
(“I Like It Like That” by Hot Chelle Rae blasts in the background as the purple insignia of the weekly interrogation series is fixed on the screen, with “Broadcast Will Begin Live Soon” below the logo blinking repeatedly. Soon the fixed logo fades out, the signature theme music of the DawnCast kicks in and the video package for Dawn’s weekly interrogation series begins featuring the familiar faces of such stars as Aran Thompson, Jesse Ramey, Diamond Jewelz, Pietro Geist and others; after the video package is finished the camera pans in from an overhead shot onto the figure of one, Dawn Cassidy. The shot settles on a front view of Dawn whose slender and cut frame is dressed by a skirt. Dawn also sports her custom “DAWN”chain that she received a little over a year ago from the jeweler from Las Vegas)
Dawn: What’s up guys….. Welcome to the DawnCast… Why am I blinging so hard today? It’s simple!!! Today, we have one of my favorites, and one of the hottest superstars in wrestling today, jOlt’s Relentless Champion, “the gOlden bOy” Diamond Jewelz….
Dawn waves her hand in welcome out to the left, and Jewelz, absent his chains, bracelets or any of his usual bling walks onto stage, a baseball hat covering his head, the only thing clearly identifying him being his long dreads leaking down to his broad shoulders. The various arrays of twinkle and glisten that we are used to accompanying the jeweler are strangely absent. Also strangely absent, Jewelz’s Relentless Title. Jewelz looks like a strange man; sans his “shinez”, “Mr. Twinkle and Glisten” looks like an impersonator or imposter. This has often been the case these past few weeks, whether due to the sinister plots of Shojii and Jewelz, or the depression that losing his most proud piece of craftsmanship, his gOlden bOy Title, and the perks that came with it. Honestly, Dawn has more bling today then Jewelz.
Dawn: Mr. Relentless, Mr. Twinkle and Glisten… How are you today…
Jewelz: Chillin
Jewelz says lifelessly; as the camera focuses in on Jewelz, below the bill of his purple Arizona Diamond Backs Cap, red, bloodshot eyes become visible as the camera zooms in on him; the only evidence of virility in Jewelz is the lone twinkle and glisten that has emanated from the jeweler today; the shine of the gOld and Diamonds of one of his custom grillz… Otherwise Jewelz looks to be a broken depressed man..
Dawn: First question… Where’s your Relentless Title, and… The rest of your bling… Uh…. You Look naked… I’m more blinging than you, if I might say so myself…
Jewelz: Uhhmmmm… Shit… I dun even know..I don’t need that shit you feel me…. That shit don’t define me..
Jewelz says lifelessly… No smart remarks… No jabs back… Who is this person? Jewelz responses are slow and slurred… The usually eloquent Jeweler is sloth like in speaking. Dawn’s face is full of confusion…
Dawn: What!!! I thought you was all about your shinez…
Jewelz: Nah… Nah… I’m me without dat shit…
Dawn, becoming suspicious of Jewelz, now one of her usually guests before ppv’s, reaches over and puts a card over her face..
Dawn: Are you drunk???
At the question, Jewelz gives a guilty, blinging smile… Dawn was doing her own sobriety check when she reached over by taking a quick whiff of the jeweler..
Jewelz: Nah.. Like I said, I’m me.. You heard… DJ baby… Your resident jeweler..
Dawn’s face is full of worry… She was obviously reaching over to check if Jewelz was drunk… He nose tells her yes… Dawn whispers off stage… Dawn obviously seeing disaster on the horizon is checking to see if she can possibly cut this segment short… A stage hand, dressed in black jeans and a black shirt comes onto the stage and by his hand gesture to keep the ball rolling, it is obvious that her instructions are to continue with the interview… Dawn adjusts herself and attempts to continue the interview.. Jewelz is like a zombie in the chair, looking on lifelessly at the proceedings in a haze of drunkenness and depression..
Dawn: Ok Diamond… Let’s continue… Let’s get straight down to it… Your affair with Vogue Gonsalves has been costly… It’s cost you your relationship with Ruby Rocks, your gOlden bOy Title…
Diamond: That’s me… I need her…
Diamond breaks down into tears… Diamond clutches his head in his hands..
Diamond: She meant so much to me… I don’t think I can live without her… And …. And I just need her…
Immediately, Dawn’s womanly instincts kick in.. Sure that Jewelz’s heartbroken sadness is over his breakup with Ruby, she goes outside of the boundaries of professionalism, and climbs on the arm of Jewelz’s seat and gives him a hug..
Diamond: And I just don’t know how I can get her back… How can I get her back Dawn!
Dawn continues to clutch Diamond in her arms.
Dawn: Have you spoken to her?
Diamond: No…. She can’t talk!!! She’s mute…
Dawn smiles confused…
Dawn: What do you mean.. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard her speak before… She was your valet for how long..
Diamond: You ain’t never heard the gOlden bOy speak… She can’t!!
Dawn’s mouth drops open in a mix of shock, ridicule, and comedic outrage…
Dawn: Ohh My God… That’s who she is… You are so… Ew…
Dawn shakes her head in disbelief. She smiles, but is obviously a bit disgusted thinking herself foolish that Jewelz possessed an ounce of humility.. She collects herself and returns to her professional demeanor… A stage hand, hands Diamond some tissues… Diamond blows his nose
Diamond: I’m telling you that I need her.. She’s my main chick you feel me… And now that nigga Brody got her.. I can’t even take it…
Dawn rolls her eyes..
Dawn: What about Ruby…
Diamond: Shit… I’mnma get medieval on her and that bitch motherfucker Shojii you heard… I’mma go Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction on they asses… Fuck that bitch.. She was never my wife you feel me… And all that sidetalk was bullshit… But now that I lost the most important thing… Niggaz gon see why they call me Mr. Relentless..
Dawn: Even though Lee sanctioned the gOlden bOy Title, it’s not nearly as respected… A lot of jOlt’s fans and competitors don’t even think its’ a legit title.. So why is it more valuable than the Relentless Title which has proven to be a stepping stone for world champions..
Diamond: Shit… 24k of solid gold…. White and purple diamonds lining that bitch… Hand engraved plates… It’s worth hundreds of thousands dollars more you feel me…
Dawn: So how do you plan on getting back at… Shoji and Ruby for costing you your “girl”?
Diamond bursts into tears again at the pain of losing the object of his lusts, his most valuable possession.
Diamond: It’s almost official.. Shojii is mine at the PPV… And that bitch… Ruby… She gon’ be taking a trip through a table…
Dawn: So it’s you vs. Shojii at the ppv?
After Jewelz statement, seeing their boss in shambles, Them M;’fn Goons, Khalil Straightfully and Samuel come and sccop Jewelz up off of the stage grabbing him by both arms..
Samuel: Ehh Bitch.. This interview done…
Dawn is disgusted by Samuel’s disrespect… But continues to press forward for answers about Jewelz and Shojii..
Dawn: Jewelz.. It’s you vs Shojii??
…….. eNd of Transmission……….
