
The Superbeast
“And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder.
One of the four beasts sang come and see and I saw.
And behold! A white horse. And his name that sat on him...
Was death.
And hell...followed with him.”
“Your Soul is Mine” by Mushroomhead
A black screen slowly morphed into an image of Sylo who shadow boxed a bit before hopping back and forth. Sweat rolled down the genetic freak and intensity was painted on his face. The screen shot back to the premiere of Intense when Sylo, after 10 years, got his hands on Jim Johnson and used him as a human projectile through an announce table.
“I want to see the light leave your eyes.”
Voice Over: “I didn’t come to jOlt to wrestle. I didn’t come to jOlt to make money. I didn’t come to jOlt to be a star. I came to jOlt to bring forth the reckoning of those responsible for the downfall of the Legacy.”
“Feeling your breath one...last...time.”
The video rolled on. Sylo going toe to toe with “The Man of War” Alexander Jerusalem and dominating him. It followed up, showing Sylo letting “Superstar” Vince Jacobs know he planned on taking the Legacy title from him.
“I want to see the light leave...God bless your soul is mine!”
Voice over: “I’m not a man. I’m not a machine. I am the embodiment of Death. I am hell itself. With my left hand I will sentence the guilty and with my right I will deal their execution. I am jOlt’s reckoning, I am the one who sits upon the White Horse, and I am Vince Jacobs worst nightmare.”
“Chew you up and spit you out”
The video cut to Sylo taking on both Bane Loneheart and an injured Alexander Jerusalem. A vicious attack that left AJ on the shelf for good. Bane, some would say, got out easy with just a lead pipe to the back of his knee. The scene shifted to “Superstar” Vince Jacobs and Sylo clashing. Sylo had him locked in the “No Escape”. The Legacy title was fractions of a second from being his until Natalia slid the Legacy title to Vince Jacobs who used it to get himself disqualified.
“I want to see...the light...leave your eyes. Feeling your breath...on my lips...one last time. I want to see...the light leave your eyes. Feeling your breath...for the last time.”
Voice Over: “There’s only so many places to run. Time misses no man. The sands of Vincent’s hour-glass are down to nothing but a few grains. He faces The Harbinger of Destruction.
The video flashes through showing Sylo fighting off and derailing SVJ’s initial plan with The Nashvillian and The West Texas Terrorists. The raw display of power shown that night played, Sylo roaring at Vince had been filtered making it black and white as a beastly roar, unlike any animal known to man, left Sylo. The video cut back to the last Intense. Vince Jacobs plan working, Sylo’s friends being taken out all because Vince Jacobs needed the upper hand.
“God bless, your soul is mine!”
Voice Over: “You can attack me,”
The video rolled of Vince Jacobs nailing Sylo with the Legacy title.
Voice Over: “You can taunt me,”
Vince Jacobs could be heard telling Sylo that being nailed with the Legacy title was as close as he’d ever come to holding the title.
“Chew up and spit you out!”
Voice Over: “You can try to give yourself the advantage,”
SVJ announces, much to his own delight, their match would be a ladder match.
Voice Over: “And you can think you won,”
Vince Jacobs was shown backing up the ramp, a smirk from ear to ear, as Sylo laid in his own blood.
The video went black. That was until only Sylo’s eyes showed. The emissive, eerie, blue predator esque eyes that seemed to pierce into the soul. The eyes that calculated every move. The eyes that judged and deemed the innocent from the guilty.
Voice Over: “But come Divide and Conquer, it’s not about winning, it’s not about titles, it’s not even about honor anymore...”
The images over the past month flew by at rapid speed until the shot landed on Sylo once more.
Voice Over: “It’s about leaving you in a pile of your own blood, mangled, and eating through a straw. You wanted The SuperBeast, you’ll get The SuperBeast, come Divide and Conquer, you’ll finally come face to face with your nightmare as that final grain of sand falls away and your time is up.”
“I want to see the light leave your eyes. Feeling your breath ONE LAST TIME. I wanna see the light leave...God bless your soul is mine! Chew up and spit you out!”
The Divide and Conquer logo flashed and slowly faded away, only to be replaced with the name “The SuperBeast”.