
Dawncast w/ Jimmy B. Martinez

The scene opened like every other edition of the DawnCast does; with the appropriate theme music with the host Dawn Cassidy, sitting on a stool with her lovely blonde hair flowing to one side, down her shoulder and a high stool next to her with a bottle of water. The camera man gave her the signal as she slowly raised the microphone to her lips and began to speak.
Dawn Cassidy: Hello everyone, this is Dawn Cassidy with another special Countdown edition of DawnCast. Tonight I have one of the best superstar in my eyes to step into the ring. He was the number one flyweight champion in jOlt wrestling. He was taught by none other than the Super Beast himself Sylo. He is Mr. Infamous, The Supernova; JIMMY! B! MARTINEZ!!!
She shouted as she got up from her stool and introduced Jimmy B. Martinez. He slowly emerged out the back of the green room, wearing his patented Mr. Infamous Bull’s Eye logo shirt, with blue jeans and boots. He approached the gorgeous Dawn and leaned forward and kissed her on her cheek. She smiled and asked for Jimmy to take a seat.
Jimmy B. Martinez: How are you doing Dawn? It is good to see you, it's been a while since we sat and spoke.
Dawn Cassidy: Yes, too long. I am so excited that you have returned to jOlt. I remember when you first step foot in 'Arena Of Champions'. It was I who was the first one to interview you. Do you remember that Jimmy?
Jimmy B. Martinez: I sure do. The good old jOlt days. Haha! Wish I had a time machine and go back, I would changed some things.
Dawn Cassidy: Like what Jimmy? If you don't mind me asking.
She asked the former flyweight champion, as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders.
JBM: For one. I would of never dyed my hair blue for Sylo. Haha! I did it to support him, but it was a bitch to get my regular hair color back. I finally got it out, with the assistance of Aria. I hope she's listening. Thank you Aria.
DC: Yes, I remember that. I thought you were going to say like leaving jOlt.
JBM: You didn't let me finish. I was going to say that. Leaving jOlt was the biggest mistake I did. I let a lot of people down. I had my reasons for leaving though. I'm back now, and I'm here to stay. You might as well get use to this face, cause you will be seeing a lot of it.
DC: I for one don't mind getting use to a face like that. I am happy to hear this time around you are here to stay.
DC: Enough of the small talk. Let's get into the real juicy questions. I'm sure your fans would like to hear what you have to say about the recent title changes and jOlt now.
JBM: Yes, the juicy topics. Ha! That's what I'm talking about. This interview just got real.
DC: Since you left there has been some title changes in jOlt. Our current heavyweight champion, is none other than Landon Stevens. A man you had problems with the first day he stepped foot in jOlt. How do you feel about Stevens being our current jOlt champion?
Jimmy scoffed as he grabbed his bottled water from the table. He opened, the bottled water and took a couple of sips. He placed it down back onto the table and took a deep breath before he would address Dawns question.
JBM: A topic I feel like will never get old. How do I feel about Mr. Stevens being jOlt champion. I honestly don't feel like he deserves to be a champion. In my eyes he isn't champion material. The kid goes around gloating about beating a bull, yet he is scared to defend his championship. He goes around telling people to earn there shot. In my eyes a real champion doesn't do that. I never told anyone, go earn your title shot. They wanted an opportunity at becoming the flyweight champion. I gave it to them!
JBM: His time as champion is coming to an end soon. So I advice Mr. Stevens to hold on to his precious jOlt championship as tight as he can.
DC: So do you feel, if you hadn't left jOlt. It would be you with that championship around your waist?
Jimmy B. Martinez laughed at the question, as if Dawn Cassidy should of already known the answer to that question.
JBM: The fans know the answer to that, and you should know the answer to that question. The only reason why he is champion is because I left. I was at a stage in my career where, I was dominating every obstacle that was put in my way. You can say I was in my prime. So yes I do think I would of been champion if I hadn't left. I know there a lot of people out there, that probably doubt that I can reach that level of success again. It's okay, because I plan on proving them wrong.
DC: I feel as if you can reach the level of success, you were at before you left. That is not a problem. You have the support of your fans, and have the ability and skill to do so. Just give it some time.
JBM: Thank you. I appreciate those kind words and support.
DC: No problem. NOW! Onto Eiji.
Jimmy laughed as he took a couple more sips of his water and adjusted himself in his chair.
JBM: Ha! You are going straight for the jugular today aren't you.
He said as they both chuckled.
Dawn Cassidy: Hey, It comes with the job.
JBM: Eiji. He reminds me of myself. We may not like each other but we are similar in ways. He wants to be the best, and prove to everyone he isn't a underdog. As I myself am trying to prove the same point. He does what ever it takes to win a match, and puts his body on the line. So do I. I do it in a more fashionable way.
Jimmy said as he laughed to himself.
DC: Do you see yourself in the ring with him again? I know you faced one of his clan members named Shoji, but will we ever see Eiji and Jimmy in the ring battling it out?
JBM: Of course. Eiji and I will most definitely see each other again in the ring. He said it best himself. Him and I have some unfinished businesses to tend to. No pun intended. Shoji knows what I mean.
He smiled as Dawn looked at him and shook her head with a smirk.
“No...” A husky voice was heard off screen as a set of padded footsteps lured the camera quickly to the source of the disturbance where a pair of ninjas approached. The musing smirk quickly evaporated from Jimmy’s face as a seemingly disgruntled Shoji lumbered into the scene with a hooded civilian with a familiar aura. JBM was seen standing, setting himself in front of Dawn as the muscular ninja methodically ground his Right Fist against his Left Palm while nosily popping the bones in his neck.
“I don’t quite see it that way.” The Hokota Holocaust hissed yet the hooded civilian gently placed his hand atop Shoji’s shoulder. “Easy, Shoji. I know you have every right to seek redemption. However, this isn’t the time nor the place...”
The hoodie was peeled back revealing a set of Red highlighted hair and a set of Auburn eyes, leading the last jOlt Flyweight Champion to nod in kind. Eiji Kugasari. The clan lieutenant casually slid his hands in his pockets as Shoji remained quietly seething.
“Now, Martinez; you are right.” The Blood Raven rebutted. “You are absolutely right; we will meet again. However, it seems that you still have a gift for creating more enemies than allies and with this currently unstable climate, that is virtual suicide...”
“I do alright, man.” Martinez replied while casually trading glares with both ninjas. “I learned from the best. I can handle myself.”
The former jOlt Heavyweight Champion scoffed at the display of bravado before shaking his head.
“Yeah...So you say....” Kugasari mentioned. “We will most definitely see how that training will pan out.” The clan officer gently tapped Shoji’s bicep with the back of his hand before stuffing them back into his jacket pockets & turning away. Martinez maintained a briefly mutual glare toward Shoji before the ninja turned away and followed his clan brethren in his intentional egress. A muffled expression of anger radiated from Mr. Infamous as Dawn flashed the signal for the crew to cut the tape....
