

The camera opens to an empty Arena of Champions where three chairs sat in the middle of the ring. In the middle chair Donny Layne sat with a microphone in hand. On Layne’s left side sat the challenger for the Underground Championship, Derecho and on his right sat the Underground Champion, Omega. The champion sat quietly with a black hoodie on as the Underground championship rested at his feet. Derecho also wore a black hoodie with his trademark mask as he looked across to the man that was occupying his throne right now.
“Tonight ladies and gentlemen this is a special interview that I have the pleasure of conducting with two of the biggest stars in jOlt wrestling, the undefeated Underground Champion, Omega and the former Underground champion, Derecho.” Layne spoke as he looked into the camera.
Layne looking toward Derecho. “Derecho, you are a former Underground Champion and the self-proclaimed King of Hell. How do you feel about the man that sits across from you?”
Derecho leaned in as he looked at Donny Layne. “How do I feel about this man that sits across from me? Is that the question Layne? This man is a pretender. He sits on a throne I made famous. He believes he has transcended the Underground Championship to newer heights. However he is delusional because he does not understand that he is just a placeholder for my title.
The champion never moved a muscle as he peered downward to his championship. “A placeholder you say. We have done things that will make the average man puke and quake with fear. We know you are not the average man but our path of destruction has never been rivaled. Not even by the King of Hell. There is a reason people call us the boogeyman because we have seen the darkness and pain.”
“You kill me Omega. Do you think that I’m scared of you? I have gone through the biggest and baddest in my career. I have taken down monsters, ninjas and even Superbeasts. You are nothing compared to them. The way I dispatched them will be a hard fought lesson compared to what I will do to you.” Derecho replied.
“Omega, you will be defending the Underground title against a man that is as every bit of deranged as you are. How will you combat that?” Layne spoke as he looked at the champion.
“We don’t have to combat the King of Hell, we just embrace it. Pain is but a mere release to freedom. There is nothing Derecho can or will do to us that we have never seen before. There is nothing he can do that we have never felt before. There is nothing he can say that we have never heard before. We have constructed a path of chaos that has been unbridled to none, Derecho is not immune. He will be released.”
Derecho laughed manically. “I will be released you say. Released from just what, exactly? Pain? Punishment? You still don’t get it do you Omega? You do not frighten me. You bore me. I am the rightful ruler of the Underground and as its true King, I plan to do what no one has ever done in this company... and that’s make you suffer. I plan to end you and what you stand for. That championship that lay at your feet is not your muse, she is mine. She will forever be mine and I plan to liberate her from your grasp. At Breakdown I become a two-time Underground champion and there is nothing you can do about it.”
The large Underground champion slowly moved his hoodie back and sat back in the chair. The eerie look from the champion with the left eye that had no pupil had a smirk on his face. “You dare speak about her like that. She is the only reason you are here. She is the only reason we do what we do. It is only for her that we do the damage that we do. Come Breakdown we will bury the King of Hell because she wants us to. We will make the so called monster Derecho a mere afterthought because there is only one true monster in jOlt and you are looking at him. Remember Derecho, pain is a virtue.
Donny Layne was just about to ask another question but Derecho raised his hand toward the interviewer. He slowly stood to his feet. As he did the six foot eight inch Underground Champion did as well. These two men could come to blows in an empty arena at any second but Derecho just folded his arms before addressing Omega.
“You still don’t get it do you champ. I don’t want to simply take the title from you.. I want to pry it from your cold, dead hands... and place it back into mine. I know that championship is the bridge between whatever personality disorder you have inside your mind... it is your world.. your reason for existence... but sad to say, it is mine as well. I am the breaker of worlds and at Breakdown, I will regain what is rightfully mine and I will stand over you, holding your world above my head as I watch you fall aimless into despair."
"Make no mistake.. I am not Ninja K... I am not The Widow's Nest.. I am and forever will be, the single greatest threat you have ever faced and after Breakdown.. when I break your body.. your mind.. and your soul... I will force you and everyone in that locker room to look down upon me as the one and only true King of Hell once again."
Omega looked down at the King of Hell with a sick twisted smile before slowly moving his hoodie back over his head. The champion reached down and grabbed the Underground championship from the floor. He turned toward the ring ropes dragging the title belt on the mat. The champion stopped before stepping through the ropes to glance back at Derecho with his bad eye. “Remember King, everyone that has faced us has been released of their pain. You will be no different. The only difference between you and the others, we will relish this more.”
The champion turned and made it through the ropes and dropped down to the floor. He walked up the ramp as Donny Layne and Derecho looked on. Derecho smiled as the champion continued up the ramp. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Camera faded out to the Breakdown logo.
