
The Fast Layne w/ Aran Thompson

The scene opens of Donny Layne, Reporter Extrodinare, interviewing a plethora of jOlt Superstars with a montage of vehicles racing and passing by one another as a mixed down version of "Fast Lane" by Eminem & Royce Da 5'9 played.
I'm livin' life in the fast lane
Movin' at the speed of life and I can't slow down
Only got a gallon in the gas tank
But I'm almost at the finish line, so I can't stop now
I don't really know where I'm headed, just enjoyin' the ride
Just gon' roll 'til I drop and ride 'til I die
I'm livin' life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)
I'm livin' life in the fast lane (Pedal to the metal)
The fades in to a War Report styled room with two black leather chairs resting atop the apex of a circular stage as Donny Layne stood infront of the camera in a fine custom tailored suit and an eager expression on his face.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome! To the first ever edition of Fast Layne! with me, your host, Donny Layne!"
Donny paused for a moment to take in the experience as he was proud to have his very own show on the network.
"And it will be a great one! My first guest! You all know him as Mr. Relentless and we all know him as the Relentless Champion! ARAN THOMPSON!"
"Onion!" by One Ok Rock began playing in the background as Aran Thompson came walking out and he took notice to the crowd in attendence that was actually just the staff and camera crew but they cheered for the Relentless Champion none the less and Donny Layne clapped as Aran approached him and adjusted the Relentless Championship over his shoulder before shaking the hand of Donny Layne.
Aran and Donny stepped in front of the chairs sitting on the circular stage for them and Donny asked Aran to sit as the two bent down for the proper position prompting Aran to put the Relentless Championship on the table that rest in between them.
"Aran Thompson! Thank you so much for being our first ever guest here on The Fast Layne!" Donny Layne began.
"Absolutely! I mean, it's only proper since I've been the first to do so many things, especially things that surround that." Aran said smiling as he pointed toward the Relentless Championship.
Donny nodded his head in agreement.
"Well lets get this thing going. This is the deal, this is your basic Question and Answer format, a lot like that other inferior show The Dawncast, only we are letting the fans interact with you and ask you everything and anything! We scrounge these questions from the internet..."
Before Donny could finish his explaination Aran interrupted him with a slight chuckle in his voice.
"The internet? You...You've seen the things people ask on there right?"
Donny laughed back at Aran and nodded "Yep, and that's what makes this special because anything they ask has a chance to make it on here and put you, the guest, on the spot!"
"Alright, hit me with your best shot internet!" Aran said jokingly.
Donny smiled and put his hand out, "First things first." Donny replied.
"I have a couple questions of my own before we allow the fans watching to send in their questions."
"First Question."
"Landon Stevens. You both aren't shy to remind everyone that you were the one that trained him and ultimately got him into this business, how did that come about initially?"
Aran smiled.
"Well when Landon came into the gym that I opened after the health scare I had when I performed for a company called "fAte" he was exactly what you see now. He has always had that style about him and honestly I liked it. He has that look. He took care of himself physically and I saw great talent. My brother Corey and our family friend Kris Nightmare all took time to teach him things about the ring and the business but basically he took a liking to my style of wrestling. He wanted to fly around the ring and he...honestly....sucked at it."
Aran laughed to himself before continuing.
"After learning how to even do the basics I decided to have him try something off the top just to gauge his ability and he flopped. You've heard of Botchamania? Well, he was a one man botch fest. How he didn't break something is beyond me, but to his credit he just kept getting up. He is tough. He was actually my first and only graduate from my american gym before I sold the place to my brother and opened up a wrestling dojo in Japan with some friends I've met along the way."
Donny nodded like a good host but quickly interjected, "Wow, with the way he has been since arriving in jOlt, I would of figured him for a natural?"
Aran laughed, "Absolutely not. I mean like I said, he's tough and stubborn and that's what it takes to exceed. He learned from the bumps and bruises and got better, hell he is jOlt Champion! A world champion! It's got to account for something, right?"
"You're right. So does that make you nervous about defending your Relentless Championship against him at Break Down?" Donny quickly asked.
Aran shook his head.
"No. Landon Stevens is the product of riding coat tails, he hasn't put in nearly enough time to have his own "niche". Some people excel in steel cages, others in hardcore matches, and all the other stipulations and styles. But me....I am Relentless. When I first won this championship, something just clicked. I made myself the embodiment of a division and the fans embraced it. Everything Landon has done he claims he did it himself, he probably doesn't even realize the importance of that championship around his waist and just thinks that he is number one because he got lucky once. Wait till he sees what it means to be truly relentless!"
Donny was impressed with Aran's response.
"I just can't wait to see the match, Teacher vs. Student AND the reactivation of the Relentless Championship!"
Donny said with excitement as Aran added his own tidbit.
"I do believe this is actually the first time that a world champion has challenged for the Relentless Championship as well. Like I said, when it comes to that title I have been apart of so many first time events with it."
The sound of ring bell rang once and grabbed the attention of both Donny Layne and Aran Thompson.
"Looks like we got out first question!"
Donny Layne looked down at a tablet and read the question to himself and nodded.
"Alright, the first question is from PepsiFreak87 who emailed us: "Aran, I think we all want to know...what will your stipulation be for Landon at Break Down when you defend your Relentless Championship?"
Aran smiled.
"Order the PPV and find out, I won't let Landon get away with trying to plan away around it. He will have to wait, and so will you."
Donny smiled as another question quickly came in.
"Bobby Helmsley, 19, from Sacramento asks "Does Laurie Williams have any sisters? I ... um, my friend would like to know."." Donny smiled as he read the question and Aran smiled as well.
"Not unless you count Mace. The guy is a work horse and trains in the gym more than most people, I guess you could call those things on his chests Moobs." Aran said jokingly of his brother-in-law.
"Moob?" Donny asked.
"Man boobs." Aran said laughing.
Donny shook his head and put his hand to his forehead.
"John Latimer, 21, from New Jersey asks, "Hey, Aran. Did you ever seen what's happened between you and Landon Stevens coming when you took him into the Black Faction?"."
Aran shook his head.
"Absolutely not. I mean I know the guys hot headed, I've seen him in action for a really long time. But never did I ever expect him to incite a mutany and you can expect that to be in my head when I'm business taking his off at Break Down!"
"Ivy, 39, Queens - "Is Vince Jacobs still a massive bitch?"
Aran laughed and shook his head.
"Absolutely not. Vince and myself may have had our issues in the past but I'd be a damn fool to say that our feud was a constant reminder that Vince Jacobs deserves to be at the pinnacle of fame that he has achieved."
Donny nodded his head and agreed with Aran.
Donny, again, looked at the tablet to read the question to himself and he laughed almost immediately.
"Alright...well...Frank Silver and Ryan Gallway... er, Frank Green and Bryan Gallway, 27 and 26, from jOlt... sorry, Seattle, Washington ask, "So... Landon Stevens sucks a fat one, huh?"
Aran laughed hard for a moment and nodded his head.
"I have no clue what he does in his personal time, but I would be willing to put money on the fact that he sucks the fattest one." Aran said as he looks in the camera obviously enjoying the question from two people he may or may not have worked in the same company as.
Donny Layne couldn't believe that exchange but he laughed through it all.
"Wow. I guess it's like you said, The internet" Donny Layne said as he nudged Aran with his elbow.
"Nick Lucas, 14, from California asks, "I'm working on becoming a wrestler myself someday. Where did you get your training from?"
Aran still smiling from the last question tried to put on a straight face and answer.
"Well, Lucas, if wrestling is really a profession you want to do than put the work in. It won't be easy by any means. You will make absolutely no money from it in the beginning so try to have other means of putting food on your table. It's a long road but when you get there, you will love every moment of it and be proud of accomplishing your goals. I was lucky enough to have a brother who was wrestling and trained me as he was already making great money and it helped me get my foot in the door a lot sooner than most."
Donny Layne nodded.
"Well said. I've only been able to watch wrestlers climb the ranks, and its obvious to tell that it is a path of great struggle and it's been an honor to be able to watch it happen to closely. We can't wait to see you in the future Lucas, keep the dream alive!"
Donny looked at his tablet with a puzzled look on his face but read the question anyway.
"Anonymous asks, "What exactly do you think you know?"
Aran smiled a devilish smile.
"Nice try Damien."
Donny looked shocked at how quicky Aran Thompson put two and two together.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Donny and Aran looked around and Donny extended his hand out to Aran.
"That's all the time we have for this episode! You'll be back right?!"
Aran nodded and shook Donny's hand.
"Only if you offer up some water next time" Aran said jokingly as the camera faded to black and the two continued their conversation without live microphones.
