
The Fast Layne w/ The Inogami Clan
The scene gradually opens with one of jOlt’s journalistic luminaries in Donny Layne. Dressed in a predominantly Black tailor made suit with both a Grey Dress Shirt & Royal Blue Silk Tie to compliment his attire. Seated in a promotional laden Director’s Chair, Layne turned his head toward the camera.
“Hello jOlt Wrestling fans, both home and abroad. I’m Donny Layne & welcome to the Fast Layne and my guests are no strangers to this broadcast so without further adieu, I have the distinct pleasure of welcoming the Inogami Clan here to the show. Welcome gentlemen...”
“Konnichiwa” was uttered in unison by arguably the largest faction in jOlt. The former jOlt Wrestling Heavyweight Champion in Eiji Kugasari was seated closest across from Layne, dressed in Japanese B Style civilian attire in the hues of the clan colors. Both Takeshi & Heido donned their respective male kimonos seated at the end of the collection of clan officers as both Mamoru and the clan patriarch Kenshiro Inogami were seated in the middle. The elder statesman adjusted himself in his seat before adjusting the lapels of his suit. Ninja sat with his Right Hand placed over his Left.
“First & Foremost, I wish to get this out in the open and on the behalf of jOlt Wrestling and its respective affiliates, we issue our sincere apologies in the destruction of the Tekahashi Dojo by the hands of...”
Kenshiro held his hand toward Layne to quietly mute out Layne while slowly shaking his head in protest.
“We have endured these apologetic sentiments long enough.” The clan general opened while leaning back in his chair. “As a collective, we overstand both the natures & intent of such sentiments. The Tekahashi Dojo was erected by Master Genji, myself and the city of Ibara as a definitive alternative for those aspiring to indulge their professional wrestling ambitions. Other social & communal needs & demands were met there as well. However, we have moved past the stage of personal mourning. Some artifacts cannot be replicated. Rest assured that just as that heralded dojo was intentionally reduced to smoke & rubble, it shall rise again.”
The surrounding ninjas were seen nodding to themselves confidently. “The men you see here are among the best that entered those halls as cubs yet left as the best that dojo had to offer...and perhaps, it was fitting. Symbolic, if you will as you will never see such a caliber of proficient warriors, in that particular class.” Kenshiro continued. “Thankfully, there were no fatalities but minor to moderate injuries. However, we sincerely entrust our clan lieutenant to physically...personally and violently regain face & retribution for what has been done.”
“Well, with that being said, Eiji...” Layne replied. “I have a legion of questions that demand to be answers.”
“I’m sure.” The Blood Raven quipped.
“Well, given that Damien Lee himself was and still remains ready to press full criminal charges on your opponent, irregardless the pending outcomes at Breakdown...” Donny continued. “...and yet, the entire clan, yourself especially, petitioned to stand down with their legal team. To possibly allow this miscreant to escape being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Why?”
The former jOlt Champion breathed out a heavy sigh before replying. “Mr. Layne; I am not alone when I say that you have it all wrong. Diamond Jewlez and his band of gutter trash are indeed guilty. There is no argument there. That would be a waste of time to even entertain such an argument yet allowing him to serve time in a jail cell unscathed by Inogami Clan hands, would serve as the grandest display of cowardice on our part.”
The young ninja shifted in his seat slightly. “You need to overstand that he’s an Attention Whore. Be it in this company or away from it. Social media especially, he and his accomplices are starved for significance. Outright deprived of relevance. Many will view him as an overtly arrogant sycophant, insanely infatuated with himself. Quite a few will perceive him as a ‘bully’. A wrestling diva, in which, screams of an unwanted orphan that just so happened to made good on a lucky break..and to him, I faintly offer my congratulations to him for what little he has accomplished.”
“With all due respect, Diamond Jewelz did manage to defeat both Mattock and Jesse Ramey, who no doubt, is an highly accomplished & decorated wrestling stalwart, Eiji...” Layne interjected.
“Barely, Mr. Layne.” Kugasari mentioned. “Barely. He was successful in doing what he was born to do. He is a natural born thief. He stole the victory from both Mattock & Ramey. I reluctantly credit him for his wrestling ability. However, his accomplishments are about as authentic as his gaudy jewelry. He’s an opportunist and that is not to discredit anyone in this business because you have to be. Otherwise, you will never rise in this business or outside of it, regardless of your respective alignments yet he is of the lowest of the low.”
“As you can see, he & his band of flunkies, will spare no expense in tainting everything in this business. Themselves especially. Just for that fleeting high of significance. I am the youngest world champion in this company’s history. A championship that was taken from me in a war that I lost.” Eiji took a brief moment to sift a heavy sigh through his teeth. “Even in admitting that fact, it still burns me to my core yet regardless how I feel, I lost my championship on this promotion’s grandest stage...and to see the rise of The Rebellion...and to come out of the hospital, partially recovered and to be confronted & humiliated, to that extent, I am entering Breakdown fully assured that divine justice will not come from a lawyer nor a injustice system but from the methodical fist from one of this clan’s own.”
“Well, certainly, you have a No Disqualification match with your opponent. 1 on 1 with enforced guidelines from the COO himself. Some serious consequences that will no doubt be enforced should the established guidelines be violated yet, given the nature of your opponent, doesn’t it ever cross your mind that perhaps Jewelz will utilize an unsanctioned assist from out of nowhere.” Donny implied as Eiji was halted by Layne raising his hand outward to him to finish. “According to your words; Eiji Kugasari. Former jOlt Heavyweight Champion. Placing his championship rematch contract. On the line against an alleged thief?”
“No.” The Blood Raven replied. “I honestly know what you are both implying and asking without actually asking it...” Eiji held out his hand to mute out the interviewer. “However, I am not concerned about that. You must yourself a myriad of questions; What would anyone stand to gain to side with the likes of him? Especially with that level of heat set onto him and his cronies? What would be the benefits in earning the ire of my entire clan? Mr. Lee is most certainly not pleased with this international spectacle. It is already enough he is dealing with the band of upstarts. A renegade faction of both the disgruntled & unlearned and interject themselves into the legal line of fire with a company officer? With nothing to lose?”
Eiji casually shook his head. “As I have said, it’s not even worth entertaining beyond my response so you will need to assess this properly; Diamond Jewelz has nowhere to run nor anyone to run to. Not this time and it was suggested that Steel Cage should the match of choice...or a cage made of bamboo, along with a long myriad of gimmicks but I chose this match because 1. I will not entertain nor cater to his juvenile antics to grant him neither a psychological advantage nor allow him an opportunity allow his cowardice toward his advantage. 2. Given the severity of his offensive words & antics, I personally do not want any limitations. Eiji Kugasari is out for blood. Plain & simple and my championship rematch is the bait. He played into my hands and there will be no one. Nobody there to save him from himself nor from me. Period.”
“Well, with all that said, I would like to address The Crimson Order.” Layne mentioned as the camera panned over toward the stoic ninja tandem. “Gentlemen; you were noted that you both opted out of competing at Wrestlecade; an opportunity to many would perceive as ‘controversial’, among other things. Would you gentlemen care to explain your respective positions on the mutual decision?”
Takeshi gently placed his hand on Heido’s shoulder before conveying his thoughts via sign language.
“We agreed that we had not earned the right to perform at such an event..” The Kansai Crippler replied. “We have suffered significant losses in our pursuit of both tag team championship contention & supremacy. As a team, we both overstand the importance of unedited communication, precision, focus and sacrifice. All of the vital elements required to stand atop this division as its rightful successors. However, in failing to meet our required expectations, the decision was disheartening yet necessary.”
“And given your collective momentum, since your notable absence from Wrestlecade, you both, collectively, have a solid opportunity to compete for the jOlt Tag Team Championships, held by the The Hands of the Cause yet you must also contend with both 2 of your embittered rivals in The Faction & the former 2x Tag Team Champions in the Heirs of Wrestling at Breakdown. Your thoughts?”
“This is what we’ve asked for.” Heido opened while stroking his goatee. “Takeshi & I have been pushing ourselves to this point and we shall enter this contest undeterred nor are we content just to have this championship opportunity. We laud the competitive nature of the Heirs. Just as we are very mindful of the unsavory antics of the twin sibling that represent The Faction. The reigning champions are both enigmatic yet powerful adversaries. As opposing teams, this shall be our 1st encounter. Much will be assessed and expected from this championship challenge yet we expect to leave Breakdown & present championship gold & glory as this promotion’s new champions.”
“Very well, gentlemen.” Layne replied as he nodded slightly to himself. “And last yet certainly, not least, Kenshiro Inogami. You were successful at Wrestlecade in an epic Dream Match versus the Cruiserweight Legend in Greg Davis. However, you have a very unique challenge the Bronze Bomber, the Philadelphia Powerhouse in Mack Brody.”
“Yes.” Kenshiro replied. “This is an interesting match up indeed; Mack is very agile, for a man of his size. Not one to be underestimated. However, I anticipate many advantages to expose themselves in their proper time. He’s hungry as a competitor, which can be beneficial or highly detrimental at times. I have faced numerous athletic big men throughout my career up to this point so intimidation cannot even be considered as a factor yet I shall be ready. Just assured as he shall do the same. A 30 Minute Iron Man Match is a suitable test indeed.”
“Any parting words for your opponent this Sunday?” Layne mentioned.
“I shall see him in 7 days.” The clan general replied while leaning back slightly in his seat.
Well, gentlemen.” Layne replied after nodding his head. “Thank you all and good luck to you all this Sunday.”
The ninjas nodded in kind as the camera panned over and centered itself onto the show’s host.
“I’m Donny Layne and we have left The Fast Layne.”
Eiji was seen shaking his head as the broadcast concluded.
