
Hashtags, and Twitters, and YOLOS, Oh My!
Instead of our typical Countdown show taking place backstage somewhere with a true professional Donny Layne or a sparkling beauty (and also a professional) like Dawn Cassidy. Instead, the camera finds itself somewhere in a quiet, posh library with a crackling fireplace. Three chairs are seen seated facing the fireplace; one is a large chair with a golden hue. Another is a black leather chair with flame decorations.
Yes, I said it. Flames.
The last one is a slightly smaller chair with blue lightning patterns.
They do indeed belong to three men.
Frank Silver. (Fire chair guy)
Ryan Gallway. (blue lightning chair)
Mack Brody. (golden chair.)
Rejoice, for the Heirs of Wrestling have arrived!
All three men click away on their smartphones profusely and giggled like idiots. A series of captions now appeared on the screen.
Oh, you want to see what they wrote?
Well, if only jOlt had some kind of a feed in which one might be able to see what they’re doing…
If only there was some kind of media… perhaps of a social variety… where the pound sign on your phone meant something more than just being a simply pound sign.
A place where people were free to rant and rave about whatever they wanted, but had to choose their words carefully due to a preventative limit of words. Or “characters” if you will.
Well, that we know, no such place exists.
Until then, know that the Heirs are your betters.
They plan on winning the jOlt Tag Team Titles for a third time and Mack Brody is going to give Ninja K all he can handle when they wrestle at Breakdown.
Until then, please go watch Breakdown and talk to your local cable or satellite provider.
If you bit torrent this, we WILL find you.
