
One camera.
One Last Real Man in jOlt.
Seated in a car, looking up at the camera that was bringing this bulletin live.
Real Talk.
“Eiji Kugasari… you stupid, stupid son of a bitch. Stepping into my business these last two weeks… now I’m fully aware of the irony that I was the one that called you out a few weeks back when I made my return to action, but I didn’t think you’d actually want to come back for more. Did I hit a sore spot when I singled you out? All I did was rightfully call your Clan out on all of your dumb bullshit methodology. Your clan is founded on a bunch of hackneyed principles…
Ryan smirked.
“Like I’ve been telling your weeks, Eiji… ALL. USELESS. BULLSHIT. This business that we’re in – professional wrestling – if you want to succeed, then you need to be looking out for number one. You can’t do that by shaking another man’s hand or by playing up to the fans by naming every single stupid move that you have in your tired arsenal. If you and your clan had used your numbers to your advantage like a smart man would… then maybe you’d still be jOlt Champion today. Maybe Landon Stevens wouldn’t have beaten your ask, taken your title, and then you would’ve been able to do something about it.”
jOlt’s Last Real Man casually shrugged.
“Maybe you could’ve actually stood your ground against me when we fought last time, but let’s talk about the now. Unlimited is coming up very soon and I’m honestly not sure why you’d want to risk fighting me a second time after Wired didn’t turn out in your favor. Maybe it’s your pride. Maybe it’s your dignity… fuck, maybe I just gave you a whole lot of brain damage after I dropped you on your head not only once, but THREE times with my Piledriver. Whatever the case may be, I just want you to know that I don’t respect you and I am in fact looking past you right now.
See… 2015 is going to mean big things for myself. I’ve beaten former champions. I beat the quote-unquote “King of Hell” Derecho in my very FIRST Underground match up! I beat you within an inch of your life without breaking a sweat. I’ve beaten the current champion, Jesse Ramey, on multiple occasions so I want you to know that once our business is concluded at Unlimited, I’m done with beating former champions… I will BE a champion this year! 2015 will be the year that jOlt Wrestling finally has a respectable champion at the helm of this company. Win, lose or draw… oh, hell, WINNING this match against Eiji be damned… I will be moving on to Wrestlecade and I WILL bet this masculine role model that jOlt sorely lacks…”
Ryan smirked.
“Speaking of lacking masculinity… It’s a shame that The Clan has YOU as its leader, Eiji… Blood Raven... say what you want about Kenshiro, but he wasn't a colossal failure like you...”
