
"Fast Layne w/MONARCHY"
The scene opened up inside of a studio. There was an expensive-looking LED screen behind four director's chairs... one on the left which contained the host for this little shindig, jOlt interviewer Donny Layne!
And he had a FULL house tonight.
No, The House was not here. But they might as well have been. There was not much room for bodies. Bear in mind, this was filmed before the match that took place earlier that saw Jack Dawn defeat Strauss to earn a match against “The First” Freddie Rich at Thieves Honor. The Law – Strauss and Brady were present and standing on either side of the group of chairs that were placed across from Donny Layne.
“Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I am standing by with a set of men that will be very busy come Thieves Honor…”
The jOlt World Champion Jeremy Ryan, “The Fortunate Son” Frank Silver, “The First” Freddie Rich and their manager, the self-proclaimed “jOlt’s Last Real ManAGER” Sonny Silver. Ryan looked like his usual hate-filled self, Frank Silver looked cocky as ever, Rich was leaning back in his chair with his hoodie over his head and and Sonny had a knowing smirk on his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m Dawn Cassidy and right here with me are two men who will be part of two of the biggest matches at next week’s Rise of the Legends. Please welcome Sonny Silver, Frank Silver, “The First” Freddie Rich, and the jOlt World Heavyweight Champion, “jOlt’s Last Real Man”
“Hey!” Sonny warned. “jOlt’s Last Real CHAMPION, douchebag! I corrected Cassidy on the last podcast, I’ll do that to you, too!”
Donny signed. “Sorry… jOlt’s Last Real CHAMPION… Jeremy Ryan.”
“Stop smiling at me, you queer. You’re making me uncomfortable.” Ryan snapped.
The smile faded away quickly while Donny looked to the men in front of him.
“Okay… so a very busy night for both Frank Silver and Jeremy Ryan. Frank, we’ll start with you. You defeated Jack Dawn to qualify for the Thieves Honor match to become the #1 Contender for the jOlt World Heavyweight Title. Tell me… should Jeremy Ryan defeat Omega, then what does that mean for you if you win Thieves Honor?”
Frank Silver snarled.
“No, no, no, no, no, Layme-ass. You are NOT going to rock the fucking boat with MONARCHY. You won’t be asking us any hypothetical questions that try and drive a wedge in our group. You think I’m stupid? You think I don’t know how the media works, you glasses-wearing turdbullet?”
Donny waved his hands defensively. “No, that’s not what I meant at all! I’m meaning to say that it would create a situation if you win Thieves Honor and if Jeremy Ryan beats Om…”
He stopped instantly when Jeremy Ryan stood up from his seat and got right into Donny’s face.
“You need to listen and listen right fucking now, you little cunt… Twice now, I’ve had to listen to you say ‘IF Jeremy Ryan beats Omega. I AM going to fucking defeat Omega. No if. No ands. No buts. No doubts. You keep talking back to me during this interview one more time or you say something that I don’t like, I’m going to get a LOT closer to you than I am now and I’m going to crush your shitty, frail little body. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”
Donny said nothing other than offering up a nod before Jeremy Ryan fixed Donny’s jacket and had a seat. Sonny then nodded over to Frank Silver.
“So…” Frank said, cutting through the tension. “I’m going to tell you how I’m going to cut through the Thieves Honor match… I’m going to beat Adam “Fat Fuck” Roebuck, Hank Hill… sorry, Hank Wright… Bryan “Not The News Guy” Williams, “The Cunt-lossus” Spike Saunders and “Fuck Him, He don’t Get a Nickname” Sebastian Saje… I’ll beat them all, and I’ll be the #1 Contender to the jOlt World Heavyweight Championship. MONARCHY will have the jOlt World Championship AND be the Number One Contender by the time the night is over!”
Donny Layne looked over to Jeremy Ryan, who hadn’t taken his eyes off him the whole time. He was virtually afraid of what Jeremy would do, but Sonny spoke up on his client’s behalf.
“I know that you want to ask about Omega, so I’ll do you the favor. Sure, Omega won at Rise of the Legends. He won in a boiler room… but that RING… that’s MY CLIENT’S proverbial boiler room. The fact that he’s jOlt World Heavyweight Champion means that he RUNS THIS PLACE? Understand that, Donny? He runs this place, he runs that ring and everything within that ring is his hallowed ground where he is UNTOUCHABLE.”
Sonny continued as he patted Ryan on the shoulder.
“The ring is his church. That is his holy ground and anybody that dares try to desecrate the grounds that Jeremy Ryan has built – well, they do so at their own peril. Omega likes to think of himself as this otherworldly entity that lives and thrives on causing pain, destruction and mayhem… and to continue this trend of religious iconography, he is akin to a DEMON… a demon that WILL be exorcized! A demon that will be smited, grinded to dust underneath his boot and returned to the depths from Hell from whence he came.”
“HALLELUJAH!” Frank shouted, waving his hands in the air like an asshole.
Ryan sat back and smirked while Sonny continued.
“Omega, you know not what you’ve done by putting my hands on jOlt’s Last Real Champion the way you did on Intense last week… you make these threats, but any time that MONARCHY has been involved, Omega, you’ve paid the price twice. We’ve dropped you twice, but this third time, you DON’T get back up. Ryan WILL beat you and then we will address the Fearless Championship. You still have it, we still want it. By the end of this night MONARCHY WILL RULE ALL!”
With that quick note, Sonny Silver gestured to his group and the stable of henchmen all stood up and left but not before Jeremy Ryan shot an icy glare at Donny Layne one more time.
