
One to Forget: Fueled by Ignorance
Chris Titan and Chris Register were once house hold names in the world of wrestling, and Champions in there own right during the early days of jOlt. Thing is though, they really haven't ever gotten along... fueled by ignorance wasn't just a clever name. They would continue to be a team, as long as the ignorance that all they needed was talent and luck, didn't run out. Having been defeated by hotter tag teams like the Heirs of Wrestling and the Clan Avispa, as well as hot singles wrestlers but a green team in Phoenix and One Eye... that fuel is running on empty. The team don't look to be ignorant either, as Chris Titan has taken out his frustrations on Register with every chance he's had. Titan might actually agree when we say that Fueled By Ignorance are one to forget.
One to Remember: Ray Chavez
Chavez may have seemed easy to forget, after a career of wild highs and shocking lows, the former LoC Relentless Champion debuted in jOlt with a crappy contract, broke, and wearing a mask to cover his scarred face. Hell, he even has former LoC color commentator Keith Kane as his manager. To add injury to insult, he then lost to Grendel after the monster powerbombed him from the ring onto the floor and allowed him to be counted out. A heated match with the brash newcomer, Greg Vincent only further put Ray Chavez in another tough position... will he play the role of a stand-up hero or does the monster lie in wait? Suffice to say, Chavez is nothing like you've seen before... and the feeling is, this is only the beginning for him, as he looks like one to be remembered.
