
Jon Le Bon, Sebastian Saje, Raevynn, Michael Donavan, Jackson Cross, and Machida Hood all sat in director’s chairs on one side of a studio while Dawn Cassidy sat in one on the other side. In the background there was the Dawncast logo.
“Welcome to The Dawncast. THE Premier talk show here in jOlt Wrestling! My guests tonight have caused quite the stir since almost a year ago when they made their presence felt at Wrestlecade. The are The Rebellion.”
Dawn briefly paused before going into the first question.
“So… I guess I should ask you, Jon. Why The Rebellion? What is the driving force that brought these men together.”
“Well you know, Dawn… when I came here to jOlt Wrestling.. I was already a star… a rock star at that. I knew I was too good for The Hype, but I knew I couldn’t just walk away and leave. I had to come up with something. So I put on this façade.. I danced in front of your audiences for almost a year… making a complete fool of myself, but in the end.. it worked. I made it to Sunday Night iNtense… and when I got there, I didn’t like what I saw. People like Aran Thompson, Derecho, Landon Stevens, Ninja K… all of them just hogging the spotlight. Where are they now? Derecho and Ninja K split.. they went to Legacy of Champions… Aran Thompson is still injured.. and Landon Stevens is taking a vacation. None of the people who were in the top spots are here now… but now… we are.”
Le Bon paused
“We came in and we took out Eiji Kugasari… we came in and we took out Chris Titan… we took out Reno Davis. We forced The Backbone to go to Japan… we forced revolt to go to Japan. Then we ditched Damien Lee because he was nothing more than a puppet who was trying to protect his roster. Once we revealed our true selves, we captured the Starlet and the Tag Team Championships. I took people who were being held down.. who just wanted an opportunity… and I turned them into megastars.. I turned them into champions… and next Sunday… at Unlimited… Michael Donavan will walk away with the Underground Championship… Sebastian Saje will take the gOlden bOy title… and I…. I will end Jesse Ramey once and for all… make him into a transitional champion.. and claim the World Heavyweight Title all to myself. Once Cross the Hood and Raevynn retain their titles…. We will become an unstoppable force and shove Damien Lee’s plan of trying to undo us right back in his God DAMN face!”
Dawn nodded and moved onto the next question.
“There have been some.. namely Sayber, Seraph, and now Nate Quartermaine, who didn’t like the direction of The Rebellion and decided to leave. What happened there with them?” asked Dawn.
“I’ll take this one” said Michael Donavan
“It’s quite simple, Dawn. When you’re here in The Rebellion, you need to give it your all to this group. Those three didn’t. Sayber had his own agenda… Seraph let Shiloh into his head, and Nate Quartermaine didn’t have the mental toughness to face the criticism for his own shortcomings.” Said Donavan.
“In other words…”
“They were weak”
“Those who remain here. We are far from weak. United we stand as a force that only gets stronger. Now that the dead weight has been shed, we can become more focused and at Unlimited, we will prove to everyone that we didn’t need any of them to begin with.” Said Donavan.
Le Bon grinned and nodded in agreement as Dawn asked the next question.
“This is kind of an out there question, but why did you choose Raevynn over Alyssa Corliss?” asked Dawn to Sebastian Saje.
“Take one look at Raevynn and then one look at Alyssa Corliss. Alyssa couldn’t even handle Amber Ryann… and got injured as a result. My Raevynn… is a champion. She’s the one who reached out to me in my darkest hours on The Hype. When I was being faced with a pink slip from Shayne Anderson, Raevynn was the one who pulled me out.. not Alyssa Corliss. Raevynn is the one who comforted me and showed me that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Alyssa.. she didn’t do anything. Raevynn brought me to Jon Le Bon. We talked about things and through Raevynn, I was able to escape The Hype.. I was able to find my way to the main roster.. . I was able to find happiness. Someone who would go that length for you.. someone who would go through the struggles of life and overcome adversity… just for you… is someone worth being with. That is what Raevynn is to me.” Said Saje.
Dawn looked to Raevynn
“The adversity that he speaks of is your androphobia… something you seems to have overcome.. and now you’re Starlet Champion. What was that journey like?” asked Dawn.
“I owe everything to Jon Le Bon. You’re right… I have androphobia… I still have it to this day, but I never met a man who cared so much about my potential than Jon Le Bon. Something about him… something about his words.. we’re.. calming. It gave me that x factor I’ve been looking for to help suppress my fears… and I came to realization that I could be true to my feelings… and those feelings were for Sebastian Saje. Not only has Jon Le Bon given me the strength to find myself… he brought me to the main roster and now I am the Starlet Champion because of it. This is why I’m in The Rebellion. I owe my fears… my life… and my love all to Le Bon. Being his Starlet Champion is the least I can do to repay him. That is why at Unlimited, I will stop at nothing to end Charlotte and make her into nothing more than a memory.. as a tribute to Jon Le Bon.”
Dawn seemed a little creeped out by Raevynn’s cult-like reasoning, but she is goth after all. She shrugged it off and moved on to Cross the Hood.
“You two have been Tag Team Champions for a while now. You have faced the criticism that you didn’t earn those titles since jumped The House immediately after they won them. What do you have to say to your critics?”
Machida Hood was the first to speak up.
“Let me tell ya a little somethin’. We was the best tag team on The Hype. What The Natural Athletes are now.. is what we were when we was there. Then.. all’a sudden. Shayne Anderson decided we ain’t no good no more. We past our prime an’ gotta be pushed aside like a coupla’ pieces of rubbish. That ain’t right. We got offered this spot by Le Bon and we took it. We took these here titles because we deserve them. We spent our time earnin’ these here belts… so let those critics talk all they want… we got these here titles an’ we ain’t EVA gonna let them go.”
“Preach on mah brotha!” said Cross. “We came up an’ we took what was ours from the very beginnin’. We owe all o’ dat to Le Bon. He heard our cries. He gave us shelta in our time o’ need. At Unlimited.. Bring The House… we’ll tear the House down… bring the Order… we gonna destroy Order and cause Chaos. We gonna show everyone that we weren’t just the best tag team on The Hype.. but on the entire rosta!”
Le Bon stood up out of his chair.
“You hear those, Dawn? Those are testimonials to my work. I have the men who appreciate what I have done for them.. and those who didn’t… are no longer here. They are marked for death because you simply don’t bite the hand that feeds you. This is who we are… we are The Rebellion and at Unlimited, we will bring this company to its damn knees”
Le Bon turned and gave the nod. They all stood and began to walk out
“There you have it, folks. The Rebellion ready for next Sunday! Thank you for joining me here on The Dawncast.. THE Premier talk show in all of jOlt Wrestling!”
