
Underground #1 Contender's Tournament Finals Citizen vs. Khristain Keller
“Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is your main event of the evening. This is your finals of the Underground Tournament; it will be one fall to a finish with a thirty minute time limit. It will be contested under Underground Rules and the winner of this contest will go on to face Derecho for the Underground Championship at Divide and Conquer”
Brad Arnold stood center of the ring, and as he finished with his initial announcement he crossed his arms and awaited the entrance of the first participant in the match. Standing across from him was the jOlt head referee, in the form of Mike Hunt.
“Nathan, this has been a spectacular evening for wrestling.” Michael Buhrman commented, “Obviously not our normal type of wrestling show, but no better way to step into a spectacularly stacked show like Divide and Conquer.”
“There is no doubt about that Michael.” Powers joined in on the conversation, “A Starlet Championship match, something that we haven’t really seen to focus of leading up to this show. A very good showcase contest considering we have some the best female wrestlers in the world in our promotion. Some great hype pieces that will definitely keep the fans on their toes for some the showcase matches that will occur during Divide and Conquer.”
“And we’ve seen one big match finalized already for that show tonight.” Buhrman broke in again, “Tonight we saw two teams qualify to be in contention for the Tag Team Championships. A group that saw serious glory as a team in the form of The Jury, and then quite arguably one of the biggest returns of a team that we’ve seen in a long time when the former fan’s Wrestling organization tandem of Team VIAGRA.”
“It was definitely a meeting of two totally different generations tonight when the team of High Flyer and Tony Davis came head to head with The Heirs of Wrestling.” Powers continued, “Four teams now walk into Divide and Conquer, but sadly only one can walk out as the champions of the era in jOlt history. The question on everyone’s mind is who is going to come out on top? Clan Avispa, The Jury, The Heirs of Wrestling, or Team VIAGRA?”
The lights in the arena died, a single spot light shined down on the entrance ramp, and the fog had begun to roll across the stage. “The End is Coming” by Sevendust began to blast throughout the arena, and the fans had all come to their feet. Through the haze was the visible form of the man known as Citizen, and this brought the fans to their feet even more.
“Making his way to the ring first, weighing in tonight at two hundred and twenty-five pounds and hailing from New York City, New York; HE IS CITIZEN!”
As Arnold finished his introduction Citizen had rushed toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope on his thigh and popping back up to the center. He scanned the arena through his mask with his head tilted, then whipped his entrance jacket off and tossed it outside of the ring.
“This a unique meeting of characters tonight,” Powers enquired, “Citizen was not a popular name being entered into this tournament and fell far below anyone’s radar as being a man that could have ended up in the slot he is here tonight. Overcoming all of the obstacles that have been placed before him, he has gone through three of jOlt’s biggest names to get here tonight and is easily the favorite going into this match.”
“Now this is the point where I’m going to have to disagree with you Nathan.” Buhrman commented, “Khristain Keller is probably one of the most decorated fighters in this tournament. He’s been in these types of situations before, and something that people need to understand is that though Keller may have a loss in his column, that isn’t one he picked up on his own.”
“Keller came into this tournament replacing an injured Kayden Paulton,” Buhrman continued, “and though he found himself in the losing bracket of this tournament. He has beaten every man that Citizen has in this tournament, along with one that Citizen has never stepped into the ring with in the form of One Eye. In my estimation, not only does Keller bring to the table more of a background in this type of environment, but he’s got more to fight for tonight by having to go through this tournament the way he has.”
A blood red hue overtook the darkness of the arena as the chaotic sounds of “Dirty Window” by Metallica filled the arena. The sounds of adoration were soon replaced by the sounds of booing as Khristain Keller made his way out onto the entrance ramp. In his hand he carried a steel chair along with him, as he quickly looked over the crowd, and then began his way toward the ring.
“Making his way to the ring, weighing in tonight at two hundred and thirty pounds and hailing from Orlando, Florida; HE IS KHRISTAIN KELLER!”
As Arnold finished his announcement for the match he quickly made his exit from the ring, and on the opposite side Keller was making his way up the steel steps. Keller slowly lurked into the ring, and graced not only the crowd, but Citizen as well with that cocky smile. Mike Hunt instructed both men to their corners, and then signaled for the bell.
Keller continued to hold his steel chair in hand, as both men began to circle the ring. Keller not being the one to wait for his opportunity just took it by the horns and rushed in toward Citizen with the chair drawn back. Keller swung with the chair, only for Citizen to duck under the attempt and rush toward the ropes.
Keller quickly turned and drew back the chair again, and as Citizen approached he swung again. Citizen again ducked under the swing and continued toward the ropes again. With Keller now closer to the ropes, as Citizen rebounded and Keller turned he was only able to bring the chair up close to his face and be caught with a rolling wheel kick.
The move caused the chair to fire back into the face of Keller who quickly dropped to a knee, and dropped the chair as well. Keller with a somewhat glazed look in his eyes could only rest on his knee as Citizen jumped back to his feet and shot toward the ropes again. Off of the ropes, Citizen leapt toward Keller latching his legs around his neck and bringing him down the canvas with a beautiful hurricanrana. Citizen quickly crawled in for the pin attempt.
As Keller shot his shoulder off of the mat, he shoved Citizen off of his body as well. Citizen darted toward the ropes once again, but Keller quickly got back to his feet and as Citizen approached he was planted on the mat with a quick snap scoop slam. Keller quickly floated over on top of Citizen’s body, pulled his head up off of the mat with his left hand, and began driving right closed fists into his skull.
Keller slowly pulled Citizen back to his feet, and the lifted him into the air and brought him down with a huge vertical suplex. Keller then quickly twisted his body around and yanked Citizen’s head up and locked him into a dragon sleeper hold. Hunt quickly dropped to a knee and watched Citizen to make sure he didn’t tap from the move.
“People often associate Khristain Keller with brawling in the ring,” Buhrman commented, “but the man is a veteran of this sport. Sure he has found the most success in just being able to step into that ring and beat a man who is willing to straight up brawl with him, but you should never take away the fact that he does know what he is doing in there. If you under estimate Keller in any form, you are going to be sadly taken to town in the end and get the thrashing you deserve.”
Citizen looked nowhere near ready submit from the hold that Keller had him locked in, and even Keller knew that as he released the hold. Citizen’s body slumped to the mat as Keller quickly made his way across the ring and found the chair that he had brought to the ring with him.
Citizen slowly began making his way to his feet, but just as he popped back up onto his toes Keller drove the edge of the chair into his midsection. The blow caused Citizen to drop back to his knees, allowing for Keller to draw the chair back again and bring the seat down over the top of Citizen’s head. Citizen still rested on his knees, and Khristain took several steps back and then rushed back in driving a boot into the side of Citizen’s skull.
The kick caused Citizen to fall backward to the mat and Keller rushed toward the ropes with the chair still in hand. As Khristain came back through he dropped the chair across the chest of Citizen running elbow drop style, and then twisted his body to put pressure across the chair and Citizen’s chest for the pin attempt.
“Citizen has to be one of the most resilient men in this company,” Powers interjected, “and this is not to take anything away from what you had to say earlier Michael. Keller is a tough son of a gun in that ring, and can just as easily brawl you to death as well as wrestle you in knots. You have to give some props to Citizen though for being able to kick out of that barrage of moves.”
Keller quickly slipped outside of the ring, dragging Citizen by the boot along with him. Both men now outside of the ring Keller lifted Citizen to his feet and grabbed hold of his arm. Keller yanked with all of his might and sent Citizen flying into the steel barricade. Keller quickly followed behind and drove a stiff clothesline into the chest of Citizen that not only did damage to the chest, but drove his spine even more into the steel.
Keller grabbed Citizen by the mask and tossed him down onto the thin padding that surrounded the ring and then made his way toward the ring. Khristain lifted the apron covering, and began producing several things from under the ring. Keller pulled out a table, slid it into the ring, pulled out a ladder, slid it into the ring, threw two more chairs into the ring, and then finally finished off with a sledgehammer that he left resting under the bottom rope on the apron.
Khristain pulled the apron covering back down, and then grabbed hold of Citizen once again. Keller lifted his opponent back to his feet and shoved him back into the ring. Keller rolled back into the ring, and his first target was the table. Keller slowly set the table up close to one of the turnbuckles in the ring, and then turned his attention to the two chairs that he had brought in.
Keller grabbed hold of both chairs, one in each hand, flipped them open into the seated position and placed them in the center of the ring. The tips of both now touching, leaving no gap in between, it looked like Keller wanted to have a sit down face to face chat with Citizen, but that was likely the case.
Khristain grabbed hold of a slowly stirring Citizen and pulled him back to his feet once again and whipped him into the ropes. As Citizen quickly approached Keller snapped him up, twisted him around, and hit him with a devastating spinebuster. The move sent Citizen crushing through both of the steel chairs, and Keller quickly pulled up Citizen’s leg for the pin attempt.
“If I wasn’t impressed before,” Buhrman chimed in, “then I am now! Keller has to be getting frustrated at this point, not being able to put Citizen away. After all of the punishment he has been dealing out, he knows now that he’s not dealing with any normal person in that ring.”
“That was sheer instinct Michael,” Powers added, “there is no way that Citizen should have physically been able to kick out of that move, but he willed that shoulder up off of the mat at the last second possible.”
Keller was beginning to show signs of frustration, as he argued with Hunt for a brief moment, and then turned his attention back to Citizen. Keller lifted Citizen up off the mat once again, only this time he shoved him back into a turnbuckle and then grabbed hold of the ladder that he brought into the ring.
Khristain walked to the opposing turnbuckle, cracked his neck, and then shot across the ring. Keller looked to smash Citizen between the ladder and the turnbuckle padding, but at the very last second Citizen dropped to the mat rolling out of the way. Keller connected with the corner, only his body was the only one impacting on the ladder.
As Keller released his hold on the ladder, and turned back toward the center of the ring he was met by what looked like a rejuvenated Citizen. Citizen had darted toward the ropes, and just as Keller turned around he was met with a springboard roundhouse kick to the skull. Keller dropped to the mat face first and then quickly rolled onto his back.
“Citizen is definitely looking in good form to get back into this.” Powers stated, “That signature spot is a little something that he likes to call the Beginning, and it could surely spell the end soon for Khristain Keller.”
Citizen slowly made his way back to his feet; the beating that he had taken during the course of the match was showing. He made his way over to the downed Keller, and as he tried to reach down and grab Keller by the head to bring him back to his feet he made one very fatal error. Citizen had straddled Keller to get to the point he was standing in now, and Keller took full advantage as he brought a boot up into Citizen’s groin area.
Citizen’s body twisted away from Keller and he fell to his knees holding his nether regions. Keller rolled onto his stomach and something caught his eye. It was an item that wasn’t fully brought into the ring and something that could definitely cause some damage. Keller latched onto the sledgehammer and used it to push his way up off of the mat.
Both men had managed to get back to their feet at the same exact time, but Keller was the first to turn. He waited, perched, and as Citizen turned around the sledgehammer was brought into his midsection. The blow caused Citizen to fall back to his knees, and Keller drew back with the hammer one more time and brought it across the side of Citizen’s head.
“That’s it!” Powers exclaimed, “There is no way Citizen is coming back from that!”
“It doesn’t look like Keller is done either.” Buhrman commented as well.
Keller dropped the hammer to the mat, and once again lifted Citizen back up off of the mat by his mask. Keller smiled as he quickly locked Citizen up, lifted him into the air, and brought him neck first down onto the table that he had set up in the ring.
“Oh my god!” Powers continued excitedly, “Khristian Keller just planted Citizen through that table with the PainKILLA!”
“Folks,” Buhrman started, “if you were holding out faith for a Citizen victory during this match, now is the time to loss all hope. It looks like we’re going to have a Keller versus Derecho fight for the Underground Championship at Divide and Conquer.”
Mike Hunt dropped to check on Citizen and it was evident that the life had been sucked right out of him with that final move. Hunt quickly signaled for the bell, and the end of the match.
Everyone in the arena waited for the announcement, and they were throwing down their disapproval of the finish of the match. Hunt had Keller’s hand raised in the ring, but there was no bell, and Metallica was not heard for the second time. Instead, Brad Arnold stood to his feet, microphone in one hand and the other pushing the headset ear plug into his ear more to hear what he was being told from the back.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed from the back that while Khristain Keller has picked up a victory during the course of this match.” Arnold paused for a moment still listening to his headset.
“Come on Arnold, spit it out already!” Buhrman shouted.
Everyone was on their toes, the fans, the announcers, even Hunt and Keller in the ring, awaiting the announcement from the back.
“This tournament has been a double elimination style from the very beginning,” Arnold continued, “and Citizen has not suffered a defeat yet. I have been informed that due to Keller picking up a victory over Citizen here that we are to restart the match, and continue until another fall has been decided and that man will go on to Divide and Conquer to face Derecho for the Underground Championship.”
The fans rejoiced, Keller looked pissed off, as Mike Hunt backed him into his corner and he walked over to try and make sure that Citizen could continue with the match.
“Just when you think you’ve seen it all,” Powers began, “you see something new. This match isn’t over quite yet, but the question now will be if Citizen will even be able to get back to his feet for the match to continue?”
Hunt continued to check on Citizen, who grabbed hold of his shirt and pushed him away; and through the rubble of the table, now in a seated position with his back against the bottom turnbuckle padding. Citizen waved his hand as if he was telling Hunt to signal for the bell, and that’s exactly what the senior referee did.
The bell finally sounded for the second time during the match, and Keller shot out of his corner rushing toward the downed Citizen. Keller smashed his knee in the side of Citizen’s head in the corner, and then quickly lifted him back out of the corner. Khristain lifted Citizen back up, in position to hit another spiked jackhammer, but Citizen quickly brought down several knees in Keller’s skull.
This caused Keller to dropped Citizen back down to his feet, only for him to stagger backward into the ropes. Citizen rested with his back against the ropes, as Keller grew more pissed at the fact that Citizen had blocked his second attempt at his finisher. Khristain quickly snatched up the ladder from earlier in the match, wrapped both arms through rungs and rushed toward Citizen.
It was at that moment that the unthinkable happened, and Citizen rushed off of the ropes at the same time. Keller was already in motion and couldn’t stop, when Citizen leapt into the air and connected with the front of the ladder. Citizen drilled the ladder with the Busaiku knee attack, driving the ladder right into the chin of Keller, and causing him to drop to the mat.
Citizen slowly crawled toward the downed body of Keller, and threw his arm over his chest. Hunt dropped in for the count and the fans all counted along with him.
The bell sounded and Sevendust began to blast throughout the arena again. The fans were about to riot, as it sounded like the roof was about to blow off of the arena. Hunt helped Citizen back to his feet as he raised his arm in victory.
“I can’t believe what I’ve seen here tonight!” Powers shouted with excitement once again, “The biggest underdog in this Underground Tournament has defeated the biggest challenge he’s had to face in jOlt to this date in Khristain Keller!”
“Derecho may be a sick, twisted individual,” Buhrman commented, “but if he doesn’t feel the least bit threatened by Citizen at this point then I don’t know what will make him.”
Winner: Citizen via Pinfall
