
The scene opened up to the studios located inside jOlt Headquarters and seated near a table was the host of this monthly Countdown segment, Donny Layne. Seated at a table with a pitcher of water and a couple of glasses, the intro bumper for “THE FAST LAYNE” appeared on the screen for the viewer tonight.
“Hello and welcome to this special edition of The Fast Layne! I’m your host, Donny Layne, and I’ll be here with not one, but three special guests today. Seated with me here in the studio today are the former three-time jOlt Tag Team Champion and the former two-time jOlt Starlets Champion. Please welcome to the studio “Big Bucks” Adam Roebuck, “The Sin City Strongman” Derrick Huber and Charlotte … The House.”
Charlotte Huber waved to the camera and her husband, Derrick saluted the viewing audience. Adam Roebuck let out a heavy snort that was probably his way of saying hello.
“Thanks for having us here today, Donny.” Huber said.
“Hey, hon,” Charlotte greeted with a smile.
“Well, let’s get right to the nitty-gritty, shall we?” Donny said. “Adam, Derrick and Charlotte ... these matches that you find yourselves in respectively have been months in the making. For months, Cross The Hood have been holding onto the jOlt Tag Team Titles that they stole from you back at Death Wish when Jon Le Bon forced you both to wrestle against them. Charlotte, Sebastian Saje and Raevynn conspired against you to steal the Starlets Title away from you.
“Yep … fucking sucks,” Derrick replied. “We’re sick and fucking tired of this Rebellion crap. I am all for a bunch of guys coming in and making names for themselves. This is a business that’s more or less founded on this concept. Big Bucks and I were two of those guys a little over twelve or thirteen years ago, but if you want respect in this business, you go out and earn it; you don’t take it by running around like a bunch of punk bitches drinking the Kool-aid of that little shit, Jon Le Bon --- who I totally pinned on Intense!”
Roebuck and Huber tapped their fists together and shared a laugh.
“Roebuck and Huber, how are you two approaching this match? Not only have the two of you been cheated out of those belts, but Cross The Hood also have incurred the wrath of The Crimson Order. Heido and Takeshi were the former champions and their own Tag Title match was marred in controversy back at Wired when they got disqualified to keep the belts. Surely they have an equal drive to win this match.”
“Yeah …” Roebuck snarled. “Heido and Whispers have been pains in our fucking asses for months now with no signs of stopping. Every time that we’ve been close to winning back the titles, either those asshole shave gotten in our way or Cross The Hood have run away. We’re sick and fucking tired of it, but we can finally keep an eye on everybody. They’re not opponents to us anymore … they’re targets that we’re going to line up and knock the fuck down. That’s our strategy.”
Derrick had a sip of his water and added his thoughts.
“Cross The Hood were a dominant tag team on the Hype before there even were Tag Team Titles and they have the big prize now. The Crimson Order have been battling with us over those Tag Titles back and forth for months now. Not only are they monsters, but they’re younger and faster and whatever weird ninja kool-aid they’re drinking lets them do crazy shit in the ring we’ve never seen. We’re the biggest guys in this match, but we don’t even have to be pinned or submitted. If we don’t win this match, that’s it; no more rematches. That all being said we’ve got one more shot and we’re not going to fucking miss this time. We are winning this match and there is nothing that any one else can do about it. Roebuck and I are not accepting failure any more.”
“You guys got this, sweetie.”
Charlotte kissed her husband on the cheek and patted his arm. Donny turned the line of questions to the former Starlets Champion.
“Now, Charlotte, we’ll move onto you. This issue with you and Raevynn has been equally trying for you.”
“Tryin’ is not a strong enough word, hon. That bitch has gotten on my last fuckin’ nerve! She’s been talkin’ lots of trash about how she’s the Queen Bee of this division, but ol’ Pasty Face isn’t ready for what I’m gonna be bringin’ her way. This Starlets division is so ripe with talent and knowing how much I hate Sarah Winterton, we’ve both carried this division on our backs. I’ve been watchin’ what people like my girl, Callie, Faith Hines, Desiree, Alyssa Corliss, Tammy Lynn Foster and unfortunately, Raevynn has to be added … the future is pretty bright with this division but what Raevynn and everybody else is going to find out is that the real queen of this division ain’t ready to step aside just yet.”
“A win here at this show would put you in a very unique class,” Donny said. “A win for you would make you this division’s only three-time champion just as a win for The House would make them the only team to win the belt four different times.”
“The number of times I’ve held that belt don’t matter to me. I’ll let you in on a secret, hon, I never wanted to be a multiple time champion … I’ve only wanted to be the champion just like Aria Murphy was! I may dress too hot for this division sometimes but that don’t mean I don’t respect that title! I held that title in high regard and defended it against anyone that wanted a shot. The Rebellion have been usin’ the gold as their little playthings for long enough and I’m gonna bust that bitch upside her head and show her who the hell she’s dealin’ with! I’m takin’ back my throne again, Donny, mark my words!”
“Strong words by all of you. Good luck in your respective title matches and thanks for joining us here on The Fast Layne.”
The scene fades out on Donny Layne having some off-microphone conversation with both the lovely redheaded vixen and the Las Vegas super heavyweights.
