
Jeremy Ryan vs Lennox Love
“Kiss” by Prince and The Revolution.
It was now time for the Countdown match of the evening! And the crowd started to cheer for the appearance of the Love Machine himself, Lennox Love! Jon Katz, Jr. was at his side and the two men broke out into an impromptu Kid N’Play dance on the top of the ramp to the delight of the fans!
“The following contest is scheduled for one fall! First, making his way to the ring being accompanied by Jon Katz, Jr… weighing in at 222 pounds… LENNOX LOVE!”
The Love Machine slapped hands with the fans on his way down to the aisle while JKJ tried getting the number of some hot little thing on his way to the ring. Love was itching for competition and he was trying his hand at singles action tonight against a very volatile and dangerous man in Jeremy Ryan. Lennox was all smiles as he stoo don the top turnbuckle and got the crowd into a clapping routine. He was now ready for a fight.
“A Man” by Cypress Hill.
A man whose recent appearances on the shows had been spotty at best, but now he was here competing on the Countdown show. The man who was last seen almost winning the Underground Title from Omega was now here tonight and didn’t look too happy to be here. A man waging a war against all things stupid and inane in jOlt while promoting his brand of viciousness was approaching the ring.
“And his opponent… from Bangor, Maine, weighing in at 254 pounds… he is ”JOLT’S LAST REAL MAN” JEREMY RYAN!”
The vicious and volatile Ryan came to the ring with a microphone in hand as he looked at both Jon Katz, Jr. and Lennox Love.
He was NOT a happy man who was punished for his actions in slandering the recent class of the jOlt Hall of Fame. Jeremy Ryan continued walking towards the ring and had a big grin on his face.
“Other UNDESERVING people like Aran Thompson are getting to defend dead titles on a Pay Per View broadcast while *I* am stuck wrestling the pre-show match with this ignorant piece of shit named Lennox Love?”
Love folded his arms and he looked ready for a fight against jOlt’s Last Real Man. Ryan, however, wasn’t finished as he walked up the steel steps to continued his tirade.
“I have dealt with a LOT... and I mean A LOT in my few months with this organization. I have dealt with smiling, preening little faggots like Kayden Paulton, little inbred retards like Jon Le Bon getting more TV time than me… MACK BRODY, that fame-obsessed whoremonger getting to wrestle Ninja K while somebody of my talent is down here, stuck with this afroed retard. And for what? It’s all because I’m the only man… the only REAL man to come out here and have the courage to tell it like is and you people don’t like it.”
Ryan looked right at Lennox Love and had a very faint and smug look on his face.
“Oh, but these last few weeks of Damien Lee leaving me off these shows… that’s done and over with now. I will BE here every week and I WILL continue to tell it like it is. It’s time to make some REAL NOISE…”
He hit the former Tag Team Champion square in the face! Referee Ian Nguyen was aghast as Jeremy rushed forward and delivered a volley of STIFF Elbows to the head of Lennox! JKJ was on the outside protesting the heinous actions of Ryan and Ian tried to pry him off, but it was to no avail!
Ryan turned back to Lennox and he recovered just enough to land a series of rights to the side of the head! Jeremy was being taken to task now by the brawling high flyer as he laid into him in the corner. Love had a lot of fire now and was looking to prove Jeremy Ryan wrong about all the trash he spewed out. He tried a whip on Jeremy Ryan only for jOlt’s Last Real Man to stop and shoot him into the corner. When he came back, Ryan caught him and PLOWED right into him with a Running Spear in the corner!
The wind was driven out of Lennox Love, but Ryan hung onto him and carried him on the ring over his shoulders before driving him down hard with Double Leg Slam! The crowd was all over Jeremy Ryan, but he didn’t care. Tonight was about proving a point that nobody was going to treat him lightly any more. If his fight with Omega for the Underground Title didn’t do it, then sending a physical message to the roster would do the trick.
Ryan picked him up off the canvas by his hair and tossed him into the corner where he laid into him with an alternating barrage of STIFF Palm Strikes to the head! Lennox Love was figuratively and literally having the shit slapped out of him.
“Lennox, whoop that ass, come on, man!” JKJ shouted from the outside.
Unfortunately, said whoopings were all on the side of Jeremy Ryan as he stood over Lennox Love. He pulled him by the arm and dropped him right into a Short-Arm Back Elbow to the face! The Love Machine looked to be out his feet, but he kept going anyway. He forcefully pulled him into a second one! From there, Ryan quickly took him over…
Love went flying overhead with a beautiful-looking suplex of the Exploder variety (I just typed that, I know, deal with it). Jeremy Ryan casually rolled over and went for a cover… nah, he slapped on a VERY tight Chinlock that looked more like a choke and the referee caught onto it! He barked at Ryan to break up the hold or risk a disqualification.
Ryan continued running his glove across the face of Lennox in the corner now just to rub salt in the proverbial wounds. Lennox tried to shove him away only for Ryan to come right back and deliver the MOTHER of all Headbutts to the face! Lennox was actually busted open now and bleeding from his nose!
“Stop! Stop now!” Ian shouted.
He tried to get in between Ryan and Lennox Love when jOlt’s Last Real Man shoved him out of the way. He tried to pick up The Love Machine… KNIFE-EDGE CHOP! Lennox Love was STILL coming out swinging! He fired off three or more chops with some extra stank on them!
He elbowed Ryan in the face only for Jeremy to fire back with a big elbow of his own! He charged with a wild swing when Lennox ducked and ran off the ropes before coming back with a Corkscrew Elbow Smash that finally knocked Ryan down! He picked him up and sent him into the corner before coming at him with a nice Spinning Wheel Kick right in the corner that knocked Ryan of his feet!
Lennox Love took a second after disorienting his opponent and wiped some of the blood from under his nose. The Love Machine waited for Jeremy Ryan to get back to his feet and when he did, he charged and connected with a Running Dropkick that shot Ryan right from the ring and onto the floor! The fighting of Ryan seemed to wake up some fire in the brawling high flyer as he took to the ring apron. Jeremy Ryan was back up and he was taken down just as quickly with a Somersault Apron Dive!
The always popular Lennox Love seemed to be back in the game now as he picked Jeremy Ryan up and threw him back inside the ring. He was already on the ring apron and showed some incredible agility as he jumped to the rope and brought the hammer down with a big Springboard Cross Body onto Ryan! He tried going for the upset win!
Ryan shoved him off with plenty of force behind the kick out. A still bloody and willing to fight Lennox Love got back to his feet and landed a couple shots into the chest of Ryan and tried to run off the ropes looking for a big move when Ryan caught him with a knee to the gut, Kitchen Sink style! Lennox tumbled over and that’s when Jeremy Ryan picked him up…
The Vertical Suplex Backbreaker nearly BROKE Lennox Love in half! Jeremy Ryan and hooked the far leg for the cover.
Ryan was frothing at the mouth by this point and he continued to go for the win when Lennox Love just barely had enough to stop him in his tracks with a nice Seated Jawbreaker! The blow stopped Ryan and staggered backwards into the ropes while a hurt Lennox Love rolled away to give himself some breathing room from the vicious Ryan. He was prepping for one of his big moves now as Ryan started to stand again. The Love Machine jumped and looked for his version of the Jump Spinning Roundhouse Kick…
Ryan managed to catch him in mid-air and SPIKED him down nearly on the back of his head with a Snap Powerbomb! The crowd groaned from the sheer force of the move as Ryan fumed. How DARE this person that he passed as a joke try to beat him. jOlt’s Last Real Man picked him up and had a little bit of a laugh before he set him up on the top turnbuckle now. He had Lennox Love up…
This was not a garden-variety Brainbuster.
This was a TURNBUCKLE Brainbuster!
Even worse…
Ryan didn’t bother going for his dead man submission as Lennox Love flopped to the canvas lifelessly. jOlt’s Last Real Man simply rolled over and put a forearm across the face of his opponent.
Jeremy Ryan simply finished off his beating and without saying another word, he headed off to the back, ignoring any reaction from the crowd as he disappeared behind the curtain. Jon Katz, Jr. attended to the fallen Lennox as he hadn’t moved since eating the Turnbuckle Brainbuster. His work was done here tonight and his vicious display of power here tonight said more than anything he could put into words.
This was a new Jeremy Ryan and he wasn’t here to take shit anymore.
Winner: Jeremy Ryan via Pinfall
