
"Memories and Spirits"

The scene opened up backstage at the Kemper Arena just one week before Thieves Honor. Raevynn stood there as the camera focused on her.
"Alyssa Corliss talked about spirit and how every time she hits me, it would be as if Sebastian would be there hitting me as well. Alyssa is trying to manipulate my androphobia and.. well... that's cute, but you see, Alyssa... I'm not one who believes in spirits. IF you can even land a punch on me.. I know for a fact that it's just your fist and nothing else. Sebastian Saje was banned from this match after what he did to me at Rise of the Legends so it's natural that you would say anything you can to try and intimidate me, but that's fine."
Raevynn grinned
"You can continue to live in your false reality. A reality in which you believe that you have the upper hand both physically and mentally. The fact that you can make such sensationalist claims is proof that I've already won. I dismantled you at Rise of the Legends and next week... at Thieves Honor... I will show the world that I truly am Fearless when I go the next step further and end your career once and for all. Amber Ryann put you on the shelf last time and you were lucky enough to come back... I'm not Amber Ryann. I will do things she could only dream of and when it's all said and done, I will have my hand raised once again and you will be carted out of the Kemper Arena never to be seen or heard from again"
Raevynn let out a sigh.
"If you truly wish that... if you truly desire your end... then so be it... it's funny how we arrived at this point, isn't it, though? Jealousy, Love, Fear, Hatred... a menagerie of emotions on display for the world to see... boiling and boiling and boiling for years until this moment where the pressure has built and it's all about to explode. So many things have changed since then... your former boyfriend is a world champion... your current boyfriend dumped you for me and The Rebellion... and then none of that mattered because you took him away from me as soon as The Rebellion ended... and that put us back on a collision course once again. Memories both happy and sad for the both of us."
Raevynn turned and began to walk away, but she stopped for a moment with her back to the camera.
"Cherish those memories, Alyssa. Next week, I'll take them all away."
Raevynn finished walking off as the scene faded to black.
