
Alex Reyn vs Hank Wright
Going out West by Queens of the Stone Age.
Dean Carrington, take it away: “Weighing in at 278 pounds. The Tank and The 2012 ACW King of Ages, HANK!! WRIGHT!!!”
Wright, who’d qualified with a hard-fought win over Mike Patterson, sauntered to the squared circle. Seemingly oblivious to the great ovation being bestowed on him, he looked pissed off that he was going to have to do it all over again to be involved in the Thieves’ Honor match.
Unlike last week, he didn’t exchange high-fives with the fans. That was the sour mood he was in. However, once he stepped through the ropes, he afforded the fans a roar and they repaid that with interest. It was a brief moment of acknowledgment though. The Tank was in the mood to test Alex Reyn in a way that Darren Best hadn’t.
‘Sacrifice by Jeff Williams
The lights dimmed as the opening notes of 'Sacrifice' begin to play. The arena was almost pitch black, only showing a few trailing spotlights. Viewers watching at home would see Images begin to flicker across their tv screen as the camera panned over the crowd. The images were of violence, natural disasters, and a solitary figure, watching it all.
“And the opponent: Weighing in at 200 pounds. The East Wind of Adversity, ALEX!! REYN!!!”
Smoke begins to fill the arena, and within the smoke, lit up by the searchlights, ghostly images appeared. Famous heroes and villains from throughout history. At the top of the ramp, a silhouette slowly comes into view. A young man, waiting on the stage in a three point stance. Looking almost like some hungry predator. The rock part of the song kicked in and he took off, charging down the ramp and-
That was the sound of a chair bouncing off Alex’s head.
Followed by it being dumped to the floor. As the camera panned up, a disgusted Darren Best looked down at his fallen prey. Meanwhile, Wright was a mere onlooker in the ring.
Some fans stayed silent whereas others cheered.
Perhaps encouraged by that, Best set about Alex with the object, picking it up again and berating his tormentor with it repeatedly.
Reyn was wriggling around at this point, his back arched as he tried to cope with the severe punishment being dished out by a pent-up Darren.
Enough was enough, surely?
Clearly not.
Seven steel chair shots to the head, neck and back had taken Reyn out of play. Before leaving, Best added another one to the knee.
Oh, and then he mounted Reyn, peppering him with at least half a dozen blows prior to a bevy of referees desperately made their way out to stop Darren from going too far for the pair of them. This rivalry was certainly personal for The Entertainer.
Dragging Darren off, who continued to kick and lash out, it needed around eight officials in stop to restrain and contain the New York native. Suddenly Alex Reyn leapt up and charged at Darren, striking him repeatedly with a barrage of shots to his face.
The words echoed in the arena as the furious CEO of jOlt stepped out onto the ramp.
“BOTH of you, stop it right now!” he said, glaring at both men. “Listen, if you two want to beat the hell out of each other, that’s fine, I get that. But you’re AT LEAST going to let me make some money off of it. Therefore, this Sunday, at Thieves Honour, it will be Alex Reyn, vs Darren Best, in a FEARLESS RULES MATCH!!!
The crowd exploded at that announcement
Darren nodded in agreement with the audience, lapping up the accolades and essentially getting what he wanted at the same time. In fact, he applauded the decision and really milked Damien’s call. Finally, he would get his chance at redemption. Alex Reyn, Darren Best, one-on-one at Thieves Honour!
