my fault that you lost to Martinez in your match together, but when it came to you and I, I pinned you in that ring without any outside help. I will do it again at Rise of the Legends, so you better hope you bring exactly what you’re spewing right now to that ring because I don’t want to beat either of you without a fight.
Dawn: Our final question goes to you, Jesse. Why did you initially stand up to Jeremy Ryan on day one, why not just have let him sit out there in the ring until security had taken care of the situation? Why the disrespect for Jimmy when he tried to only help you?
Ramey took a moment to reflect on the questions before answering them.
Ramey: I came out to that ring on day one, when Jeremy decided to try and hijack the show because that’s what I do. I’ve served my time in this business and I have more experience inside of that ring than both of these men put together. The only time you get to bitch and complain about how things aren’t going exactly as you expected them to is when you’ve paid your dues. Jeremy Ryan hasn’t paid his dues enough to merit that at this point in his career.
Ramey: Sure, you spent some time on the Hype roster, but that isn’t paying your dues. We’ve all spent time on a product that we felt that was beneath us, but when you finally get brought up you don’t act like a little entitled prick as soon as you get there. I came to the ring that night because Jeremy Ryan was slapping me, and anyone else in the back who has put this many years in the ring, in the face.
Ramey: As far as Martinez is concerned, it’s the same basic premise. We’re not friends, I didn’t ask him for any assistance if anything were to happen to me. He took it upon himself to come out, because he hasn’t been getting the shine that he feels he deserves since returning to this company and try to get a rub off of me like he has Sylo in the past. I’m sorry if that makes me a dick, but I’ve worked too long and too hard to share my spotlight with someone else. The positive spin on all of this is that at least the fans are getting to see a match on Rise of the Legends that is going to blow them away.
Dawn: Thank you all for your time here tonight, that’s all of the time we have left to spend for now. (Dawn turned back to the cameras) Thank you all as well, for joining us in the first ever edition of The Round Table.
Dawn picked up her papers as the sound from the scene faded out, the camera began to pan out on all four individuals still seated around the table, then faded to black.
