

The scene faded in on a very well lit room, a lifted round section of flooring was dead center of the room. In that lifted area was round table, three chairs separated at points of one third of the table. At the head of the table sat a different individual than had previously occupied this studio; Donny Layne had been picking up a little more work around Jolt as of late due to the constant flirting and bias of his counterpart Dawn Cassidy. Layne shuffled his papers on the desk, and then the camera panned in on him.
“Ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you all this evening for joining me on my first edition of the Round Table. Tonight we actually get a first time look at the feelings behind the men who will be competing for the Jolt Championship at Unlimited.”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Layne paused as he held out his arms, “Jon Le Bon and the Jolt Champion, “The Anti-Star” Jesse Ramey!”
The camera had panned back out as both Ramey and Le Bon entered the room. Both men were dressed in more casual attire than the fans were normally used to seeing them in. Probably more Ramey than Le Bon, considering it was very out of the norm to see Ramey out of his wrestling attire. Despite all of this, the Anti-Star still had the Jolt Championship in hand.
Ramey and Le Bon stepped up onto the raised portion of the set. Le Bon was the first to take his seat, as he shot a smirk across the table at Ramey. Jesse placed the Jolt Championship on the table before taking a seat, he put it face toward Le Bon for a reason. In his mind he wanted Le Bon to get a look at something Ramey felt Le Bon would never have. Then Ramey sat down at the table and the two men got as comfortable as they could with their current situation.
“First off gentlemen,” Layne broke through the silence, “I want to say thank you to both of you for being here this evening. As uncomfortable as it may be for the two of you to be sitting across this table from each other I honestly feel this is our last opportunity for the fans to actually understand who you are going into Unlimited.”
“Let me just interrupt you there for a minute.” Le Bon spoke up, “This isn’t uncomfortable in the least. The only person this should be uncomfortable for is the person who feels they are going to walk into Unlimited and not walk out with the Jolt Championship. If you don’t have some amount of confidence then it’s going to be your downfall, Donny. I know I’m walking into Unlimited and I’m going to raise that Jolt Championship up high as the new face of this company. I know that the Rebellion is going to come out on top of Unlimited as the shining light that this company deserves.”
The Anti-Star only continued to sit and listen as a partial smile crossed his face as soon as Le Bon was finished.
“What’s wrong with you?” Le Bon questioned, “You always seem to have something to say. For the first time in your career does cat got your tongue?”
“Sometimes it’s just better to keep your mouth shut than to continue running it and make you look like a fool.” Ramey finally chimed in, “If I’m not mistaken I’m not the one who is always running off at the mouth. You don’t have any respect for anyone, inside of that ring or outside Jon. It’s the reason your little faction is going to shit and it’s the ultimate reason you’re never going to accomplish anything in this business.”
“Not going to accomplish anything?” Le Bon questioned, “How do you figure that? I’m leading the most dominate stable in professional wrestling today. We’re young, we’re greedy, and we are power hungry. I’ve got a Jolt Championship match against you at Unlimited…”
Ramey slammed his fists down on the round table causing the entire room to go into silence.
“You have a Jolt Championship match at Unlimited because I allowed it!” Ramey stood hovering his chest over the table and the palms of his hands resting on it. “You Jon Le Bon have earned nothing! There are any number of men in that locker room who would have been better choices for my first big title defense at Unlimited, but I allowed you to step foot inside of that ring with me to try your hand at the title!”
Le Bon stood once Ramey was finished and slapped his hands down on the table as well.
“I manipulated you into giving me that match!” Le Bon shouted, “Manipulated you just like so many others have done in the past! I masterminded my way into a Jolt Championship match at Unlimited! I didn’t have to earn anything because all I needed to do was ask for it and you were going to give it to me Ramey! You’re gullible and you do anything presented to you because you’re willing to do anything so long as it’s something the fans want to see!”
“Gentlemen!” Donny Layne stood shouting, trying to get some kind of control of the situation.
“At Unlimited I am going to take that Jolt Championship from around your waist and the Rebellion is finally going to get the respect it deserves!” Layne’s attempts had failed.
Ramey grabbed the Jolt Championship and held it up, “The only way you’re going to walk out of Unlimited with this belt around your waist Jon is if you pry it from my cold dead hands!”
“Oh, I can make that happen, Jesse. It’s not a matter of when it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen at Unlimited and if killing you is the way I do it then you can be damn sure that’s what is going to happen to you.” Le Bon seethed.
Ramey smiled, “You see, Jon, I would almost believe that if you hadn’t forgot about one little thing. The other members of the Rebellion can’t interfere in our match. If any single one of them even thinks about making their presence known inside of that arena then you’re instantly disqualified and I retain my championship. There is no way in hell that you’re going to be able to go up against my nearly twenty-five years of experience inside of that ring alone. You were beaten as soon as you agreed to this match, Jon.”
“If that’s what helps you sleep at night Jesse, then you just continue thinking it. Because when push comes to shove at Unlimited I’m going to prove you and every single other person who has no faith in my wrong.”
The Anti-Star only continued to smile as he held the Jolt Championship high into the air, “Just remember that when you’re inside of that ring and you’re not able to put me away Jon.”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Layne cut through the madness, “that’s all the time we have left for this episode of the Roundtable. Be sure to join us as this heated rivalry comes to an explosive head in our main event!”
The scene slowly faded out on all three men standing.
