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ROCK THE HOUSE! EPISODE 08 TRAC Center, Pasco, Washington Attendance: 2731 Fans (3/4 Full) ![]() On Screen Jim Johnson illuminated the screen and stated that what started on iNtense will continue here tonight with the new star initiative. In fact… all eight stars that debuted on iNtense and Warriors this week will compete in a 8 man tag in tonight’s main event! ![]() Match #1 Starlet Championship Match Aria Murphy [c] vs Hija de un Gran Avispa Match Summary: Hija put up a great fight and took Aria Murphy to the limit. Using her luchador background, she hit some impressive high risk moves, but when she missed a moonsault, Aria went right to work on her right knee which she landed awkwardly on. Aria then got Hija in position and hit the Last Embrace.. the Asai Moonsault over the injured knee of Hija de un Gran Avispa! She then locked in a leg lock and caused Hija to tap immediately! Winner: Aria Murphy via Leg Lock Submission Match Time: 5:16 Match Rating: *** ![]() Segment Mattock was backstage when Donny Layne came up and interviewed him. Mattock stated the he was, indeed, the biological brother of Derecho even though his name was Jared Thatcher. He could go into all of the details, but he said he wouldn’t because he believed that he was here for one reason only.. to step out of his brother’s shadow and prove to everyone tonight in the 8 man tag why the elite in society are greater than the sum of the devolved masses. ![]() Match #2 Sanchez Cano vs “Picture Perfect” Jack Dawn Match Summary: Jack Dawn was a member of the jOlt training camp who had been given an opportunity here tonight to prove himself. However, Cano took control of this match right from the start. Cano was relentless in his attack as he backed Dawn into a corner and just pounded away with heavy rights. The referee got in and told Cano to break it up, but he whipped Dawn out of the corner instead. Dawn made Cano eat a back elbow, but Cano responded with a super kick. Cano picked up Dawn and spiked him with a DDT on the canvas. He then went up top and nailed the Sadistic Spike double stomp, but he didn’t make the cover. Cano went up top and nailed a second Sadistic Spike. Cano grinned and then went up top again! He nailed a third Sadistic Spike and then finally made the cover and got the three Winner: Sanchez Cano via Sadistic Spike Match Time: 4:01 Match Rating: * Post Match: Cano grabbed the house mic and brought it to his lips. “And so it continues” Cano then dropped the mic and exited to the back. ![]() Match 3 Graham Youngblood vs Dallas Griffin Match Summary: On iNtense, we saw the disintegration of the Ring Rats as Dallas Griffin turned his back on Graham Youngblood siding with The Jury and the Relentless Champion, Jonathan Conspiracy. Griffin looked to start things off here, but as he circled Youngblood, Khadafi, Quo, and JCON came out from the back and surrounded the ring. Youngblood looked around and then distraction led to Griffin drilling Youngblood with a clothesline! He pulled Graham up, but Graham broke free and looked to take control the match with some offensive maneuvers. After getting Griffin against the ropes, Graham charged in, but Griffin sent him to the outside where Khadafi, Quo, and JCON all gathered around him. The referee warned the three of them and Graham was able to get back into the ring where he was grounded immediately by Griffin. Griffin retook control but Youngblood reversed a clothesline into a fireman’s carry.. looking for Poetic Justice, but Quo jumped up and distracted the referee. JCON slid in and slammed the Relentless Title into Graham’s face! JCON slid out as Griffin fell on top of Youngblood. The referee turned around and counted three. Winner: Dallas Griffin via pinfall Match Time: 9:18 Match Rating **1/4 ![]() MAIN EVENT Mattock/Anson LaRue/Waymoth Turnbull/Colby Korver vs Brone Haggard/Jason Fosters/Eiji Kugasari/Craig Thomas Match Summary: Whether you love or hate them, the teams were decided based upon who faced who on iNtense and Warriors. LaRue and Haggard started off… the two powerhouses of the team. They battled back and forth each displaying their dominance. LaRue got the upper hand and drilled Haggard with a big boot. He then brought Haggard to his feet and tagged in the Jamaican Waymoth Turnbull. Turnbull hit a few shoulder blocks in the corner and whipped Haggard to the ropes. Fosters made the blind tag and drilled Turnbull with a clothesline from behind. Haggard rolled out of the ring as Fosters began to dominate him with big rights. Turnbull made a comeback and the two spilled out of the ring and began to brawl at ringside. Fosters rolled Turnbull back in where Korver reached over and tagged himself in. Korver then ran along the ring apron and hit a flying cross body onto Fosters that took him down. Korver rolled into the ring and celebrated but was blindsided by Craig Thomas! This prompted Mattock to come into the ring and nail Direct Damage, a corkscrew spear on Thomas! Kugasari took to the top rope and nailed a slingshot knee strike to the side of Mattock’s head! Turnbull entered the ring and grabbed Eiji and nailed him with a massive spine buster! Haggard came in and hit a knee to the face of Turnbull… he got behind Turnbull and hit Cataclysm.. a back drop driver. He then pulled Korver up to his feet and nailed another Cataclysm to him as well. Haggard called out to Fosters who rolled back into the ring. Fosters made the cover and got the three on Korver. Fosters and Haggard fist bumped in the middle of the ring and then Haggard snuck a Cataclysm in on Fosters! Haggard grinned and said “This initiative is every man for himself. Now you know that” Winner: Brone Haggard/Jason Fosters/Eiji Kugasari/Craig Thomas Match Time: 22:18 Match Rating: **** ![]() |