

Sylo (c) vs Ninja K
There was a brief moment of stillness within the Arena of Champions before Camera Fifteen drew the adamant cheers from the attention starved masses. There was a upheaval of cheers after the twins set of jOltvision monitors flickered angry static before displaying both champion & challenger on opposing screens for several moments before being abruptly going black. Camera One panned in slowly onto the dapper Dean Carrington who was standing by with a microphone in hand. Referee Simon Boulder stood beside him with both arms folded behind his back at parade rest. A brief smile flashed across his face before he exhaled deeply.
Buhrman: “jOlt Wrestling fans; it’s time. The sub main event is here yet with this capacity crowd has been expressing a literal bloodlust for the possible culmination of this volatile war waged for the jOlt Underground championship.”
Powers: “I have to agree with you, Buhrman; these two have literally laid waste to any & everything set between them as this is more as a personal vendetta with the Underground title set in the middle to add more gasoline to this promotional wildfire.”
Buhrman: “60 minutes. One full hour of violence. Governed by Underground Rules. People; you have to understand that a ‘regular’ Underground Rules match is beyond grueling. The lengths of careers are expected to be shortened & they usually range within a span of several to nearly 20 minutes. Tops yet an entire hour of unmitigated violence? This is not only a first for this championship alone but given the already bloodied history of both champion & challenger, it’s hard to fathom exactly what will unfold right here tonight.”
Powers: “I am going to be brutally honest but I can’t stand neither one of these guys. However, I know for certain that this will be one for the jOlt history books. Given the circumstances, you have to expect both men to be more cerebral rather than bash chairs like a couple of idiots.”
Buhrman: It sounds weird admitting that we are actually on the same page tonight. You are right. This will be a War of Endurance & Durability. Both men are very familiar with everything that is expected in this division and with the championship hanging in the balance, every competitor is no doubt watching to pick their opportunity to cash in against the unfortunate winner of this contest. I don’t expect neither man to leave unscathed on any level tonight yet here is Dean Carrington standing by...”
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen, jOlt Wrestling fans, both here in the illustrious Arena of Champions and to those around the globe, watching at home...The following contest is an IRON MAN MATCH....for the jOlt Wrestling UNDERGROUND CHAMPIONSHIP!!! This match is with a 60 minute time limit where falls count anywhere by way of pinfall, submission or knock out will be accumulated. The individual who manages to secure the most victories will be the winner...
Camera Ten casually panned across the Southeastern section of the arena triggering a energetic response from that area before Camera Thirty offered a bird’s eye pan across the western ground floor section with a legion of hands waving, pointing and fists thrusting upward. A seismic pop radiated as the arena was immediately submerged in darkness. The abundance of crowd noise continued to resonate amidst the infrequent luminescence of smart phones & glow sticks. The occasional volley of air horns blaring to further intensify the atmosphere...
’Vicarious’ by Tool
The tsunami of crowd heat rattled the rafters as the casual strumming of guitar strings continued with their gradual ascension. Exit 125 became the portal to belch forth the strobe lit overcast of smoke. A heavily obscured shadow was captured by Camera Thirty Five as the guitar riffs reached their acoustic summit. The angry riffs lured the challenger forward to a thunderous ovation as the ninja stretched his fingers & rotated his wrists, drawing his eyes shut while training toward the concrete earth before him. His clasped hands were drawn to rest against the bridge of his nose for several moments...
Carrington: “...Introducing First...the challenger; making his way to the ring...From the Kansai Prefecture of Osaka, Japan...Weighting in at 245 pounds...”He’s the ‘Athletic Freak of Nature’...KENSHIRO!!!! INOGAMI!!!!!!
The arena lights returned to full brightness to reveal the ninja extending his arms outward, flaring a gnarled set of fists before the masses. Head reared back longingly before fully extending his hands & fingers. Chest heaving with his head slowly trained toward the opposing side of the arena before gradually lowering his arms. Adorned with the hues of predominantly Pearl, Onyx, Crimson & Gold, Kenshiro casually scanned the horizon before gradually making his way toward the elongated uncovered stairwell. Random hands grazed his person undisturbed as the Inogami Clan leader continued to pop the bones in his neck during his descent. The ninja briefly caressed a adolescent fan’s face while power walking toward the ground floor.
Powers: “What do you expect, Buhrman? These psychopaths literally enjoy this arrogantly glorified garbage wrestler. This is nothing short of drunken frat boy madness set on the company’s dime. I get why these idiots are excited because this is actually personal between these two morons.”
Buhrman: “Unlike my ‘esteemed colleague’ here, to hold the Underground title is a definitive statement in & of itself as the champion, without question, usually is the proverbial ‘Bull of the Woods’. Unlike the jOlt Championship, the Underground Title itself, bears its own unique history. Especially to both challengers & champions alike yet much has been relegated to heavy speculation, among other things.”
Powers: “This isn’t the time to entertain one of your lame ass ghost stories, Buhrman. Focus on trying to call a decent match.”
The ninja halted his walk to stand nose to nose with Khadafi & Statuz Quo at the ground level. Duzza & Dallas Griffin advanced forward with the wheelchair bound manager inaudibly yelling to his crew before every member begrudgingly moved passed the ninja with Dallas pushing Duzza onward. One fan held his hand up for a High Five only for the ninja cast a brief glare at him before moving onward to the ground floor. Camera Thirteen offered an angled panning shot of him maneuvering his way through the crowd. Clearing the barricades, the ninja silently basked in the enormity of the moment before casually walking up the ring steps and coming to momentary halt along the ring apron. Kenshiro snatched the hair band away to allow his greyish-white locks to descend before sweeping them free from his visage. Camera One monitored him looking back into the screaming sea of humanity before passing through the ropes and making his ascent up the nearest turnbuckle. Moments elapsed before he dropped down & stood atop the opposing turnbuckle. Fingers rolling with anticipation, his face was again obscured by hair before whipping his head back & breathing in the moment. Kenshiro climbed down to assume command of his corner as his music subsided and the referee approached him to make a preliminary inspection.
Dueling chants between pro-challenger versus pro-champion began to ring out as Ninja began tugging at the ropes before casually pacing the immediate perimeter in wait for the imminent war ahead...
And the elated masses would make their voice heard with a thunderous roar. The normal herald of the Destroyer had been replaced by the deep and almost hypnotic voice of James Earl Jones as he quoted a section of The Destruction of Sennacherib by Lord George Gordon Byron
For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast,
And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:
And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill,
And their hearts but once heaved, and forever grew still!”
The jOltvision screens were caught displaying the slow motion movement of a white stallion & its bared rider, Death itself, amidst their unified march toward imminent destruction when the visual of an ascending mushroom cloud filled the screen. The PA system reverberated the looming shockwave before the entire massive vault housing area jettisoned several massive spires of blueish flames toward the heavens in rapid fire succession. Several mid-sized flames were set off, leading to the squared circle where all four turnbuckle angrily ejected hellish flames of a bluish-white hue. The lighting displayed Ninja K set in the position of seiza several paces from the ring’s epicenter. The audience roared adamantly as the spires were quickly extinguished.
“Get some” - Chevelle
The downpour of auditory madness erupted from the PA system as the jOltvision monitors began casting forth a literal archive of benevolent violence and unrepentant dominance of the opposition. Atop the housing compartment of the massive vault, the bluish flames began to grow and dance with intensity as the jOltvision monitors displayed the infamous hulking titan throwing a punch toward the screen. The scene immediately switched to an entire side of a tall building ruptured by a massive explosion. The unfortunate souls were seen falling toward imminent doom. One was rapidly descending toward the screen before the screen blacked from the impact. Sizable cracks formed against the screen, spelling out the name of the reigning Underground Champion with hints of Crimson, running along the fragmented surface, before turning to the trademark blue of The Human Natural Disaster. Camera One noted a hulking silhouette with its head downcast.
Carrington: “...And his opponent...From Atlanta, Georgia...Weighting in at 335 pounds...He is the current...reigning & defending jOlt Wrestling Underground Champion of the WORLD! ...He is the ‘Super Beast’...THIS! IS! SYLO!!!!!!
Camera One panned back as the champion fully extended his arms outward overhead, igniting the unified series of flaming spires to shoot upward. The pewter finish of the Underground Championship flashed a hardened gleam as light danced along its surface as Sylo plodded forward. The Legacy title remained draped over his left shoulder with him securing it against his chest like a warrior’s armor as he prepared to ride into the mouth of war. Black hair was strewn primarily over his face; the champion traded visual daggers between himself and the ninja waiting on the opposing side within the squared circle. The hulking mammoth stood eerily reserved a foot before the ring, allowing the flashbulbs to dance unchecked from his immediate flanks. Pulling the Legacy title off his shoulder, Sylo reached up and jumped from the floor onto the ring apron before using the steel cables as a slingshot to propel himself over the top rope and with amazing agility end up almost dead center of the ring.
Camera Three captured the champion casually unsecuring the Underground title from his waist before raising both belts slowly overhead. A rousing pop hit an audible spike as Sylo stood before Kenshiro, who never wavered with both arms folded across his chest. Simon Boulder patiently grabbed the Underground title and longingly raised it overhead as Sylo held out the belt for Carrington to make himself useful and ensure of its safety. The referee approached and both champion & challenger stepped backward to their respective corners as the Super Beast began popping his neck & the bones in his extremities. The Arena of Champions became a literal echo chamber as the dueling chants cast for both challenger & champion flooded the vast interior. Simon Boulder looked at each man and the crowd rallied as he called for the opening bell...
Buhrman: And here we go!
Both Sylo & Ninja broke into a dead sprint toward the ring’s epicenter where parries a searing Left Hook before drilling the title squarely under his left shoulder blade with a Spinning Back Elbow. The champion gnashed his teeth as his retaliatory Spinning Back Elbow sailed overhead, leaving him open to endure a Spinning Back Hand Punch immediately followed by a punishing Right Hook. Ninja’s Back Elbow Strike was quickly parried with a Shove yet Ninja’s Leaping Roundhouse soared over the champions head, leaving the ninja open to eat a hard Forearm Shiver across the chest. The impact send the ninja rolling backwards to a knee before sprint back after his rival. Sylo successfully blocked the ninja’s kicking onslaught before connecting with a menacing Body Shot. The ninja landed & was staggered by a Right Hook to the Jaw. Kenshiro used a Cartwheel to a brief retreat backwards to recover. The monster pounded his chest, urging the ninja to fight as he quickly closed in.
The Inogami Clan leader power walked forward toward his rival who hauled off with a searing Uppercut! Kenshiro quickly sidestepped the attack yet his Forearm Strike was blocked by Sylo yet Ninja staggered the titan back with an swift Open Palm Punch to the mouth. The Super Beast was quick to clasp onto Ninja’s wrist to stop the Punch yet the ninja extended his fingers outward, rearing the champion back by pressing firmly against Sylo’s Adam’s Apple. Coughing violently, the Super Beast managed to slap away the ninja’s Rising Knee Strike to knock his attacker backward off balance with a stiff Shoulder Ram. The Underground champion’s Backhand Strike was trapped by the ninja’s hands as his Diving Somersault put him in position to searing High Angled Roundhouse Kick. The kick cast Sylo’s hair about as it soared overhead, allowing the behemoth to grab Kenshiro by the leg and snatch him toward him along the canvas. The monster’s punch left a sound imprint into the mat as Kenshiro quickly rolled to the side, push himself up with one hand before driving his free foot into the grill of his enemy.
Wrapping himself around the leviathan’s arm, Kenshiro prompted Sylo to laying a series of random heavy body shots while seeking to effectively counter the variation of a Cross Armbar. The legions roared as Sylo broadened his base to hoist the ninja upward & soundly slam him against the nearby turnbuckle. His Forearm Smash bounced angrily off the turnbuckle padding yet he grabbed the ninja by the lapel and slammed him spine first against the corner. Kenshiro’s defenses attempted to weather the MMA style punching maelstrom before being cast nearly halfway across the ring via a Biel Throw. The challenger stumbled slightly before regaining his footing as Sylo spat out a pronounced dose of crimson before flashing his stained canines. The menacing stare radiated an oddly enhanced sense of hatred, brimming from within. Stalking after his prey, Sylo fired off a quartet of punches that grazed the nimble ninja who swung in with an Overhand Punch. The champion latched onto the arrant wrist yet easily trapped the Right Hand with his massive fist. The mountain of muscle & sinew mocked his rival by laughing. Blood dripping from his lips as their respective arms trembled with mutual tension.
Ninja’s brow furrowed while quickly assessing his situation before slamming Sylo’s face with a stiff Headbutt! A 2nd & 3rd finally allowed the ninja to jettison the champion backwards with a Drop Sault to a crouched posture. A mild stream of blood ran down from between Super Beast’s eyebrows as he staggered backward briefly. Dabbing his life essence with his fingertips, he licked the blood from his lips before motioning the ninja to come back for more. Both men power walked toward the ring’s epicenter yet Sylo spat crimson into the ninja’s eyes, temporarily blinding him. A hard Left Hook staggered Kenshiro sideways into the path an immediate Right Cross. A 3 hit Combo sent the challenger retreating wildly into the corner. Muay Thai Knee Strikes came in droves as the bewildered ninja sought to reclaim his bearings.
The ninja parried an incoming Knee Strike with his padded foot heel before slamming his Forearm against Sylo’s Thigh yet the titan wailed on his masked rival with a flurry of Overhand Forearm Strikes before connecting with a furious Knee Strike to the ninja’s Abdomen, lifting him off his feet a few inches. Sylo leaned him back to forcibly rip the partial mask free from the ninja’s face before connecting with a Hard Elbow Strike against the clan leader’s jaw. 2 consecutive Body Shots were the prelude to a angry Uppercut cast a notable stream of crimson from the lips of Kenshiro as it cascaded onto three fans situated in the front row. The ninja’s body was almost flung over the top rope from the impact yet Sylo grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back into the corner. The pro-Sylo demographic displayed their amassed bloodlust as their champion hoisted Kenshiro overhead before sending him sailing into the crowd with a Running Gorilla Press Toss. Several fans in the 5th row fell out of view as Kenshiro knocked them over. The blood drunken God of the Underground division perched himself atop the middle turnbuckles to emit a primal scream with both arms & fists extended outward.
Buhrman: “Jesus Christ! We are only over 5 minutes into this contest and the challenger has been sent sailing into the 7th row!”
Powers: “Both men are bloodied already, Mike. I could have told you these neanderthals were incapable of sound strategy. (mockingly) Me Sylo. Me hurt Pajama man... ”
Buhrman: “You better be careful there, Nate. These guys have no qualms in making short work of you.”
Powers: “They better focus on each other. As for Ninja, he’s gonna going to need a hell of a lot more than Tiger Balm before this night’s over...”
Camera Seven offered an overhead pan of a low crawling Kenshiro who was seen grabbing one of the patrons by the collar of his shirt who had the misfortune of having blood spat on his shoes. Simon Boulder continued counting...5! ...6! ...7! Planting his hand on the seat of a free chair, the resident Antihero pulled himself up to his vertical base. Seen flexing the hinges of his jaw, Ninja lumbered forward through the cheering masses. Meanwhile, Sylo was seen wiping his mouth with his forearm while clearing the barricades before grabbing the ninja’s hair and leading him forward through the crowd. Camera Five switched just in time to notice the ninja being forcibly shoved over the barricades onto the padded floor. Strewn out near the ring apron, Kenshiro reached underneath the apron was his oppressor knelt down & wrapped his massive hands around the ninja’s throat. Eyes bulging out, the Ronin managed to retrieve his patented Japanese Rose Stem - A Singapore Cane encased w/ hardened Honey, strands of Barbed Wire & Glass Shards....
A faint stream of crimson ran along the champion’s brow as the ninja’s makeshift weapon was tangled up in his rival’s hair. The champion howled in utter anguish as Ninja angrily attempted to pry the weapon free. One hand was still choking Kenshiro as Sylo desperately sought to use his forearm to pry the weapon off himself. The separation was made yet Sylo splashed crimson across a pair of light colored shirts while whipping his head away. Strands of the champion’s hair dangled from the barbed wire wrapped weapon. Camera Two followed Sylo as he crawled away on all fours before leaning against the Spanish Announce Table. Kenshiro remained around the corner working to regain his breath, coughing harshly. Palming his right eye, blood continued running between Sylo’s fingers. Camera Three captured the image of Kenshiro rounding the ring post, armed with a the Japanese Rose Stem. Ninja pointed the weapon at the referee, prompting him to keep his distance as Kenshiro closed in & slammed the weapon against the champion’s shoulder. A jagged splatted pattern was left along the giant’s right shoulder as he quickly staggered sideways before collapsing between the Spanish & Lead Announce Positions. The pro-Ninja crowd let their voices be heard as Kenshiro pointed the Japanese Rose Stem at his enemy before methodically beating the champion’s back, calves & quads. Writhing in sheer pain, Sylo rolled over to his back & reached upward only to recoil from being smack across the chest!
Camera One zeroed in as Kenshiro stalked after the grounded champion, panting with red beads of blood were coalescing across his back. Ninja grabbed the Super Beat’s legs in preparation for an Inverted Indian Death Lock before arching backward and bracing the Japanese Rose Stem across the bridge of the champion’s nose! Blood flow gradually increased as the howling monstrosity clawed at the ninja’s hands. Several intentional moments elapsed before Kenshiro arched himself upward, allowing his rival to collapse. The masses responded as Ninja flicked blood over to the lead announce team in sheer defiance...
Powers: AW SHIT! I got blood on my suit! This is an Armani suit, you asshole!
Buhrman: Nate; either one of these guys are a problem you really don’t need. You better keep it down.
The Athletic Freak of Nature broke the weapon atop the table before casting it before Nate Powers’ lap. Sweeping his hair back, Kenshiro spat crimson onto the table before battering his enemy with a series of Back Mounted Cross Face Punches. Referee Boulder kept watch was Sylo mustered a marginal defense for the ongoing onslaught before shoving Sylo’s head against the ground. Ninja casually sauntered toward the ring apron before pulling out a Steel Garbage Can, filled with a regular Kendo Sticks & assorted hardcore debris. Having dumped out its contents, Ninja turned his attention toward Sylo thus raising the canister overhead yet Sylo humbled the ninja with a stern Punch to Kenshiro’s mid section. The ninja stumbled backward to a crouched position as a bloodied yet pissed off champion sought to reclaim his bearings. Both announce teams were quick to scatter as Sylo began hurling chairs at the sinewy ninja. Sidestepping the incoming chairs, Kenshiro leapt atop the Spanish Announce table, grabbed the battered Rose Stem & swung at the champions head yet Sylo ducked, grabbed Ninja by the wrist and snatched him off the table to slam him shoulder first atop the lead announce position. Kenshiro gnashed his teeth as he fell behind the table out of view.
Asphyxiation - {Boot Choke} left the ninja pawing at his attacker’s calf & ankle. A methodical hail of Stomps would batter the ninja’s chest before he stepped over to pick up Kenshiro’s weapon of choice. Coughing up spittle, Kenshiro sought to reclaim his footing yet groaned audibly as Sylo cracked him across the lower back. The 2nd hit sprawled Kenshiro across the lead announce table as the 3rd caught a large portion of the ninja’s attire. Planting his foot between the ninja’s shoulder blades, several tugs by the champion were needed to literally expose the ninja’s left shoulder blade & lower back as the ninja fell onto the other side of the table out of view. The broken weapon beared the tattered fabric at the fragmented end, leading Sylo to snatch the fabric off the shattered object as a make shift bandage to minimize the blood loss from his arm before throwing the broken cane aside...
Buhrman: ...angry feedback...
Powers: ...angry feedback... ”I can’t”....feedback...”cheap shit”....feedback...”
The angry King of the Underground reared back and kicked the Spanish Announce position atop the Resident Antihero, spilling both TV monitors onto the floor. The audience roared as the Underground Champion knelt before the ring apron before dragging out a table. Leaning it against the ring, Sylo would pull out a 2nd table and shove it over the top rope before lumbering over to the other side of the broadcast table after Ninja. The kneeling ninja was grabbed by the hair allowing Ninja to swing the TV monitor, shattering the screen with the impact against the giant’s skull. Sylo fell against the barricades before collapsing along the floor. The Inogami Clan leader stumbled forward before grabbing the television cord and wrapped it around the champion’s throat. Planting his foot against the barricades, Ninja sought to strangle the life from his rival before slapping Simon Boulder’s hand off of his shoulder. Ninja stood toe to toe with the referee and ordered him to count the champion out. Boulder stared back at the ninja briefly before starting the count...
The Super Beast powered his way back to a knee with the help of the barricades. The challenger looked at Boulder before commandeering the unfolded tables resting against the ropes. Hoisting it overhead, Ninja readjusted himself before gaining a running start. The champion & fans in the front row scattered for cover as the elongated missile careened soundly against the barricades. Sylo gnashed his teeth as he snatched the cords free from his throat and stumbled over toward the ring. Sylo stepped aside the Ninja K Baseball Slide Drop Kick, allowing the ninja to turn about & landed a powered Right Hand across the Ninja’s jaw. Kenshiro stumbled wildly several feet away before Sylo grabbed him by the arm and flung him toward the ring steps, soundly knocking the upper portion over! Ninja slowly pried himself off the steel obstruction when Sylo grabbed the ninja by the hair and repeatedly banged his head against the steel steps. A splatter pattern began to grow with each impact before being flung backwards, left sprawled out along the floor. The hulking leviathan stared at his rival and the masses respectively before pulling the steel steps base away from the ring. Grabbing the ninja by the hair again, Sylo took another moment to look out into the crowd. Kenshiro weakly pawed his captors arm before being battered with a malicious series of Clubbing Forearms. Having dropped to the floor, the ninja was at the Underground King’s mercy, who hoisted him upward yet dropped him down as he began to favor his shoulder. The Super Beast flashed his canines before lifting the ninja overhead and briefly yelled out to the masses...
Downfall Atop The Ring Steps
An audible roar was overheard as the champion’s Cross Armed Power Bomb spiked the ninja atop the steel base with authority. Arms fell lifeless to each side, the ninja lied virtually motionless. Baited breathing with both eyes glossed over. Simon Boulder’s inquiries were silenced as the Super Beast slowly raised his head toward him. The referee look at the fallen ninja and began to make the count...
Kenshiro slowly keeled over onto his stomach, breath measured with a set of pursed lips as he began to will himself to fight his way back up to a knee...
The pro-Sylo crowd cheered as Kenshiro slipped and fell face first yet struggled to regain lost ground as the Underground Champion gnashed his teeth while holding onto the barricades...
The tsunami of cheers was overheard as Kenshiro as unable to beat the count in time while latching onto Boulder’s shirt. Simon signaled for the bell as Sylo nodded confidently to himself. The ninja’s inaudible protests went unheard as Dean Carrington commandeered the mic...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; at a time of 19 minutes 04 seconds...your winner by way of Knockout...SYLO!!!
Sylo - 1 - Ninja K - 0
A sense of urgency powered the challenger up back to his feet while grimacing notably from the damage suffered. Simon Boulder hunched over to assess the ninja’s condition. A faint spray of crimson fell as the ninja leaned against the ring apron yet an embittered Sylo connected with a Running Yakuza Kick from behind to floor the ninja along the outside. Kenshiro coughed harshly as the champion snatched the ninja back to his feet and shoved him back inside the ring. Cover...1! ...2! Shoulder! Sylo was quick to punish the ninja with a Scoop Slam, leaving him arching his back in anguish before exiting the ring. Fishing underneath the squared circle, the masses emitted a hardcore pop as the Super Beast dragged out a table heavily wrapped in razor wire. Diligently, the monster carefully unfolded the table near the ring before casting a trinity of Chairs over the top rope. One of the chairs landed atop the fallen ninja’s shoulder as the Atlanta native slid back inside the ring. The Super Beast held the unfolded chair with his right hand while motioning for the ninja to stand himself erect. The ninja staggered upward awkwardly before slowly turning around...
Heavily weakened by the blow, the ninja eerily raised his hand outward before dropping to a knee. The ability to stand was evidently difficult yet the ninja struggled to stand. A broad reddish smile flashed across Sylo’s face as he promptly crowned Kenshiro with a massive Chair Shot! The ninja landed face first against the canvas with a small puddle of blood soaking staining the mat. Sylo whipped his head back after casting the chair aside & putting his hands on his hips. Simon Boulder stared at Sylo briefly before initiating his mandatory count...
Resting his weight with his Left Forearm, the ninja raised his head slowly. A notable stream of blood ran over the right eye of the Ronin while heavily panting...
Pushing himself upward, Kenshiro used his knee & both hands to steady himself during his plodding descent. Sylo was seen chuckling onto himself while shaking his head before grabbing the dented chair, unfolding it and resting it at the center of the ring...
The crowd offered the intentionally mixed reaction as Kenshiro stumbled forward to fall against the top rope before eventually breaking the count. Referee Simon Boulder stood before the ninja to assess his ability to continue yet Ninja waved him off. However, the Underground Champion’s approach led Boulder to step out of harm’s way before grabbing his rival by the head and shoving him to the floor. The black haired bully popped the bones in his neck as he approached his crawling rival. A handful of hair allowed the powerful monstrosity peel the ninja off the mat up to his knees before using Kenshiro’s blood as war paint. The King’s Court rallied behind the tyrant as he pulled the ninja back to his feet yet a stern Spinning Back Elbow slammed against the monster’s jaw. Sylo stepped back a few paces before turning his head slowly toward Kenshiro. A 2 hit Punch Combo only prompted the titan to wipe the blood from his lips with his forearm. Both men charged forward yet Sylo nearly decapitated Kenshiro with a powerful Clothesline. Kneeling briefly, Sylo stood to his feet and seated the ninja onto the banged up chair. Pulling the ninja’s head back, he inaudibly shared some words of ill intent before slapping him soundly across the face. Sylo quickly caromed off the opposing ropes & fired off with a Pump Kick. Ninja used a burst of speed to sidestep & shove his rival forward, slamming his nuts atop the back of the chair! The audience roared as both champion and the chair collapsed onto the mat with Sylo, scissoring his legs & pushing himself away toward the ropes. A loud fecal chant rose from the stands as Kenshiro remained on one knee for several moments as Sylo continued screaming in anguish.
Powers: “We’re back! Damn this cheap Salvation Army equipment...”
Buhrman: “Ladies & Gentlemen, we’re back and we whole heartily apologize for the technical difficulties yet as you can see here; both champion & challenger have been bloodied and the Underground Champion, Sylo appears to have suffered a ‘injury’ to his ‘mid section’...”
Powers: “You mean Sylo’s experiencing Testicular Trauma. Stop sugarcoating shit, Buhrman.”
Kenshiro was seen rolling off the ring apron much to the pro-Sylo demographic’s chagrin. The Super Beast slammed the chair down and quickly hobbled to the outside to cut the ninja off. The masses responded audibly as the ninja quickly extended his arm toward Sylo and a concentrated expulsion of smoke enveloped the champion’s face. Sylo howled wildly as his began swinging blindly before falling backwards onto the floor. Resting his arm against the ring apron, Kenshiro offered a faint sneer at his blinded rival before sending the titan staggering backwards with an Underhand Throat Jab. Sylo swung wildly only to fall against the barricades. The ninja rushed forward & knocked the back of the champion’s head against the rails with a Running Leg Wheel.
Leaving Sylo keeled over onto his side, Kenshiro gradually regained his footing before dragging the champion away with both hands before making a Lateral Press...1! ...2! Kickout and the ninja knelt over his prey before pulling him up to his knees with both hands and blasting him across the chest with a solid Kick across the Chest....2....3....4....5....6....7...8...9...The 10th Kick was used to sprawl the champion backward across the floor...Cover...1! ...2! ...NO! Kenshiro remained on a knee while ordering Boulder to count Sylo out...
Sylo was steadily breathing while staring at the arena lights. Fingers moving to signal his return to consciousness...
Sylo willing himself to roll over onto his side before reaching out to the ninja, who slapped his hand away and laid several embittered Stomps onto the massive leviathan before dragging him upward & shoving him against the ring apron chest first and pushing him back underneath the ropes. Kenshiro dropped to a knee briefly before following suit. Sylo struggled briefly to crawl forward on all fours before pushing himself to stand as Ninja staggered him back a few paces with an Open Palm Punch. Sylo slowly advanced and staggered Ninja back with a Left Hook. Ninja stumbled & landed on all fours before reclaiming his footing and hitting stern Backhand Punch. The audience rallied behind their respective choice as they continued to trade blows. Ninja’s Spinning Hook Kick missed, leaving hi open for Sylo’s Systematic Shutdown yet the ninja slipped off & stagged to retain his footing. Sylo swivled about and used a Standing Back Kick to stun Kenshiro before using a Piston Kick to knock the ninja airborne into the nearby corner. The move left Sylo hunched over as he was still sore from earlier. However, driven by vengeance, the Underground Champion gradually gave himself some running room...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; there are 30 minutes remaining in this contest!”
The Slaughter
Kenshiro pulled himself upward as the 335 pound locomotive dove & slammed his shoulder violently against the unforgiving ring post! As Kenshiro remained seated atop the turnbuckles, a howling Sylo collapsed onto the ring apron. The ninja continued panting for several breaths before dropping down to the mat & to all fours as an ailing Sylo drew the referee toward him with his muffled screams. A gasp of disgust was overheard as Simon Boulder adamantly flashed a “X” sign overhead...
Powers: “Oh My God...”
Buhrman: “jolt Wrestling fans; it appears that the Underground Champion, Sylo, has suffered a severely dislocated shoulder. EMT’s are en route as we speak and...”
Powers: “What the hell is he doing...”
The Super Beast shoved the referee away from helping him to his feet as he stepped through the ring ropes, flung the dislocated appendage over the top rope before quickly using his amassed weight to reset the bone! A ugly grimace radiated from the Super Beast’s visage as her cradled his ailing arm. Referee Boulder made himself as a makeshift obstruction to impede the ninja’s progress An EMT slid into the ring leading Kenshiro to grab the man by the head and hurl him over the opposing ropes. Another EMT ate an Open Palm Punch before being humbled the resurgent Super Beast with a hard Knee Lift, stumbling him backward. Sylo grimaced notably before trying to hoist the ninja upward for a Vertical Suplex. The ninja flipped out, prompting the giant to pivot after him...
Shattering Skull Therapy - A stiff Double Roundhouse Kick to the Head
The behemoth spun away from the impact to land on all fours yet the ninja ran behind his rival and cinched in a hasty Rear Waist Lock...
- [sequence] Rolling Dragon Suplex + Release Cobra Clutch Suplex
The Arena of Champions exploded with an hardcore pop as Sylo sailed over the top rope & landed back first through the razor wire table! The Underground Champion emitted an agonizing scream as he tried to free himself from the serrated wire trap. Another pop was heard as Kenshiro used a Slingshot Senton to land atop his bloodied rival! Simon Boulder remained slack jawed briefly before making the count inside the ring...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; at a time of 31 minutes 04 seconds...your winner by way of Knockout...SYLO!!!
Sylo - 1 - Ninja K - 1
Several EMTs approached to pry the ninja away from the razor wire which left a few streams of blood, running down from the ninja’s exposed back. Pulling Kenshiro forward by each arm, the ninja fell forward to his knees and low crawling away from the wreckage as the remained of the medical team struggled to remove the Underground champion from the wreckage. The battered duo were ordered to allow alcohol to be used to sterilize their wounds yet Kenshiro stood to his feet & slapped away the fluid from their hands. Sylo angrily pie faced a medical staff member while dragging himself forward by his elbows. The health administrators scattered to come to the aid of their fallen personnel as the angry ninja again attacked his rival with another series of Back Mounted Cross Face Punches before Sylo latched firmly onto the ninja’s arm. The pain ridden giant switched back into Beast Mode as he snapped Kenshiro over with an short Arm Drag. Ninja sought to swivel free...Guillotine Choke! The amassed blood loss & pain on Sylo gave the ninja a split second to block the hold. Struggling to flee, Ninja widened his base before quickly digging in full rebuke of Sylo’s advances. Kenshiro angled Sylo’s body for a makeshift pin attempt....1! ...2! The ninja struggled yet stomped on the ailing arm of Sylo before both men separated with Kenshiro stumbling backwards & falling before struggled back to his feet. Sylo leaned against the barricades momentarily before stalking after his rival. Kenshiro was looking about and plodding forward toward the vault entrance with Sylo beginning to give chase & running the ninja down with a Running Lariat. Both men laid along the floor before the assembled security detail that moved out of harm’s way as both rivals sought to catch their breaths.
Buhrman: “Ladies & Gentlemen; we are already approaching the 35 minute mark in this Iron man match and both men are determined to break this literal tie between them...”
Powers: “Thank God we still have our table intact...”
Irish Whip by Sylo would slam the ninja angrily against the hardened side of the armored van, making the ninja collapse face first as the Underground champion dropped down to a knee still favoring his shoulder. Staggering back to his feet, the Super Beast lurched after the recovering ninja before sandwiching him against the armored vehicle with a Running Boot to the Chest. Kenshiro’s mouth remained agape as crimson dripped onto his clothing before keeling over onto his side. The hulking monstrosity took a moment to look out into the cheering crowd as he staggered away toward the other side of the reinforced truck before struggling to lift it from its side...
Powers: “What the hell is he doing? Especially with that bum shoulder?!...”
Buhrman: “Oh My God! He’s trying to crush the ninja with that vehicle.”
Powers: “Sylo’s literally lost it...”
Buhrman: “Get out of there, Kenshiro!!”
The rising cheers nearly drowned out the Super Beast’s grunts of anguish as the vehicle began to succumb to the monster’s herculean feat. The security detail flashed expressions of disbelief before scattering like roaches as Ninja shook his head to realize what was happening. Reaching into his clothing, Ninja palmed something small in his hand before quickly slamming it into the ground before being immediately enveloped by a massive gust of smoke. A primal yell was heard as the sounds of creaking metal became more pronounced before a sickening thud was heard as the vehicles consents spilled out along the floor from the back of the vehicle! The remainder of the smoke was quickly cast out before dissipating as the Super Beast was showered with an ominous fecal chant as he dropped to a knee and angrily cradled his arm. Breathing heavily. The security detail assembled & desperately continued their search around the immediate perimeter, ignoring the slumped over Sylo laughing with his jaw agape to himself...
Powers: “Ladies & Gentlemen; we are well beyond words as to what has just transpired. Just a few moments ago, the Underground Champion seems to not only injure himself even further by somehow overturning the vehicle yet...”
Buhrman: “Hey!.....”
The gradual clamoring of the crowd suddenly ascended to a feverish pitch as the passenger side door was raised upward and the ninja’s arm fell into view. Quick to pull himself upward, the ninja low crawled to his feet, urging the security detail to point upward at his direction. Ninja angrily searched after his rival. Sylo began to stagger backward before being floored with a Flying Head Scissors Takedown by Ninja! Sylo stumbled wildly into the barricades, where the pro-Super Beast fans began patting him on his person...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; there are 20 minutes remaining in this contest!”
Camera Eight visually took note of the ninja’s transition from a low crawl to staggering toward the ladder affixed to the massive vault’s side. Meanwhile, the Underground Champion took a few moments to reclaim his bearings while watching the ninja ascent to the roof of the ominous vault. Driven to end the ninja, the Super Beast dragged himself back to his feet and angrily pulled himself up toward the structure’s apex. Kenshiro leaned back as he stood himself erect, armed with a weighted chain with a gleaming sickle in hand. The Super Beast stood brazen near the ladder before moving toward his rival. Both Ninja & Sylo began to encircle the vault roof with the champion stepping out of range from the flying chain aimed toward his head before trapping the Sickle between both hands. Kenshiro quickly wrapped the weighted chain around his rival’s throat & sent Sylo staggering backward toward the nearby ledge with a Spinning Back Kick to the Face. The audience gasped as Sylo spilled and latched onto the ledge, feet dangling underneath him as the ninja quickly retrieved his weapon. Wrapping the length of the chain around his forearm during his hastened approach, the ninja reared back and swung the Sickle toward his hapless foe yet the Super Beast remained hanging with one hand to avoid being skewered. Angrily, Ninja depressed an unseen button to detatch the handle from the sharpened blade embedded into the vault wall & reared back with the black handle as Sylo used his bad arm to cold cock his rival’s face. Out of sheer desperation, Sylo relied on his damaged appendage to aid him in his quick scramble back atop the roof. A floored Ninja shook the cobwebs free before pulling back on the chain once more yet Sylo’s might caused the ninja to gradually lose ground.
Camera Thirty One offered an angled pan of the literal tug of war between challenger & champion when Sylo rushed forward unexpectedly. The ninja succumbed to the abrupt shift in balance, rolled to his feet only to be spun out to a knee with a brutal Left Hook. The champion swung the chain free from the ninja’s arm before wrapping it around Kenshiro’s throat from behind. Teeth gnashing, the ninja struggled to keep his feet atop either one of his rival’s tights. Legs swaying in desperation, Ninja planted his foot against Sylo’s hip to thrust his foot backward flush against the titan’s teeth. Both men collapsed in opposing directions with the champion seeking to remove the weighted chain length from around his throat. Sylo reeled from the impact yet managed to wrench back tighter on the chain, pulling his rival upward onto both knees. Pawing the air behind him, the ninja quickly back pedaled toward his enemy. The blue-eyed leviathan stunned the ninja with a stern Forearm Shiver to the back of the head, bending the ninja forward before snatching the challenger soundly against the roof floor. Sylo began to chuckled onto himself as he dragged the ninja along the rooftop in a virtual circle, finding amusement in this brand of torture. The ninja’s feet skirted slightly over the ledge of the roof before using his feet as unofficial breaks. Quick to use the chain to reduce the distance, Kenshiro swung the links against the titan’s face. Grimacing form the impact, Sylo was defenseless against the incoming ninja’s Open Palm Punch. A chain-assisted Snap Mare was immediately followed by a Hard Knee Drop to the Face.
Buhrman: “Neither man has been apparently looking to score a decisive fall as they have every intent to destroy one another.”
Powers: “I would be out of life for wishing either one ‘Good Riddance’ but I got to hand it to them; they are displaying the will to do any and everything to be the undisputed King of the Underground division.”
Small splashed of blood fanned out as Kenshiro slammed his chain wrapped fist against his rivals forehead yet Sylo reached up & grabbed his rival’s hair, pulling him close to him and blasted him square against the forehead with a Knee Strike. The ninja fell backwards and was left cradling his face as Sylo keeled over to his stomach and palmed his bloody brow. Both men were notably digging deep for their reserves...
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; there are 10 minutes remaining in this contest!”
The announcement led both rivals to crawl their way back to their feet before they began exchanging punches. The divided fans cheered & jeered their respective choices again as a punch by the champion stumbled the ninja closer toward the ledge. Kenshiro returned fire with a Buzzsaw Kick. Sylo parried the attack by yanking the ninja’s leg toward him, flooring the challenger with a Hard Forearm to the mid section. The Inogami Clan leader was balled up in a partial fetal position as Sylo whipped his head back and motivated the crowd as he stuck out his tongue while drawing a slashing gesture with his thumb across his throat. The hulking monstrosity stood over his rival. Hands flared & snorting intently while stalking after his rising prey. The masses continued to cheer wildly as Kenshiro dragged himself upward before being humbled with a Front Kick to the Stomach. The ninja dropped to both knees from the impact yet the rejuvenated Super Beast snatched him up to his feet to grab him by the hair, leaning him toward the ledge. The pro-Sylo demographic let their voices be heard as Sylo began fishing for a verdict before slowly shaking his head & giving the convicted a stern thumbs down. Sylo hoisted the ninja upward into position...
Buhrman: “Hey! Sylo’s setting Ninja up for Hiroshima’s Revenge! Sylo’s looking to humiliate the ninja with his own finishing move!”
Powers: “This is fucking awesome! An excellent statement by the reigning champion!”
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; there are 5 minutes. 5 minutes remaining in this contest!”
The ongoing buzz activated the Fight or Flight instinct from within, prompting the ninja to wrap the chain around the base of his rival’s knee before driving the hardened weapon against Sylo’s calf. The titan gnashed his teeth allowing the ninja to swing his legs away before collapsing onto the floor alongside the ailing champion. Kenshiro knelt before his enemy as Sylo was favoring his leg before the ninja slammed the weapon against the damaged appendage before switching over to the monstrosity’s damaged shoulder A bloodcurdling howl was heard as Kenshiro grabbed his opposition by the hair and dragged him to his knees. The embittered champion displayed some fight in him by hitting Kenshiro in the stomach again, knocking the ninja onto his back. Sylo willing himself up to his feet and hobble over to his recovering rival while cradling his arm. Sylo grabbed Kenshiro by the hair only to have his arm slapped away and staggered backward towards the ledge with a stern Right Hook. A stern Left Punch leaned the monstrosity toward the ledge before grabbing the ninja by the chain wrapped arm for leverage to maintain his balance. Kenshiro stunned the giant with a stiff Head Butt to the Face draping the champion across his shoulders. The screaming legions were heard as Kenshiro shook while supporting all 335 pounds of dead weight...
Systematic Shutdown!
The Arena of Champions was overwhelmed with a audible explosion before a deafening fecal chant resonated overhead as Camera One trained itself on the bloodied heap of an Underground Champion, peeling himself off the heavily fractured windshield before collapsing soundly onto the floor below! The ninja was left dangling along the edge before falling several feet to the floor and laying sprawled out along the floor. The security detail & EMT’s were back on the scene before wheeling the stretchers out for standby.
Buhrman: “Sylo & Ninja are down yet jOlt Wrestling fans; it looks as if the champion is worse for ware as he was just hurled off the vault 20 feet onto the windshield of the armored car. A violent sight to behold as EMT’s are back out and surrounding the immediate area.”
Powers: *exhales*”All I am going to tell you is don’t look at the replay. This is not for the weak of heart, people.”
Dean Carrington is seen conferring with Simon Boulder and is overheard agreeing with the order to stop the clock as they began loading the champion onto the gurney when Sylo reached over to grab Carrington by the collar and orders him to keep the fucking clock running. Simon Boulder backs up a few paces as Sylo attempted to remove himself off the gurney when Kenshiro rushed into the picture with a Running Lariat from behind, knocking him to the floor. The ninja pointed at Carrington to keep that clock running and make the announcement.
Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; there are 1 minute. 1 minutes remaining in this contest!”
A volatile mix of hardened jeers & bloodthirsty cheers filled the arena as Kenshiro wheeled the gurney over toward his fallen opponent and slammed it atop on the titan’s shoulder. Sylo howled angrily along the floor as Kenshiro sent personnel scattering away before slamming the gurney atop of his rival once more...
The Imploding Star Submission!
Simon Boulder Knelt down with a slightly squeamish look as the champion had crimson dripping freely from his lips. An audible pop was heard, leading Boulder to jump back as the titan howled at a feverish pitch. Camera One trained itself at the notable dislocation of the heavily damaged shoulder as Kenshiro wenched back further. The monster’s screams gradually drew faint as the final seconds drew to the end. Sylo remained motionless as Simon Boulder looked at the ninja before signaling for the bell! The Arena of Champions was set ablaze as the divided masses cheered & jeered enthusiastically. Referee Simon Boulder motioned for the medical staff to return. The band of white shirts were tentative in their approach as both champion & challenger remained almost motionless due to excessive fatigue and accumulative damage. The security detail returned to separate the two in order to aid the broken Super Beast.

Carrington: “Ladies & Gentlemen; your winner of the match by way of submission and....NEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW! JOlt Wrestling Underground Champion...KENSHIRO!! INOGAMI!!!”
’Vicarious’ by Tool serenaded the masses as the ninja remained on both hands and knees. Head remaining downcast as Referee Simon Boulder made his way back from the ringside area. The pro-Ninja demographic erupted with an amorous pop as the new champion’s detractors jeered adamantly for the end of an abruptly shortened reign of their fallen King. Breathing heavily, Kenshiro reached for the shimmering championship with both hand and held it before him. Face caked with blood, the new Chief Retainer of the Underground division became lost in its surface.
Camera One watched the dethroned Sylo being hoisted onto the gurney with a team effort before being escorted to the back as Mamoru, Eiji Kugasari & The Crimson Order began to file out of the vault opening with Mamoru display an expression of Inogami Clan pride by placing his hand atop his clan leader’s shoulder. The remainder of the clan knelt before their master and bowed respectfully as Kenshiro gradually stood erect. Raising the Underground Championship with his right hand, the clan advisor raised the ninja’s left hand toward the heavens in victory. Streamers in the hues of the Inogami Clan colors soared over the barricades from all directions, draping themselves over the Osaka native and his officers. Drawing his eyes shut, the new champion breathed in deeply. After a term of seven long years, redemption was his at long last...
Winner: Ninja K via Submission
