
A Clear-Cut Message

We are inside the Arena of Champions in Orlando, FL. The scene is almost eerie as the arena is completely empty. The set which normally housed iNtense was gone.. the only thing there was the ring and the announce tables. It was obvious that over the next week, the crew would be constructing the set for Breakdown and getting the Pay-Per-View ready.
In the middle of the ring stood Sebastian Saje along with Raveynn. At ringside we had the rest of The Rebellion members, two on each side. There was a steel chair in the ring where Sebastian Saje took a set. Raevynn stood next to him. Saje looked down at the canvas and then up at the camera.
"For nearly a year, all of us have endured. We were promised a chance at glory.. a chance at success. Each one of us found it in our own individual ways. Two of us captured The Hype Championship. One man captivated an audience with 5-star matches, another was a true monster. A tag team reinvented themselves and took The Hype by storm. One had athletic ability and unfinished business. Individually, we were iconic and we did everything that you would expect us to do in a fair and competitive environment."
Saje chuckled a bit
"A fair and competitive environment.... those words make me laugh because The Hype was and still is anything but fair. So we did what anyone would do.. we left and we came here to the main roster with a mission.. that mission is to make our presence known to the world, but just that alone isn't enough. We want more.. we want compensation for our mistreatment. We are not going to stop until we take all of the top spots here in jOlt to show the world what happens when you squander away some of the best talent that's come along in years."
Saje chuckled again.
"Forgive me for cracking up because when I think of talent.. and when I think back through the years.. it makes me laugh at our opponents this Sunday at Breakdown. Eight individuals decided to stand in our way. They rose up to protect jOlt from a hostile takeover like it was going to make a difference or something. What to know the ironic part? These eight men don't want to see us take those top spots.. they see us as invaders.. a threat to their way of life when in reality, they have no one to blame but themselves."
Saje interlaced his fingers as he leaned forward and looked into the camera.
"Look into my eyes and see the harsh truth. The only reason why you're challenging us is nothing more than jealousy. People like BIG Little Italy... Reno Davis... Mike Extreme... Bane Loneheart... Sephiroth Du Luc... Persephone... Sanchez Cano... Mattock... you could have done what we did years ago. You could have banded together and you could have been as aggressive as we are now. You could have taken the top spots for yourselves, but instead you chose to sit there. You chose to waste away in silence. You never stood up and made yourselves heard. Sure, you got on television now and then, but did you capitalize on those opportunities? No... not a single one of you did. You never realized your full potential and you became apathetic. You accepted your fates that you all were and still are nothing special... so why rise up now? What is the real reason as to why you want to protect jOlt?"
"For the namesake of the company?"
"A bunch of second-rate talent who remained gutless for years chooses now to stand up for themselves... why? Why not just let evolution take its course? Why not just continue to stand by the wayside and watch with tired eyes as the future passes you and becomes what you couldn't... a main event attraction."
"Any way you look at it.. it's your own faults that you ended up as you were.. and this Sunday... at Breakdown... you're minus a man. Your leader.. the man who rallied you all together to fight the good fight has fallen. Reno Davis is no longer among you and now you scramble around looking for answers.. looking for that one glimmer of hope which does not exist just to do what? To preserve what's left of your namesake? For that one last chance at glory? What happens if you beat us? Do you celebrate in victory and then disappear into the ether once again? You see.. WHEN we win this Sunday, we won't do that.. we will continue on until we hold every championship this company has to offer. We will rise to the top and when we get there, we will STAY there."
Saje chuckled again as he leaned back in his chair. He then outstreteched his arms.
"Look around you. We are The Rebellion.. the future of this company... and after Breakdown, there will be NOTHING that stands in our way from achieving our goals. Get ready world... because The Rebellion is here to stay."
The camera panned back as Raevynn stood tall and proud next to Sebastian Saje who still had his arms outstretched. The arena became basked in a dark indigo hue as black feathers rained down from the ceiling. The rest of The Rebellion members looked up and closed their eyes as if they were being bathed in the feathers. This was the final scene before it faded to black.
