
DawnCast: Derecho
Dawn Cassidy is standing side by side with the current reigning Underground Champion, Derecho inside of, what appears to be, a formal office. She has a great big smile on her face as the fans cheer for her, but they switch to boos when Derecho comes into focus.
Dawn Cassidy: I’m here with the jOlt Underground Champion, Derecho. Derecho, as you know, Divide and Conquer is just right around the corner where you will be defending your Underground Championship. Before that, we all want to know… why the sudden change in attitude. Before you were all about being the most competitive man on the roster and now, you’re… well… different.
Derecho: Let me ask you something, Dawn. Have you ever had a point in your life where you feel that after everything you’ve given.. whether it’s to professional wrestling, your job, your family… anything that’s important to you, you’ve been made to feel like you’re just not worth it?
Dawn Cassidy: Well… no… I can’t really say I have
Derecho: Then you just can’t understand. You don’t know what it’s like to be in the spotlight when you step into another promotion. You don’t know what it’s like to be at the top of your game… to be called one of, if not, THE best in this entire industry. And then… even though you prove yourself that you belong in that spotlight… all of that ends up being for naught. That is why I am who I am. I am SICK of giving and giving and giving and not having it be what everyone wants.
Dawn Cassidy: But, from the fans reactions.. and even the decision from the board of directors… it doesn’t seem what you’re doing is what they want either.
Derecho: Who are you to judge that for yourself? Huh?
Dawn looks a bit worried as Derecho begins to scream at her.
Derecho rips the microphone out of Dawn’s hands and then grabs her by the neck. He shoves her up against the wall with force. You can hear the air drive out of her body on impact. Derecho slowly brings the microphone up to his mouth.
Derecho: If you scream, you will join everyone else I’ve put on the shelf. You will stand there and you will listen to me.
Dawn is frightened to the point where tears begin to well up in her eyes.
Derecho: It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. The so-called fans chanted for bloodshed when I tried to keep things pure. My own peers and co-workers…. THEY MOCKED ME for taking it easy on people as the Underground Champion
Dawn closed her eyes when Derecho screamed.
Derecho: Look at me…. LOOK AT ME!
Dawn opened her eyes. By this time, a single tear dripped down her cheek.
Derecho: I went out there and answered the cries of the people. I went back inside myself and found my dark past… where I was the molder and the wrestlers were nothing but unshaped clay. I was a person who didn’t care about the health and well-being of others. I put men through matches that involved barbed wire… glass… ladders… I put my men through hell. Then I left it all behind. I left it in my past and then everyone mocked me for keeping my true self locked away. They called me a disgrace to the Underground division. Me… who has worked so hard… who became a main eventer in every promotion I stepped foot in… was disgraced and discredited because I refused to shed the blood of others.
Derecho paused for a moment and Dawn was still quivering in fear.
Derecho: But it’s okay because I rediscovered my true self. I rediscovered who I am.. and as thanks… I am giving the fans and everyone who mocked me what they want… a path of destruction in my wake. I could even snap your neck right here and now and to me, you’d just be another body left on my destructive path. It doesn’t matter to me... because this is the Underground and I am its King. I do what I please, when I desire it… and I will do it to whomever my opponent ends up being at Divide & Conquer. I will walk into the match as Underground Champion and I will walk to the back still the Underground Champion.
Derecho smirks a bit and then gives a momentary squeeze to Dawn’s neck. Dawn’s eyes, filled with tears close and then open again when Derecho loosens his grip.
Derecho: So soft and fragile, yet, so undeserving of my time. By all means, I should add you to the list of people who no longer walk these halls after crossing my path but…
Derecho gives Dawn’s face the once over and then licks the stream of tears on her cheek.
Derecho: … but for now.. your anguish will be enough to sate me.
Derecho grins from ear to ear as he lets Dawn go. She immediately falls to a seated position. Derecho exits the viewing area and the scene closes out with Dawn on the ground breathing deeply as she watches Derecho leave.
