
Opportunity Knocking
The following match was going to be one of two opportunities for new teams to qualify for Divide and Conquer's Four Corners Tag Team match to crown the newest in the line of jOlt Tag Team Champions. Earlier today, some words were filmed with both teams. The first team was on a previous edition of iNtense taking on The Heirs of Wrestling. The team of Graham Youngblood and Dallas Griffin had a few words about this opportunity earlier today as the scene cut to the jOlt interview area.
Graham Youngblood was up first.
“I'm Graham Youngblood. And my tag team partner is Dallas Griffin. We're the RingRats.”
And up next, Dallas Griffin.
“A few weeks ago in our first match as a team, we came within a HAIR of defeating The Heirs of Wrestling. One of the most decorated tag team combinations in recent memory. THAT is how close we came to achieving glory. THAT is how close that we got to the big time. And now we've been awarded with another opportunity.”
Graham chimed in again.
“Tonight, we face a tag team that was pretty good at this whole tag-teaming thing themselves... Statuz Quo and Khadafi, The Jury. They held the record in the old Legacy of Champions for the longest-reigning tag team champions. That alone gives them the experience edge just like the Heirs had. But we're close. We can taste it. Tonight, we're rising up, we're going to Divide and Conquer with The Heirs of Wrestling and The Avispa Clan and we're gunning for the gold.”
Griffin patted Youngblood on the shoulder.
“The Jury may look at us like a pair of nobodies, but tonight, we're proving them wrong. We're gonna prove them wrong tonight, then we're gonna be SOMEBODY.”
And over to the flip side, the camera also had a few words with the Jury. And in the middle, was their manager, the man called Duzza.
“jOlt Wrestling...” Duzza had a proud smirk on his face as he tipped a quick salute to the viewers. “Allow me to introduce to you a team not of the future, not a bunch of spoiled rich little punk *****es like the Heirs of Wrestling... not employing half of Mexico in their group like The Avispa Clan... they aren't a bunch of has-beens like Fueled by Ignorance. Allow me to introduce to you The Here and Now of jOlt's Tag Team division!”
He nodded to one big badass in the bandanna covering his facial features.
“This BEAST to my left is Statuz Quo.” Then to his right, a man looking even scarier than the last, standing silently for the camera. “And the guy to my right, you can call this mean mother Khadafi. And they are The Jury. You have no idea where they've been. You have no idea what kind of lives they've led, scratching and clawing to get where they are today. In LoC, these two DOMINATED their competition. They destroyed anybody in front of them and held the record for the longest-reigning LoC Tag Team Champions! And once they mop the floor with these two little rookie punk assholes, the... what the hell kind of a name is the RingRats, anyway?”
Khadafi and Statuz Quo had a quite laugh amongst themselves.
“Tonight, we're mowing these boys down, we're moving on to D&C and we're TAKING what's ours. They may be called The Jury, but for tonight, RingRats, Khadafi and Statuz Quo are gonna be playing the part of executioners...”

The Jury vs. RingRats
Now that the fans have been properly introduced to both teams, we now found our attention turned over to the ringside area where the ring announcer was there for introductions right now.
“The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall and the winning team will get a spot in the Four Corners match to crown the newest jOlt Tag Team Champions!”
“Primetime Ratings.”
The familiar take on the “NFL On Fox” theme played and out from the back came a pair of youngsters looking for an opportunity to strike while the iron was hot. This team had a great match a few weeks ago with the Heirs of Wrestling and almost took them to the limit, but now they had an opportunity to be rewarded for their efforts.
“First, making their way down to the ring at a combined weight of 479 pounds, they are the team of Graham Youngblood and Dallas Griffin... THE RINGRATS!”
Griffin and Youngblood hopped into the ring and wasted no time plotting out strategy. They had an opportunity for gold on the line and they were about ready to get up.
“Serial Killa” by Snoop Dogg.
And out from the back, three men appeared from behind the curtains taking in some jeers form the crowd remembering their heinous actions from the previous Legacy of Champions promotion.
“And their opponents, being accomapanied to the ring by Duzza, weighing at a combined weight of 492 pounds, they are the team of Statuz Quo and Khadafi... THE JURY!”
Quo and Khadafi entered the ring with Duzza leading the charge. The two men were physically imposing bastards and if their past credentials meant anything, they were very capable at getting the job done. And if they could do it tonight, they would punch their ticket to Divide and Conquer. The Jury and RingRats respectively chose who to start the match off with and soon, we would get rolling.
The 6' 225-pound high flyer Graham Youngblood was taking on the 6'1” 240-pound Statuz Quo to start things off. The two men circled up and when Graham was going for a collar-and-elbow tie-up, he was kicked in the gut HARD by tQuo. The self-proclaimed King of the South continued to rain down a few punches. Off the bat, one could tell they weren't about fighting fair, they were there to win.
He continued to beat down on Youngblood with several hard elbows to the back of the head before he snapped Graham over with a Snapmare. Quo ran off the ropes looking for a big kick, but Graham saw it coming and ducked, rolling him up from behind with a School Boy!
TWO... NO!
Quo kicked out and got back to his feet, stopping Graham with a quick knee to the stomach to stun him in his tracks. A quick attempt at an Irish Whip also turned out badly for Quo as Graham quickly reversed that and tied him up with a Crucifix Pin!
Statuz Quo kicked out again and made it up to his feet. Graham was back on his feet and already on the attack, ducking under an attempt at a Clothesline from the King of the South. Graham came back and caught him in the face with a hard Flying Elbow Smash!
When he was back on his feet, Graham waited for Quo to get back to his again. He tried to whip him, but Quot turned the tables and fired him off into the corner. Quo charged in, but he was stopped quickly with a pair of knees to the face by Youngblood! The quicker half of the RingRats jumped to the second rope and waited before he flew off, connecting with a quick Missile Dropkick off the second rope! He pushed him over and went for the cover.
Right off the bat, The RingRats were putting up a good fight. Graham went to pick up Quo, but a quick Jawbreaker from the King of the South stunned him long enough to buy him some time. When Graham was stunned he was lifted up and dropped HARD across his knee with a crippling Double Underhook Backbreaker!
Dallas was on the corner, watching his partner get the hell beat out of him now when Quo tagged in Khadafi. The two of them entered the ring and shot Graham into the ropes. Quo caught him with a hard running knee that doubled him over and Khadafi ran off the other side, CLOCKING him with a big kick to the side of the head!
Things were now looking grim for The RingRats as Khadafi pulled him into the corner and delivered a series of hard Shoulder Thrusts to the ribcage. The 6'5” and 252-pound brawler continued to drive shoulders into the gut of Youngblood to drive the wind out of the RingRat Academy graduate. Khadafi backed off for a second at the referee's request only to charge in and catch Youngblood in the face with a hard Corner Big Boot. Khadafi casually tossed Youngblood out of the corner and started tossing right hand after right hand, unloading with complete brutality.
Khadafi dragged Quo back to the other side of the ring and Duzza continued to shout instructions ranging from “mess that kid up” and game-winning strategy like “**** him up some more!” Khadafi and Quo did just that, lifting him up in a Double Back Suplex position only to PLANT him hard into the mat with a Reverse Powerbomb-like move. Quo casually went for the cover again.
Dallas Griffin was on the outside chomping at the bit to get inside the ring, slamming a hand down on the turnbuckle to get the fans into the match. They started clapping for Graham Youngblood as he was shaken around by Quo in the ring with a series of hard Crossface Punches. After he was done with that, Quo walked across the ring and completed... yup, that was indeed a C-Walk. Then that was a series of stomps to the head. That was a move called the A-TOWN STOMP.
Once Graham was smacked around some more, Quo grabbed him in a Front Facelock and dragged him over to the corner where he tagged in Khadafi. The tow men drove a pair of boots into the gut of Youngblood and lifted him up in a Double Suplex....
Youngblood slid out the back in mid-move and drove both men down with a vicious Double Neckbreaker simultaneously! Duzza was beside himself on the outside, having a total meltdown at his boys getting suckered like that! Now was Youngblood's chance as he came crawling over to the corner where Dallas Griffin was waiting. He had yet to enter the match, but the fans could tell he was definitely ready to do so.
Khadafi tried to stop him by grabbing his foot, but Graham was just a little bit quicker and turned around to kick him away! After he did that, he rolled over and made the tag... GRIFFIN WAS IN!
Dallas Griffin came into the ring and mowed right through Khadafi with a HUGE Running Back Elbow! Khadafi was knocked silly and when he stood back up Dallas caught him with a second running Clothesline to the back of the head that knocked him back on the mat!
Statuz Quo was back on his feet and tried jumping Griffin from behind, but he ducked the oncoming Clothesline. When he came back on the rebound he was caught by Dallas and SNAPPED overhead with a Belly to Belly Suplex!
The attention was back on the legal man, Khadafi, again when Dallas waited for him to get back to his feet. The second that he did so, he was caught from behind and DROPPED hard with a Belly to Back Suplex. But he didn't let go of Khadafi and brought him back up only to take him back down with a second Belly to Back Suplex again... he lifted him up a third time and dropped him, this time with a German Suplex! After the series of hard suplexes from Griffin, he wasted no time in going for the win.
Quo was back on his feet and tried to rush at Griffin a second time, but Dallas saw him coming and tossed him through the ropes, making him land out on the ringside floor right next to Duzza. Duzza was having ****fits when Graham Youngblood flew off the ring apron with a Somersault Dive right onto Quo to take him out of the equation!
Dallas waited for Khadafi to get back to his feet, intent on finishing the match. Duzza was right there on the apron, trying to distract the referee from whatever was going on inside. Dallas paid him no mind and pulled Khadafi up to his feet... CRACK!
The brass knuckles that Khadafi had in his trunks caught Dallas right in the kisser! Duzza grinned and hopped off the ring apron while Khadafi quickly discarded the evidence by tossing the weapon back outside the ring. pulled the groggy Dallas up to his feet, looking out to the crowd with a scowl on his face...
The Overdrive planted Dallas Griffin hard into the canvas and he was easy pickings as he slid down and hooked both legs of the RingRat.
The fans booed the team of The Jury, but by hook or by crook the win was now in the book! That meant Duzza and The Jury were headed to Divide and Conquer to add more gold to an already impressive resume. Griffin was out cold while Duzza came in and shoved the referee aside in order to raise the hand of Khadafi. Quo joined him in the ring and the trio was now entered into the Four Corners match at D&C. Gold was in their sights now and if this match was any indication, they'd be willing to get their hands dirty if it meant victory.
Winner: The Jury via Pinfall

Heirs of Wrestling vs. Mystery Team
“Forever (remix)” by Drake and Travis Barker.
The single spotlight shined down on the entrance ramp and the second it did, out came The Heirs of Wrestling. Frank Silver, Ryan Gallway, and Mack Brody. All three men seemed to be real pissed about the particular situation, about to take on a team that was brand new to jOlt.
“The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing team number one, being accompanied to the ring by Mack Brody, at a combined weight of 440 pounds, they are the team of Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway... THE HEIRS OF WRESTLING!”
Frank and Ryan both discussed some strategy amongst themselves while Mack Brody skulked around the ringside area. The Heirs, The Jury, and The Avispa Clan all had their spots earned into a Four Corners match at D&C to crown the newest jOlt Tag Team Champions. The Heirs' spots were safe regardless of this match's outcome, but they didn't know who they were facing and if the mystery team won, they would also be entered into the Four Corners match. For The Heirs, they needed to win to keep the team out to better their chances. They had to be ready for anything.
“And their opponents...”
Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway anxiously awaited their opponents with baited breath for several seconds.
“I Hope You Die” by The Bloodhound Gang.
All three of The Heirs sunk their heads low and stomped their feet on the ground, not liking this. It was a team that they had many run-ins with in The Squared Circle promotion. A team that had been around the block themselves quite a few times. And the second the threesome came out, the fans gave a HUGE ovation to the team coming out.
“And their opponents, being accompanied to the ring by MARY-LYNN MAYWEATHER... They are the team of TONY DAVIS AND HIGH FLYER... TEAM VIAGRA!”
Former jOlt Tag Team Champions themselves once upon a time, a massive “WELCOME BACK!” chant erupted from the crowd. If there was ANYBODY who could lay a claim to the greatest team of all time, it was Tony Davis and High Flyer! Mary-Lynn slapped hands with the crowd right behind her teammates as they all approached the ring. The man called High Flyer aka Jack Harmen was making waves in the ULTRATITLE tournament, but for tonight he was returning to his tag team roots with Tony Davis and they were ready to go. The Heirs?”
“WHAT. THE. FUCK.” Ryan shook his head. “THIS. BLOWS.”
“Shut it!” Frank snapped. “We're... we're these has-beens off the mat once and for all!”
Frank Silver was gunning to start things off first and none other than ULTRATITLE hopeful, High Flyer, was going to be his opposition. He waved a polite wave over to the Heirs' de facto leader and tipped his imaginary cap.
“Frank... pleasure to be kicking you around this evening,” he chuckled.
The Sovereign Superman wasn't going to give High Flyer a chance to start things off, so he did so by grappling with him quickly. He went behind Flyer and despite having more muscle than Mr. Harmen, he was still quick as a hiccup and went behind to apply a tight headlock. Flyer quickly adjusted himself and rolled backwards, taking Frank over with him. The second The Baron of Ballistics was on his feet again, he was snapped over with a lightning-quick Northern Lights Suplex, trying to go for the cover.
NO! Frank kicked out and made it back to his feet where Flyer was sarcastically golf-clapping him. The Godson of Sonny Silver came charging right at him, but again Flyer was the faster of the two and ducked underneath an oncoming Clothesline only to deliver a hard Back Kick to the chest. Silver was now doubled over and High Flyer caught him with a STIFF Rising Dual Palm Uppercut to the mush that knocked him silly.
Ryan and Mack were both watching the match closely while Frank was trying to recover. High Flyer played around with him a little more with some slaps to the back of the head. The now-irate Frank was back to his feet and once again tried to bum-rush the former multiple-time world champion, but Flyer stopped him with a kick to the gut and Scoop Slammed him before he ran off the ropes...
The Cartwheel Elbow Drop caught Frank once again and this time, he tried for another cover.
Once more, Frank kicked out but now High Flyer decided to let Tony Davis had some fun and tagged in his long-time partner. The two men launched Frank into the ropes and took him down with a Double Back Elbow. When he was down, both men ran to the ropes and crashed down on Frank with a simultaneous Fist Drop from Davis and a Senton from Flyer! The ULTRATITLE hopeful left the ring as Davis tried to go for the cover once again.
Silver got the shoulder up right before the three. Davis launched him into the corner and charged in with a splash before CHOPPING the crap out of him with several Knife-Edge Chops. He stood to the second rope and dropped the fists down as the fans continued to count along with Tony. Ryan Gallway came over and tried to swipe at him, but Tony blocked a punch and clocked Ryan with a good shot. Frank took the opportunity and DROPPED him face-first on the top turnbuckle!
Finally with the advantage belonging to the Heirs, Frank lifted up Tony Davis and set him up from the top rope in the Tree of Woe position. He tagged in Ryan Gallway and ran over with a big kick to the exposed ribs of David while Gallway stood above him in the corner, waving to the crowd before he pointed his fingers like a gun at the suspended Davis...
Davis was effectively GROUNDED by the smaller and quicker Ryan Gallway now as he rolled back to his feet and took a bow to the audience. Flyer and Mary-Lynn looked on at The Prince of Precision working over Davis with a hard barrage of kicks to the head as he tried to recover. Gallway pulled him away from the ropes and went to finish the match off.
Amazingly, Davis kicked out of the big game-changing maneuver from The Heirs. Gallway stayed on the attack like a pirahna trying to get a pound of flesh as he rubbed Davis' face into the canvas and started screaming about his greatness and all such things.
He kicked him several more times before he propped him up in the seated position. Gallway ran off to the ropes and came back with THE FALLING COMET CRASH! The Flying Double Knee Strike grounded Davis some more and he pulled him down onto the canvas as he tagged in Frank. Gallway and Silver traded places as Frank stomped relentlessly upon Davis. He pulled him up before DRIVING him into the corner face-first with a Reverse STO driving him into the middle buckle. While Davis was suspended on the canvas, he tagged in Ryan and Gallway slingshotted over the ropes to connect with a Slingshot Dropkick to the back of Tony's head! The fans groaned from the impact as Gallway pulled him out of the corner for another tag.
Davis pushed Gallway off him, but Ryan was back on his feet to make another tag to Frank Silver. The Sovereign Superman was back again and bombarded Tony Davis with a series of vicious right hands that dropped him like a ton of bricks. Frank made it to the second rope and waited for him to get back up and when the groggy Davis did so, Silver jumped off the turnbucke... KICK WHAM SHHHHHH!
The Front Russian Legsweep that David effectively called the “SHHHHH!” got the crowd pumped up after the impact! Davis hit the big signature move to buy himself a little bit of time. He'd been picked apart by the Heirs and now was heading over to the corner. Ryan was in the ring waiting with an outstretched hand while Davis was hurriedly trying to get to his tag team partner. He ran over quickly...
Gallway and High Flyer both leaped over the ropes and charged at one another quickly. High Flyer ducked over a Spinning Kick from Gallway and when he turned around he got knocked on his ass with a hard Leaping Forearm Strike! The Prince of Precision headed back up again in a daze but Flyer was already there to cut him off with a Flying Back Elbow Smash this time around!
Mack Brody was on the floor shaking his head while Gallway was starting to get back up one more time. He ran full speed ahead at High Flyer, but the former jOlt Tag Team Champion sidestepped his attack and waited for him to bounce back. He came off the ropes right into the grip of the LUNATIC BOMB!
Gallway got the shoulder off the mat quickly to avoid Team VIAGRA getting their spot in the Four Corners Tag Title match. He tagged in Tony Davis, who was hurt, but ready to go as both men made it into the ring. Both men tried to get into the ring but Frank Silver charged into the ring and knocked High Flyer over with a hard Running Lariat!
Tony tried to jump him, but a big kick to the back of the head caught him with the kick before he clipped Tony Davis with the DDT on the canvas. Now that he was there, Frank kicked away High Flyer from the ring while Gallway was headed to the top to finish the match off...
“FRANK! MOVE HIM!” Ryan shouted while the groggy Tony tried to move out of the way of whatever big move Gallway had planned. Frank went over and grabbed him by the legs, but Tony kicked him into the ropes tripping up Ryan in the process!
High Flyer came back into the ring and Dropkicked Frank in the side of the face, knocking him out of the ring! Gallway was suspended on the top rope, singing Soprano after his unfortunate landing. Tony and High Flyer nodded to one another while the fans cheered them on. Tony got to the top rope with Gallway while High Flyer was on the other end... TOP ROPE URANAGE SUPLEX BY TONY DAVIS!
The tandem move was called The Natural High and it was that very double-team finisher that allowed High Flyer to secure what he hoped would be the victory. Tony Davis was the legal man and went for the cover on Gallway
High Flyer went through the ropes and Baseball Slide Dropkicked Mack Brody, getting the big man away from the ring.
Tony Davis, High Flyer, and Mary-Lynn Mayweather all entered the ring and celebrated with the roaring fans. They handed The Heirs their first official defeat for him and made it to the Four Corners match where they would determine the first-ever jOlt Tag Team Champions of the new era.
“NO! FUCK!” Frank kicked at the barricade on the outside while Mack grabbed Ryan Gallway by the leg and pulled him out of the ring. The Heirs headed up for higher ground. They were heading into D&C with a blemish on their record now and Team VIAGRA had all the momentum. The Avispa Clan. The Jury. The Heirs of Wrestling, and now Team VIAGRA.
That shit was ON.
Winner: Team VIAGRA via Pinfall
