
"Redneck Beatdown"

The camera was now backstage in the interview area near a dark Thieves Honor backdrop where the Starlet Champion stood with a microphone in hand.
The hard-hitting blonde from Oklahoma stood in front of the backdrop with a smirk on her face.
“For the past few weeks I’ve had to deal wit a lil gnat named Vogue Gonsalvez. She has been tha ultimate thorn in mah side. She thinks dat she is a tuff woman since she comes from New York.
“Hell she hasn’t seen tough until you mess wit dis country girl from Oklahoma. Ya need ta watch wat ya say lil one. I got no problem wit knockin yer teeth down yer throat.I’m tired of these starlets thinking dat they are the end all be all in mah division.” Tammy said.
Tammy adjusted the title on her shoulder as she pulled the microphone to her lips once more.
“I’m gonna plow my way through yer ass and send ya back to New York so ya can live in the alley with the rats that live in yer city. Yer lookin’ at the best dis division has to offer. I’ve beaten the two women who used to run dis division in Winterton and Charlotte. Look where they are now, nowhere ta be seen. I ran them both out of tha division and they do not even want to come back because of tha damage dat I’ve caused.”
“And now you want to test dis red-neck woman. No woman will be able ta stop me from controlling dis division. Get ready Vogue because yer about to be taken out back behind the woodshed for a real country ass-whoopin.”
Tammy dropped the microphone and walked away from the backdrop with a smirk.
